[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Day 4 has Ended!

Day 4, records.
Bullet train when left the Night 3 station, it was expected to be a short journey to Day 4 End. The Host assumed it'd end in 24 hours,

but it continued to completion.
Arguments after arguments,
some heated clashes,
the sus fingers were pointed
at everyone.

In the end, Town decided it'd Ekko that'd deboard the Bullet train at next station.

@Emil [Carver] has been lynched.

Night 4 Starts now

You guys have 11 hours to submit night actions. Let me know if you'd require it to be extended in role pm, before the time (11 hours) are up.​
Because he called you bad?
Cheater, bad, shit, terrible, trash, plus he only pushed town and indy, never tried to solve past what we already had and in general acted like an ass.

On top of everything else of course.

But there comes a time when I've had enough of the bull shit and just don't care anymore. What's this like 5 games in a row if bull shit

Him and his lackeys have done this for far too long. It's time I pushed back.

Again though, lots of game related reasons as well. I just wasn't gonna waiver when he started with that shit
Announcement for all the Passengers boarding the Bullet Train.
Look at that, Emil was town who would’ve guessed. It is entirely my fault that I let others dictate who to lynch and didnt fight it too much, they should’ve listened to me but didnt. Too blinded by their tunnel or something, Soulkillers ability is a chat it seems, it apparently doesnt allow Flavor claiming as well. He claims to be a two shot watcher, 1 shot roleblocker and his neighbor chat allows him to get the Flavor of whoever he is with at the end of the night, which is why he didnt want to use it. He also said he didnt use it on Ekko because he was his number 1 scum read and he wanted to use it on someone else in the POE.

I have posted my reads list before and here it is:

Never Lynch
Pot Goblin

Town Lean
Polar Bear


The Orca

The order should be from bottom to top.

You guys dismissed my thoughts multiple times and its truly pissed me off.

Anyways please follow the list above and god speed.

Naomi would be the highest one in the POE before entering never lynch territory. Again, LISTEN TO MY READS AND DONT THINK YOURS ARE BETTER. CONSIDER THEM.

Night 4 End. Day 5 Start
Night 4 has Ended!

Someone tried to kill ???

@Luka [Tangerine] is dead

[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?] You don't fear even the world's most dangerous criminal overlord. You've no issue badmouthing or telling WhiteDeath off on his face. Any one that try to push you in game thread, you must push them back. a sus for sus. Vote for Vote. Failing this restriction, you will lose your Passives and the vote next day phase.

[Are you following me? Stop! ] You are tracking immune. Player that try to track you will get results you visited no one at night.

[Tell Tangerine he's a Gordon] - You are the strongest but doesn't always listen to others. You are control immune.

[Never hurts the Innocent] - Host will role a dice, based on the number that comes a night phase will be selected. Your actions during that night, if targeted at Town, will fail. You won't be told which night it is/was.

[Adaptable Badass]- Secret

[Active- Sword]- At night you may target a player and inflict a life threatening wound to them. They'll be role crushed for the cycle. 1 shot.

[[Active- I still need a fall guy]- You may avoid actions on you and redirect it to a player of your choice. {2 shots}

[Active - Kleptomaniac] - At night, target a alive and a dead player. You have 50% chances of copying either the same ability the player you're targeting is using at night or a copy of one shot ability at random from the dead player. 1 shot

[[Active-Hired Kidnapper] Kidnap a player at night and jail them. Under your watch, they will be unable to process any night actions. 2 shots

[Active - I call it Vera ] - Your twin brother Lemon had a handgun Lucile which were stolen by Ladybug, disarmed and then hidden somewhere. Upon Lemon death, the gun will appear to you.
Target a player who had voted you in past with the gun and downgrade their Defensive Passives one level for one night. [2-shots]
Or, You may instead of 2 shots, use the handgun Lucile to Super Kill a player once.

Wincon- Eliminate all the threats to Town.​
@The Orca [
Momonga- Amnesiac]
[Ladybug] is dead​

Momonga- Amnesiac
Dressed as Momonga- You have hidden yourself among the Town. You'll appear Innocent to Investigations until you chose a role.

Cute Happy Cat- No one really knows who's inside the costume. It could be anyone. A Town. An Indie. A Yakuza. You won't die (at night) before your allignment is clear.

Take off the Costume- At any point in the game, you may take off your costume and remember the role of any dead player. Your new role will replace this role.

My bad luck is biblical, I am not even trying to kill people and someone dies!
[Ticket Lost] - You lost your ticket while bumping into Yuichi Kimura, as such you're only allowed to travel in Bullet train until the next stop. But you continue to board the Train.
You will appear Town to invest only during the first night. After that all Invests on you will give Guilty/Diesel result.

[Shit man do you have a backup. You gotta be prepared]- You stole the only Anti dote Hornet had and used it on yourself, saving you from multiple Boomslang bites later on. As such, you are immune to poison this game.

[Bad luck that inevitably helps you] Your one shot abilities will fail to register to Host in case it is going to fail, saving your one shot for the next night.

[Briefcase-] -

[Bad luck on acid]- Each night, one ability(at random) won't be available to you.

Active Abilities

[Take the Gun! No. Every conflict is opportunity for peace.]
On the advice of your therapist you are avoiding violence and as such, you avoid carrying guns. You would rather carry firecrackers.
You may visit a player at night and distract the first player visiting them using Firecrackers. You may role block them. 2 shots.

[Lady bug]- Lady Bug is considered very lucky in Japan. You hold all the bad luck so others can live in peace. During the night you may attract all kills upon yourself and fail them. But this ability won't work on stopping or redirecting the Super Kills. 1 shot

[Sleeping Powder]- You may visit a player and give them sleep for a cycle. Your target will be role blocked at night. 2 shot.
[Dosage Issue]- If the situation is dire and more than 8 Town have been killed, you may misjudge/increase the dosage of Sleeping Powder and end up giving your target an heart attack. It'll be a Super Kill. 1 shot.

[Karma is a bitch] - Redirect back any action targeted at you during the night. 1 shot

Primary Wincon- Eliminate all threats to
Day 5 Starts Now
You guys have 24 hours to decide on the Lynch.
Day 5 Vote Lock
???? was activated.
The lynch must be decided within these players..
Always Mind, Fujishiro, Soul Killer, Polar Bear, Charlie
@Alwaysmind @Pot Goblin @Naomi @Fujishiro @Polar Bear @The Orca [USER=13222]@Charlie @Kiku @Luka @SoulKiller


When were you under the impression this game is..
We can try lynching outside those and see if it works, if not we arent lynching AM, Polar, so its between SK and Charlie.


When were you under the impression this game is..
you been lynching town non stop

and now call me retard.

I said Emil was town and didnt want to lynch him, fuck outta here calling me scum holy shit. Did you not listen to what Emil told you??? If you are town then I am your greatest ally, stop being so obtuse.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I am sorry i called you retarded but good god man, Im pissed to all hell nobody listened to me when I told them Ekko was town for two fucking days straight and then you have the gal to call me scum.
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