[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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D6, VC2
up to post #6,762


Polar Bear: 5
Soulkiller: 2


Alwaysmind: SoulKiller
Naomi: SoulKiller > Polar Bear
Kiku: Polar Bear
Polar Bear: SoulKiller
SoulKIller: Polar Bear
Pot Goblin: Polar Bear
Nekomata: Polar Bear


QUOTES (new ones)


@Yo Tan Wa @Alwaysmind @Pot Goblin @Naomi @Polar Bear @Kiku @SoulKiller @Nekomata

I could've missed some unvotes, maybe something else. If there's anything off, let me know and i'll update this.
Final Votes- Day 6
D6, VC2
up to post #6,762


Polar Bear: 5
Soulkiller: 2


Alwaysmind: SoulKiller
Naomi: SoulKiller > Polar Bear
Kiku: Polar Bear
Polar Bear: SoulKiller
SoulKIller: Polar Bear
Pot Goblin: Polar Bear
Nekomata: Polar Bear


QUOTES (new ones)


@Yo Tan Wa @Alwaysmind @Pot Goblin @Naomi @Polar Bear @Kiku @SoulKiller @Nekomata

I could've missed some unvotes, maybe something else. If there's anything off, let me know and i'll update this.
Polar is getting lynched.​
Day 6 End. Night 6 Start
Day 6 has Ended!

Day 6, records.
Day 6 observed a slow & long night phase in the Bullet Train.
It seems a Miller claim, Vest and an Invest were too much for Town to trust End game, and Polar was voted out.
@Polar Bear [Lemon] has been lynched.

"Hey, you watch something nowadays, what is it, huh? Nothing. It's twists, violence, drama, no message. What's the point? What are we supposed to learn? Everything I learned about people, I learned from Thomas."
[You are bleeding] - Having killed many people, the blood have left strains on you. As such, you'll look guilty to invests, and tracker may have 50% chances of wrongly tracking you to murdered players.

[Thomas- take responsibility mate]- You must compulsory vote and if you end up voting/lynching Town, you won't be able to Invest at night. Your ability's chance of working will only be 50%.

[Talk about train always but can't drive a train]- You won't be able to start a wagon on a player. Your vote will only count if it's not the first vote on the player.

[But for Me, It Was Tuesday]- You often forget things, as such you might claim only previous night results in the game. Older results are unclaimable.

[Life Saving Vest]- It helped you survive a gun shot from The Prince. With the Vest, you're immune to first kill shot on you in the game.

[I Call It "Vera"-] You've a handgun which you call Lucile but it's stolen by Ladybug who has disarmed it and hidden it somewhere. It may appear in the game at some point.

Active Abilities

[Everything i have learnt is from Thomas the Tank Engine]- At night you may visit a player and know which type of train they are. Diesel are the trouble, beware of them. (3 shots)

[Plant the diesel tag]- Even though you forget previous actions/results. One night you may plant a diesel tag to safeguard your night action+ result on a will. It'll appear upon your death.

[Conditional Active-Tragic Keepsake]- Tangerine loves you dearly and give you his neckpiece on finding you down on the ground. Twist of the fate, only he ends up dying and you came back to life with the Vest.
Likewise, upon Tangerine Death you may copy a one shot ability from his role. If his role happens to be Janitored, an ability at random will be copied from his role.

[Active- We gonna play a game]
[Question is who's Diesel and who is Duck]
- During the day, you may select two players of your choice, and at the start of the following night, you and your targets will have three rounds of [R/P/S]. If you win both, you get to learn if they both share the same alignment. If you win only one match, then you'll learn the alignment of the player's whose match you won. If you lose both then they will learn your identity. 1 shot

[Beware the silly ones]- You're a professional hitman with an impeccable killing streak and a Living Lie Detector. You may lie detect a claimed action post at night but you'll learn the result of lie detect only after a cycle i.e end of next night. (1 shot)

Wincon- Eliminate all threats to Town
Night 6 Starts now
Submit night actions at earliest. I may start the day early.​
Day 6 has Ended!

