Probably nowhere. Part 1 was going random places up until it suddenly decided to move the main plot points:
- gun devil
- makima finally revealing her evil side
Part 2 is pretty much similar. Random chapters with occasional plot progression:
- the remaining 4 horse-girls, death didn't show up yet
- nostradamus end of world peak, a battle to prevent it
Although there might be a part 3 in hell and human world is disposable as it can be easily recreated with earth devil, civilization devil and human offspring devil. Every concept potrayed as some kind of evil entity controlling it, no wonder this manga is all over the place.
There are two Denjis!! There's no other explanation for this! He was too fond of staying under that butt and didn't flinch. The Denji in the stairway is the fake chainsaw man, or the other half. We must have been following two Denjis this entire time.
Right?! I don't know what to say about that last scene. Something's really fishy here. I know the fakesaw man is cooperating with Fami. Weren't they both supporting the church?
More likely running super fast after rereading. When sword guy was walking away, you can see a quick "zip!!!" effect and image in the corner of the panel there, and in the panel where he is walking down the stairs.
Seems like Denji just ran super fast to cut him off.
I can get behind 2 Denjis. Found it strange that Denji would talk about being a tool when clearly his motive is women. Denji always blurts out what he wants no matter how weird, vulgar or who's watching but this time he acts like it's something else?
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