Chapter 1079 - The Emperor Red-Haired Pirates

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
We have already seen Law doing far better than Kidd. Attacking him aside, he already clashed with BB, something that Kidd didn't manage to do with Shanks.

Sure, BB is way stronger, but Law has already done way better than Kidd .
Obviously, law has done better than kidd..

And, that's why everyone was expecting kidd to stand some ground or push shanks a bit....

The giants and RHP will give Kid free medical attention before imprisonment. Or a Blackbeard ship scoops them up and do the same. I think it's not a complete loss to Kid pirates, as Shanks was complimenting his feat genuinely if it happened. He still need to meet the guy mark by flames so this might not be his end:milaugh:

So Blackbeard might be after Luffy's fruit after awakening. Make sense why there's a ship in Egghead and Shanks thought he will show up in Wano while looking at Luffy's wanted poster. BB predicted the alliance + Shanks would be there and too difficult so he had to wait for them to split up, and have some of his forces search and tail the SHs. Would be neat if BB gets one of the VPs in Egghead to reinforce their power.

S-Snake is adorable following York like it's her mom lol
Kid fans, PRAY your boy is dead. Otherwise, he is gonna be at best the future generations version of Moria by the time Two Piece comes around and Buffy goes on the next big adventure. After this through of a humiliation the best you can hope for is that it is finally over.

Overall? Insane chapter, love it not ONLY because it wrecks two decades plus of "but how does Shanks ACTUALLY fight tho?" bullshit, but also because I genuinely think it is time Oda starts taking off the gloves when it comes to the side characters. The final arc will likely take over a decade already, and we do not have time (nor enough characters) to find match-up partners in the final war for people like Kid.

My final thoughts for the chapter? Law fans? Gonna wish you all good luck with your boy. He might get saved by Garp/kept alive for immortality surgery but gonna be honest after this demolition I think the future is looking pretty bleak for him right about now.