Chapter Discussion Chapter 403: Results

One of Halkenburg guards was inside him and distracted Bal
Theory or real ? I mean, he can also send his men into other men :quest:
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Vict was already under Halkenberg's ability. They just used him to confuse Balsamilco to get him to stay there for Halkenberg to shoot him.
Had they lost communication with Vict before ? I'm confused... I'd need to re-read the arc but each fucking chapter takes 20 to 30min to read :denzimote:
Had they lost communication with Vict before ?
Yeah. Vict was in a call with Benjamin and Balls when he got Halkenberged. He tried to block the arrow with a nen shield. But got hit.
But he did warn Benjamin that Halkenberg has a cool bow.

I'd need to re-read the arc but each fucking chapter takes 20 to 30min to read :denzimote:
Just check the wiki lol. Re reading is worth it. But check the wiki if you have no time.
Yeah. Vict was in a call with Benjamin and Balls when he got Halkenberged. He tried to block the arrow with a nen shield. But got hit.
But he did warn Benjamin that Halkenberg has a cool bow.

Just check the wiki lol. Re reading is worth it. But check the wiki if you have no time.
Yeah might have to do that ultimately.

But I don’t understand Vict’s behaviour. I’m as confused as Bal… I guess I would get wrecked in that succession war :josad:

This shit with Halkenburg truth birth got me thinking could Morena actually been a legitimate Prince?
Morena is scarred on the face so no, as far as we know, she can’t be legit. But legit as in what ?
This shit with Halkenburg truth birth got me thinking could Morena actually been a legitimate Prince?
Unlikely imo.

She has importance outside of that. She doesn't need it.

Also, isn't it said that the illegitimate princes get razor bladed pretty much immediately after birth or close to it? So it would be kinda hard for an illegitimate prince to be legitimate or vice versa. There would have to be an illegitimate and a legitimate prince born pretty close to each other, like within days.
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But I don’t understand Vict’s behaviour. I’m as confused as Bal… I guess I would get wrecked in that succession war :josad:
Vict is not Vict anymore. It's a Halkenberg guard in there.

He stood behind Bal to corner him and distract him with the military hand sign bullshit, for just enough time for Halk to shoot. Those 3 people in front of Bal were also team Halk. The laptop dude signaled the position of Bal to Halk and he shot Bal and became Bal.
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Just thought about it. We have barely seen any window (only the big balcony where Illumi was hanging around). Good way to speed up the war would be to shut off the electricity and light and kill people with nen users specialized in assassination. This would probably not work on princes because they have nen beasts but all their guards could vanish. Just hop on Zetsu and get invisible bro.
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I'm also curious about how Halkenburg knew about Bal. Because he couldn't be just casually waiting with his arrow loaded lmao.
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HxH intellectuals have noticed that there is a baby in the background of this page (cradle with a servant)

I was expecting a prince to have a grandchild with all the complexities of this arc. But this is good. This means that a powerful prince could be killed by threatening his child.

The page and Unma's dialogue could suggest that it's Halkenburg's child...
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Halkenberg using his ability on himself is quite risky imo.

I'm guessing they found out what happens when a body switched Halk guard kills that hostage body. They were waiting to see what would happen to the guard's body after the first hostage body shot himself infront of Luzurus's room.

Halk switching himself is dangerous because,

Either his Nen Beast goes with his soul, and so it also switches to Balsamilco's body. In that case, even though Benjamin wouldn't be able to see the nen beast, all of Benjamin's guards will be able to see the nen beast above Bal's head, and that will basically at least alert them to the fact that it is not Bal, if not out right let them know that it's Halk.

Or, his Nen beast stays with his own body, meaning the now comatose Halk body with presumably Balsamilco trapped inside it.
And Wario did say thay Halkenberg was gonna die. And FakeBal(Halk) also promised Benjamin that Halkenberg would die soon.
So Halk's guards are planning to kill his original body with Bal inside it. If Halk's nen beast is connected to his body rather than his soul, then the nen beast is gonna die with the og body. Which will leave Halk insanely vulnerable, as well as unable to use his ability any longer.

I believe that nen beasts are tied to the soul rather than the body.

In that case, there is another possibility. That Halk's nen beast hides it self completely from Banjamin's guards.
Tubeppa's beast has shown the ability to hide itself. And Woble's beast hasn't even appeared yet apart from that small instance where Kurapika felt an ominous aura near Woble for an instance.

So it's definitely possible. Halk could also go into Zetsu for a long period, thus cutting off the aura to the beast. But i don't think he would be able to achieve that long of a zetsu. It took Tserriednich some time to get to 10 seconds of zetsu. Even if Halk is the secret child of Beyond, i doubt he could master the basic principles so fast that he eclipses Tserriednich's growth rate. Maybe.
And i assume whatever Halk in Bal's body has planned, would require at least an hour or two if not way longer. The obvious action for him is to get close to Benjamin and kill him. Even if Halk in Bal gets Benjamin alone, Benny is insanely strong physically, has nen and Benjamin Baton that gives him access to multiple nen abilities, and has a monster looking nen beast too. It will be incredibly hard for Halk in Bal to kill Benny. That leads me to think that maybe he has another plan. Maybe utilizing the head of royal military master sergeant/Benjamin guard's captain position or something.

And if they do kill Halk's og body, i would guess that if Halk in Bal were to die as well, he'd just straight up die. In stead of possibly returning back to his og body. Or maybe they can kill the og body, show to Benjamin that it is indeed dead, then somehow revive the og body/keep it alive. And after Halk in Bal finishes whatever he intends to do and then kills himself, or gets caught and kills himself, he can go back to his og body and be Halkenberg again. If it's that way, that's an incredibly broken ability that Halkenberg has...

