[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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I agree on the reasoning, it wouldn't be a loss if he is a mislynch - though I would rather avoid mislynching if possible.

His performance has been less than desireable.

On another note, when thinking about the notion that the scum team may be AFK (I don't remember who mentioned that)
Here's the main issue I have with this thought;

Why would Flower take such a huge risk to put a bullseye on Indigo during the minigame if she was struggling with inactives?
It doesn't seem to add up; you could argue it was done for Townie points, but as far as I remember they tried to pivot last second? I don't want to speak too confidently on that as I don't remember.

But regardless, even taking into consideration that Flower thought it unlikely she'd perish come morning, they had effectively made a double suicide play. This would - and frankly is - a disaster for the scum team, but I find it even more hard to believe an AFK team would make such a huge gamble
agree, but afk scum town have cost town to loose, so imo not in mood for low poster and red night has afk as scum more then once. he was also off topic which looked worse imo.

I don't know what went through scum team reasoning, to loose there janitor/team member. for why she shot him lol. Have to wait till end game to ask her what the happen to make her do that. Because that was just lolol then she died right after....:ihaha:

though rip, flower :catsweat: (still salty she was not town, but towny in my heart!)


Arbiter of Truth
Those would currently be Naomi and mango if you are talking about teh ones voting Red Night
I don't know if I would say that saving Fuji is the goal here, but rather, I am just not seeing what Orca is allegedly seeing.

To me it seems like a reach, and grasping at straws.

Either way, is there any other reasons than your bloodline that you have Orca as town?
Alright, time to dig into these posts. Let's see what Indigo been cooking. Taking quick glance most of his posts were honestly uninformative or uncontributive, he was lowkey under the radar most of the time and decided to hop into polar bear wagon when the oppurtunity presented itself. I find it funny because I remember he and Flower kinda voted at the same time or very close in timeline when they hopped into that wagon. Funny how the world works, turn out they were both filthy scum.

But never the less, let's just scrap through his posts and see if we can find anything useful. Gonna be kinda messy so hang tight.

ISO'ing his early posts, they were mostly fluff, he expressed the desire of not wanting to do anything, and that he is lazy and wanted to sheep flower. Nothing striking at first.

i mean that's not really a convincing argument
who said i'm trying to give a convincing argument?
Okay, early on the game, he interacted with charlie and looking back at this response, it kinda seems kinda on the defensive side, like annoyed at charlie kinda or atleast the vibes I get. Which in my humble opinion kinda reduce charlie/indigo partnership.

Okay, resorting to uploading screenshot from the game instead of grabbing each quote to make my life a bit easier. But this is follow up of the interaction above.

Follow up to Charlie interaction and he questions both Ultra and Fuji of why they scum read him, can't really tell much from this interaction with Ultra and Fuji per say. I feel like personally when it comes to Charlie, based on the interaction and how annoyed indigo was, it seem, I don't believe it was a scum v scum interaction between charlie and indigo atleast.

i'm ignoring Alexis' and Mango's posts, bunch of books
express no interest in interacting with alexis or mango.

He gives a scum lean to Yoho, make it of what you will.

As we dig deeper into Indigo I find it hard to find any relevant information to extract but he does give us something atleast.

I'm not reading both SK's and Luka's giant posts

prob both town
got nothing for you in suspects

just town reads on Luka and SK
@Luka @SoulKiller you‘re probably both Town. Please don’t fight.
These are his only reads he was willing to give in the game, and I find it funny because I know I am townie, and I believe he is basically giving off TMI here which makes Luka standing looks better tbh. What I find amusing is when I was looking at this and flowers reads she kinda give off the same sentiment. Both of them did not seem interested to figure out either me or Luka slot because they already have TMI and that's as far as their similaty in regards of reads ends, both flower and indigio have both of us in townie list.

Going through his posts some more, more interaction with charlie and it really kinda strongen my stance that him and charlie are not in the same scum team. Indigio seems aggitated whenever he interacts with charlie.

Besides this, nothing really strikes me from his posts, most of them are fluff and the main standing I can get from this ISO is that Luka and Charlie do not seem associated with Indigo here. Although I would say charlie case is stronger of him not associating with Indigio. Luka case seems to me more of a TMI.

Now to take a look at Flower's posts.​


Arbiter of Truth
agree, but afk scum town have cost town to loose, so imo not in mood for low poster and red night has afk as scum more then once. he was also off topic which looked worse imo.

I don't know what went through scum team reasoning, to loose there janitor/team member. for why she shot him lol. Have to wait till end game to ask her what the happen to make her do that. Because that was just lolol then she died right after....:ihaha:

though rip, flower :catsweat: (still salty she was not town, but towny in my heart!)
Well yeah, but I'm just trying to theorize what we're working with.

