Powers & Abilities Can we talk about how Katakuri is 48 years old and can't use AdCoC?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
No they don't.
Oda said wbs peak was late 30s
Roger at god valley was late 30s
Shanks now is late 30s
Oden in his prime was 39
Oda said Whitebeard peaked in his mid 60s, what are you talking about? Oda also said Big Mom and Kaido are in their primes and they are in their late 50s/late 60s.

And peak =/= prime. Peak just means you are the strongest you’ve ever been, prime means the strongest you ever were in life.

And OP characters hit their primes later in life, this is a fact. Unless they stop training or get sick.
That's basically the emobidment of plot induced whatever though. He's one tiny info drop away from being able to do so. If BM would not be the way she is, she would have told him that CoC coating is possible and she would therefore have an additional top tier next to her side/in her crew.
Imagine CoC infused Power mochi gatlings and stuff, Katakuri would clown whole Yonkou crews.

But that's not the way Oda wanted it.. It is what it is


World's Strongest Swordsman
Oda said Whitebeard peaked in his mid 60s, what are you talking about? Oda also said Big Mom and Kaido are in their primes and they are in their late 50s/late 60s.

And peak =/= prime. Peak just means you are the strongest you’ve ever been, prime means the strongest you ever were in life.

And OP characters hit their primes later in life, this is a fact. Unless they stop training or get sick.
No he didnt he said 36ish
And no it isn't. Peak prime is irrelevant.
Most op characters are at their strongest in their late 30s.
mihawk is from the same generation and he didn't use CoC coating either...
He doesn't even have CoC confirmed
and by his expression in mf when he saw luffy using it makes you think that he doesn't have it

Moreover, his kokuto didn't help him not to be forced to run away by Vista...
mihawk is from the same generation and he didn't use CoC coating either...
He doesn't even have CoC confirmed
and by his expression in mf when he saw luffy using it makes you think that he doesn't have it

Moreover, his kokuto didn't help him not to be forced to run away by Vista...
difference is we seen katakuri go all out wheras we haven't even see a fraction of Mihawk's true power