Day 6, records.
Day 6 observed a slow & long night phase in the Bullet Train.
It seems a Miller claim, Vest and an Invest were too much for Town to trust End game, and Polar was voted out.
@Polar Bear [Lemon] has been lynched.
Night 6 Starts now
Submit night actions at earliest. I may start the day early.​
Thanks for the game @Yo Tan Wa
Prince and Hired Hitman-W
Right on Schedule

@SoulKiller [The Prince] and @Kiku [The Hired Hitman] have completed their wincon of eliminating 2 of their targets with personal participation.

@SoulKiller role were​

The Prince
Ladybug: The narcissism of this chick. Untreatable.

[Born Lucky]- You'll always avoid the strongest action Targeted at you every cycle including a Kill. You may also survive the first Super kill on you as long as- secrets.

[Innocent School Girl] - Who'd believe this young School girl is the Prince. Invest result on you will scan Town on you.
But your cover is not hard to see through for Lemon and The Elder. The 2nd Invest on you will scan guilty.

[I'm more like you than him!!
I am the White Death] -

Upon WhiteDeath unexpected death, you will step up and become the new White Death and form the Mafia as the new Godfather.

[Phone Call] You've hired a hitman to help carry out your ambitions. You may communicate with them once every phase via the Host. They support your wincon. You may co-ordinate targets to eliminate together and twice, on even nights they'll perform the kill for you.

Active Abilities

[Day Abilities]

[If you don't hear from me every 10 minutes!]
Having Yuichi Kimura son at gunpoint by your Hitman, you may give Kimura a target to eliminate in the game. Doing that may take away your one shot Super kill immunity though. 1 shot
(Day ability)

[Mad Bomber]- Plant a bomb at any post. The player landing on the targeted post will lose one of their one shots. 2 shots

[Active - Manipulate] - The Prince is a masterclass manipulator, capable of manipulating those around her to do her bidding. During the day, target a player to send a message to them. The message must be manipulative in nature. The target can send a message back. If they choose to then a neighbor chat will open between the two of you at the end of the day phase. It will last for one cycle. The more you manipulate the player to vote or perform an action on someone, the more you will learn about their role.

Order of information you will learn through manipulation: character > one ability > full role.

If they end up shooting someone as per your manipulation, you may control their role for 1 cycle.

[Jinx it]- Prince is quite talented at jinxing guns and bombs. You may drop Jinx items at 8 randoms posts to select players for a mini game at night. Once the players are selected they'd informed about the mini game through a wu. You may chose the following games to commence at night phase.
A. Each player will be distributed with guns and be told they have to tag the host with a target name if they want to use it. 5 guns amongst them would be dud. 2 guns will have 50-50% chance of firing straight or firing back. Only your gun will 100% shoot at target but you may only shoot once 3 players have already tried.
Everytime a gun is fired, dud, failed or success it'll be announced in the thread. Game ends once a person have been killed.
You will learn the flavour name of the Survivor and may copy one shot ability of the dead.

B. Each of the 8 players will be provided with guns. They'd be asked to give target names.
The guns aside from yours will have 50-50% chance of firing straight or back. The process will continue until only one player remains. The winner will 1 Passive Kill Immunity Vest prize.

If you're not the winner you may challenge the Winner to an RPS Match. If you win you'll win 1 Lynch Immunity Prize and if you lose, you will learn the flavour name of the Winner role.

[Night Abilities]

[Electrocute]- May target a player to paralyse them. Their ability will fail if you target them at night. If you target them during the day, chances of ability paralysing(role-block) them will be 50%. (2 shots)

[Jail Kimura. Hide Lemon]- 1 shot
You may either Jail a player at night. They will be unable to process any night actions.
You may Janitor one random Kill at night and absorb one ability from the dead.

[Mess the Gun]- The White Death loves to kill people with their own weapons, and Prince had a gun prepared to take out players through their own actions. During the night you may reverse the actions of your targeted player.
A protect will become a kill, & a kill will become a protect. It'll fail on other actions (2 shots)
Upon becoming WhiteDeath, you will gain another one shot ability.