My time is nigh, so I have to put in some effort now before I shall bear silence forevermore.

I guess the logic I used could be turned on its head and also make somewhat reasonable sense;
The reason they did this "All In" gamble was exactly because she was struggling with AFK mates, and she needed something really drastic to get a head start.

Though we can agree that Indigo was a very peculiar choice for the sacrificial lamb role in their stage play; From my memory Indigo posted a picture where he implied he was willing to bite the bullet.

The only thing I can think of is that what their desired outcome was to psyche out the players into thinking that because Indigo is so willing to get shot, and Flower is pushing for his shot that people would think that it may be the wrong choice. In other words, using reverse psychology making Indigo so available that it is no longer desireable.

Unfortunately this backfired tremendously, but players like Yoho who had a complete disregard for any accountability for his shot allegedly just RNGd SoulKiler.
Which probably in hindsight makes him less likely to be in kahoots with Flower, though it is hard to write off the possibility entirely. But all in all, it is more likely Yoho would've tagged along with the fake Indigo push if he was with Flower.

I should probably read the mini-game phase to see if there is anyone else from that pool that has potential equity with Flower/ Indigo.
Though, just the fact there were 2 mafia in that pool at all could imply that all the rest were in fact just town.
We don't really know the nature of the minigame though, if it was a mafia/Indie or town ability.

If it was mafia, it is possible that they had more than 2 in there in order to increase their odds. Though thinking about it, we are thinking the mafia team consist of 4 players, and 8 players were chosen for the minigame..
If half the players of the minigame were Scum then first of all we have a clear PoE to work from, and 2nd of all would give scum an unfair advantage in winning it, as they have a 1/2 chance to get their kill off.
1/4 chance is still pretty good, and I would say more reasonable

So for that reason, I do actually believe that the remaining mini-game players are MOST LIKELY town:

Flower, Charlie, Polar Bear, SoulKiller, Ultra, Yoho, Indigo, MangoSenpai

That should in my eyes clear @Charlie @Polar Bear @SoulKiller @Ultra and @Yoho

This already pretty much aligns with my thoughts prior, minus Yoho being null.
I had a whiff of her skooma when the game started, notice how she from the very getgo set the stage for having an excuse for absence?

That was kind of the first indication that she may be on that deceit flavored juice.

Few songs get me more hype than this;

I love two steps from hell, used to be my jam!!! good shit! I actually listened to it for a bit hahaha


Arbiter of Truth
I love two steps from hell, used to be my jam!!! good shit! I actually listened to it for a bit hahaha
I used to listen to this when I was reading ToG, bruh I was mass producing white tadpoles, got me leaning so far off the chair I was on the verge of toppling over in sheer unadulterated excitement
Either way, is there any other reasons than your bloodline that you have Orca as town?
Not that you are using it like poyser, ultra, etc. But the more people post shit like this the more and more tilted and checked out I get. Did I use that term correct, I'm not a youngin' like you all are lol.

I've never seen Orca come at ultra as scum. So unless both are scum, which i don't believe so bc that would mean 3 scum were trying hard to lynch me d1.

So if ultra is town, Orca for me would be town as well.

Independently of that, Orca has not done his whole "someone catch me up" "pocket me" or "latch on shtick" that he does as scum

Independent of that even, he has been caught up for the most part and not playing behind

All lead to a town read.
I used to listen to this when I was reading ToG, bruh I was mass producing white tadpoles, got me leaning so far off the chair I was on the verge of toppling over in sheer unadulterated excitement
Hahaha, i am excited for the upcoming sunday for the new ToG chapter to drop, it's peaking right now I am telling you!!

Trying to find another music jam before I start the flower ISO, girl sure has alot of posts lol.
Wouldn't be the craziest reason Indigo crashed as scum lol
I wish I would have pushed Indigo for this reason and lynched him lmao
I don’t really buy it that you never saw anyone quoting from previous games‘ scum chats and now that Polar‘s concerned it‘s suddenly an issue to you. I think you want to support him by acting like this, not that you actually have an issue with quoting/screenshotting from previous scum chats.
First person to really hate my thoughts, would Fuji do the exact same as scum?

Oh you should buy it, if I was the host in any of those games I'd modkill them on the spot. Referencing it is fine, posting the PMs or screenshots is out of bounds
The bots have united in insanity


When were you under the impression this game is..
@The Orca Yo Tan Wa just answered me. Here is what he said:

Yes he would modkill someone if they revealed their actual flavor that way, though it slipped his mind last day phase and didnt think of it so he might not have even if she revealed her actual flavor.
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