Retcon- Write up
Someone tried to kill ???
There was a mistake in the night write up. I'm sorry for that.
@Ultra [Ladybug] is dead
My bad luck is biblical, I am not even trying to kill people and someone dies!
[Ticket Lost] - You lost your ticket while bumping into Yuichi Kimura, as such you're only allowed to travel in Bullet train until the next stop. But you continue to board the Train.My bad luck is biblical, I am not even trying to kill people and someone dies!
You will appear Town to invest only during the first night. After that all Invests on you will give Guilty/Diesel result.
[Shit man do you have a backup. You gotta be prepared]- You stole the only Anti dote Hornet had and used it on yourself, saving you from multiple Boomslang bites later on. As such, you are immune to poison this game.
[Bad luck that inevitably helps you] Your one shot abilities will fail to register to Host in case it is going to fail, saving your one shot for the next night.
[Briefcase-] You carry a briefcase with yourself. Keep it identity hidden and share it with your confident only.
If you're about to be killed, you may chose to trade the Briefcase for your life, or you may chose to die and safe custody the breifcase in a player you trust upon your death.
[Bad luck on acid]- Each night, one ability(at random) won't be available to you.
Active Abilities
[Take the Gun! No. Every conflict is opportunity for peace.]
On the advice of your therapist you are avoiding violence and as such, you avoid carrying guns. You would rather carry firecrackers.
You may visit a player at night and distract the first player visiting them using Firecrackers. You may role block them. 2 shots.
[Lady bug]- Lady Bug is considered very lucky in Japan. You hold all the bad luck so others can live in peace. During the night you may attract all kills upon yourself and fail them. But this ability won't work on stopping or redirecting the Super Kills. 1 shot
[Sleeping Powder]- You may visit a player and give them sleep for a cycle. Your target will be role blocked at night. 2 shot.
[Dosage Issue]- If the situation is dire and more than 8 Town have been killed, you may misjudge/increase the dosage of Sleeping Powder and end up giving your target an heart attack. It'll be a Super Kill. 1 shot.
[Karma is a bitch] - Redirect back any action targeted at you during the night. 1 shot
Primary Wincon- Eliminate all threats to Town