[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]- Using fake school girl tears, you may easily frame a player at night. The Targeted player will appear guilty in invests/tracking. 2 shots.

Primary Wincon-
It's my story- Eliminate White Death, Lemon and The Father.
I'd consider you victor if you eliminate two of these three yourself (directly/indirectly). Killing or lynching as long your participation is present.
Secondary Wincon- Upon White Death unexpected death(not caused by you), your second wincon would be to Eliminate all enemies to your Yakuza Mafia.
@Kiku role were​

The Hired Hitman
[Watcher]- Each night you may visit a player and keep watch on them. At the start of the game you may chose if you want a watching or tracking ability. Only one will be allowed once chosen. Or you may chose it odd even cycle.

[In Constant Communication] - You were hired by Prince and recieved instructions through calls/text from Prince. In this game you share the Prince wincon, and may co-ordinate with them through the Host. Please type the message to be sent in bold with a tag, you may send them one message each phase.
Twice, on even nights you'll perform the kill for the Prince.

Invest- You may invest a player at night, and learn their ability name. 1 shot

You win with The Prince.
Upon Prince death, your new wincon will be to win with Town.

They both woul'd be leaving the game now.​
Right on Schedule

@SoulKiller [The Prince] and @Kiku [The Hired Hitman] have completed their wincon of eliminating 2 of their targets with personal participation.

@SoulKiller role were​
@Kiku role were​
They both woul'd be leaving the game now.​

Now I can finally rest under the sunset, it was a rough ride, not gonna lie. But we made it partner @Kiku

Thank you for the game Yo Tan, was fun game and good luck to all parties involved.
Bullet Train-Final Stop
Game has Ended!!
Night 6 records,
it wasssssssssssss a long night.
Especially in the dead chat with players waiting for the night to be over. Now Imagine how anxious the alive players must be.

Well let's get to it. .....

Someone tried to kill ???
but it failed.
@Pot Goblin [The Wolf] have completed their wincon of completing 4 Mercenary actions and won the game.

With Pot gone, and
Whitedeath immunity to first 3 votes on them (2 remaining)....It's not possible for Town to be able to lynch them. Both WhiteDeath and Alwaysmind have 2 Vote Power.

Alwaysmind+Neko vote counts to 3. Two of these 3 votes won't count against Naomi, making it Naomi 2 votes vs 1 Town vote.

Regardless of whom Naomi Lynches, Town will be unable to kill them at night.
Hence, to save players the extra efforts and unnecessary stress, i am cutting the game a day phase short.

With that the game comes to an end.

@Naomi [WhiteDeath] has completed her wincon as Yakuza/Mafia and hence, Naomi, @Flower and @Indigo have won the game.

1. Crowned Witch
2. Soul Killer
3. Kiku
4. Pot Goblin
5. Naomi
6. Flower
7. Indigo

Given skooms efforts this game...
it's a much deserving victory.

Town also had good town clears and direction, but ended up listening to scums and mislynching in row.

Vote for them in your role pms.
@Alwaysmind @Pot Goblin @Naomi @Fujishiro @Polar Bear @Nekomata @Kiku @SoulKiller
@Ultra @Emil @Crowned Witch @Red Night @Yoho @Alexis2282AE @Dr. Watson @Flower @Indigo @The Orca @Polar Bear @Luka

I won't lie, there were moments in the game, i started thinking that perhaps the game wasn't balanced properly. It appeared to be going considerably in Town favour.

Two early scum cross fires.
My Amnesiac waiting to remember a strong Town role, my Poisoner having to leave early and mostly Town benefiting from the Wolf, didn't help :willight:
But fortunately, it ended up just right and a close fight to the very end. Credits to Players's outstanding efforts.

Thankyou guys, for your efforts, & for playing my game.
I wish you guys had fun, and plenty of fun moments to remember this game with.
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