Throughout rereading/re-watching One Piece, I came to realize that Chopper is SO well done.
  • Tony Tony Chopper: I honestly don't know where this Chopper disrespect stems from or even why I partook in it. But even in the post time skip, Choppers character is so great, and hats off to fans that truly understand his presence within the greater story of OP.
    • Magnificent Benefactor: Dr. Hiriluk is one of the best benefactor archetype of characters in One Piece. [Some honorable mentions to me include Corazon, Anime Oden, and Tom-san). He was such a kind, eccentric, and zany character, very much in fact like Luffy himself. He has that wild audacity in him that makes his relationship and role within in the story so criminally underrated. And the greater tragedy of him and One Piece is that Wapol lives on in flesh, whereas Hiriluk has passed on. I think that is truly detestable and adds to the realism that in One piece, even through those Luffy encounters, the good guys don't always win. Despite the atrocities Wapol commits, he was still given a redemption arc while retaining his status and disgusting personality. Hiriluk also offers some of the greatest thematic insights One Piece carries.
      • Quotes:
        • “When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” [INHERITED WILL]
        • "A pirate? Pirates are great men of the sea. They have a body hard like stone, the eyes of an eagle, and a voice that tears the sky asunder!" [HAKI ~ AMBITION]
    • Crew Dynamic: Chopper has one of the greatest dynamics within the Strawhats Pre and Post Timeskip. He is fun, gullible, innocent, naïve, child-like, and assumed weak yet relentlessly strong.
      • He looks up to Luffy as the strongest person he knows, no matter who he comes across.
      • Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper have that playful childlike friendship.
      • He looks at Zoro as an older brother, and Zoro in turn treats him in a special way he doesn't with literally any other characters.
      • Sanji and Chopper are good buddies. A great scene was when they wanted to keep Usopp safe from the Aqua Laguna was really wholesome.
      • Nami and Robin in general treat Usopp with care and a whole lotta love.
      • Chopper treats Franky as the coolest guy in the world (as he should)
      • Chopper respects Brook/Jinbei and learns a lot from them.
    • Role: After this Onigashima Ice-Oni virus plotline, it is certified confirmed that Chopper is THE smartest doctor in the world. In an extreme diff situation, Zoro and Luffy surpass their limits and Haki bloom, whereas Chopper in extreme circumstances performs similar with medicine and treatment. His character is an absolute must have within the crew and I don't think there would be any adequate replacements besides Law who specializes as a Surgeon.
    • Sacrifice's: Chopper is of the few characters that without hesitation abandoned their lives for the sake of Luffy. He jumped in with Brook into the sea, when Luffy fell in it and protected the Sunny and had the original nothing happened moment.
The reason why I bring this all up is because Chopper is so unique as a creature and being within One Piece yet has one of the most human roles within the story (Sanji would be another like him). I gotta give my respects and props to this little guy. Oda never missed with his character.

Tags: @bennbeckman @Jew D. Boy @Light D Lamperouge @Kuro Ashi @Seth @Don DaSlayer @Aknolagon @Luffy bin Dragon @Celestial D. Dragon @AdmiralKinyagi @Oblivion @PeperLevi @Marimo_420 @etc etc etc
yeah every strawhat is unique and lovable
Nah you say you thought chopper was trash post time skip so you can change your ways on sanji too dont run lol
Sanji was useless yet funny in Dressrosa. Fishman Island he is a liability. Punk Hazard he was fucking around. Whole Cake Island he is so wack. Maybe bc Zoro wasn’t there that’s why I didn’t give a shit about him. WCI was quite mediocre, gag Yonko, Cracker was a gag fight, Sanji was a gag character. Tbh I was rooting for Germa. It was funny when they bullied his sorry cake baking bitch ass when he was little.
Sanji was useless yet funny in Dressrosa. Fishman Island he is a liability. Punk Hazard he was fucking around. Whole Cake Island he is so wack. Maybe bc Zoro wasn’t there that’s why I didn’t give a shit about him. WCI was quite mediocre, gag Yonko, Cracker was a gag fight, Sanji was a gag character. Tbh I was rooting for Germa. It was funny when they bullied his sorry cake baking bitch ass when he was little.
Cool so when the Thread? :queenhear:
I think his naïveté reinforces his optimistic nature of seeing the best in people, even if it’s misplaced, such as with Hogback or the fake Straw Hats. And yes, I think it’s great that he’s the heart of the crew. Everyone enjoys his company, and he enjoys theirs. It helps to balance the crew dynamic, not having it feel too dysfunctional during casual times.
I agree with that, especially as the Heart of the Crew
