Chu's true power.

The state of Chu is an enormous obstacle in Qin's objective to conquer China. But just how powerful of a nation Chu truly is and how hyped should we be for it? Let's go in detail.

Chu's overall status:

Story wise, Chu has been presented as a superpower and its size is almost half of China's total landmass.

Were a war to break out, Chu is fully capable of wiping a state off the map, should they desire to. Which is why the other states have gone out of their way to avoid a full blown conflict with them.

They are truly feared and them turning their gaze on one of the other states has, in fact, the members of said state freaking out.

People speculate about just how huge their military must be.

Despite everything that has been said until now, it was said that Chu has yet to utilize the full potentials of its resources. Now, with Karin and Ri En at its helm, they are going to be stronger than ever.

They begun strenghtnening their military but their true power is a question mark even to the likes of Keisha and Riboku.
From all of that, it's clear that Chu's full might is going to be monstrous.

Chu's Generals:

This is technically included inside Chu's overall status but I'll make a specific part for them.

The caliber of Chu's Generals has also received particular praise/hype.

Yes, obviously ignore Rinbukun's extreme cocaine addiction in that Ouki mention panel lmfao, the ego of these Chu is fucking unrivalled in China. Tou made a very nice work of him lol.

We already got some showings of Chu's Generals, the last one being the Juuko Arc, where the omonimous city contained, almost presented to us out of the blue, strong mfs (as we saw) such as Man'U and Sento'Un, ex GGs of fallen states and currently Chu's Generals.

Rokuomi even speculated this :

As far as Generals go, until now we have been introduced to :
- Rinbunkun, who was depicted as superior to Rokuomi.
- Kouyoku and Hakurei are now Generals but were very impressive as far back as the Coalition Arc.
- The Juuko gang, which I already talked about.

We'll surely get introduced to many more in the future. Who knows how strong they might be but there sure are reasons to get hyped for them.

As far as GGs go, the one alive that we know of are Kouen, Renpa (who's fighting for Chu) and Karin. Each one the three is an absolute monster - Kouen has yet to be introduced on panel but the hype around him is huge. Just like for the Generals, we'll surely get introduced to more of them and I can't wait to see how good they are.

(We also knew of another GG, Kanmei, who defeated Oukotsu and was later defeated by Moubu at the Coalition War).

It's also clearly possible (I'd say certain) that there are some sleeping beasts in Chu too, such as in the case of other states.

Last but not least, our dear Shouheikun is going to fight for them too lmao. Those mfs are going to be a lv above the "stacked".

Final remarks :

This state has been set up to be a different animal. Their big scale conflict with Qin - an even more powerful Qin by then - is going to be something crazy.

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Da evil Who @TokOO @MarineHQ @Owl Ki @Great General Kanki @Jailer @Blackbeard @RayanOO @Seth @SakazOuki @Shanks
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It’s going to take all 6 of the Qin GGs to topple the Chu lol.
Renpa's vassals aside, who are already well known, I'm so interested in seeing the current commanders under Chu's GGs, given the characteristcs of the nation. We rightly talk about how impressive Genpou is, how impressive Gyou’Un is, how impressive Akou is, the Seika Generals etc.

But I think that some of these Chu vassals are going to be outrageous.
Chu's military unmatchable throughout the China whether its there normal soldiers or unit commanders or generals. SentoUn comment on general like Rokuomi's strength is the proof where he's a general in Ouki/Tou's army while in Chu's perspective, Rokuomi is around 5K commander level. Lol

While if we talk about numbers, than Karin's army for so long has 300K strong, stationed at south of Chu. Something which was unknown to even Kyouyaku and his companion who were part of Karin's unit for 3 to 4 years already while even Renpa was unaware of such thing. Than there were elites of Karin's army who were showed in Coalition war.

Than imagine how things are going to be with there best and first Great General, KouEn. And there would definitely be someone rising up after the fall of Kanmei.

But it's the immense size of the state that is what going to be a big issue here.

Make it a multiple front war to break them in multiple units at different fronts and Qin's GG like Ousen or Kanki or Tou will be making them dancing on there flute (Though in actuality it doesn't take place like that but the opposite and i know Kanki ain't going to participate there).

But fighting at only single front needs a lots of soldiers to counter or even match them which is a huge task for any state, even for the likes of Qin.
The state of Chu is an enormous obstacle in Qin's objective to conquer China. But just how powerful of a nation Chu truly is and how hyped should we be for it? Let's go in detail.

Chu's overall status :

Story wise, Chu has been presented as a superpower and its size is almost half of China's total landmass.

Were a war to break out, Chu is fully capable of wiping a state off the map, should they desire to. Which is why the other states have gone out of their way to avoid a full blown conflict with them.

They are truly feared and them turning their gaze on one of the other states has, in fact, the members of said state freaking out.

People speculates about just how huge their military must be.

Despite everything that has been said until now, it was said that Chu has yet to utilize the full potentials of his resources. Now, with Karin and Ri En at its helm, they are going to be stronger than ever.

They begun strenghtnening their military but their true power is a question even to the likes of Keisha and Riboku.
From all of that, it's clear that Chu's full might is going to be monstrous.

Chu's Generals :

This is technically included inside Chu's overall status but I'll make a specific part for them.

The caliber of Chu's Generals has also received particular praise/hype.

We already got some showings of Chu's Generals, the last one being the Juuko Arc, where the omonimous city contained, almost presented to us out of the blue, strong mfs (as we saw) such as Man'U and Sento'Un, ex GGs of fallen states and currently Chu's Generals.

Rokuomi even speculated this :

As far as Generals go, until now we have been introduced to :
- Rinbunkun, who was depicted as superior to Rokuomi.
- Kouyoku and Hakurei are now Generals but were very impressive as far back as the Coalition Arc.
- The Juuko gang, which I already talked about.

We'll surely get introduced to many more in the future. Who knows how strong they might be but there sure are reasons to get hyped for them.

As far as GGs go, the one alive that we know of are Kouen, Renpa (who's fighting for Chu) and Karin. Each one the three is an absolute monster - Kouen has yet to be introduced on panel but the hype around him is huge. Just like for the Generals, we'll surely get introduced to more of them and I can't wait to see how good they are.

(We also knew of another GG, Kanmei, who defeated Oukotsu and was later defeated by Moubu at the Coalition War).

It's also clearly possible (I'd say certain) that there are some sleeping beasts in Chu too, such as in the case of other states.

Last but not least, our dear Shouheikun is going to fight for them too lmao. Those mfs are going to be a lv above the "stacked".

Final remarks :

This state has been set up to be a different animal. Their big scale conflict with Qin - an even more powerful Qin by then - is going to be something crazy.

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Da evil Who @TokOO @MarineHQ @Owl Ki @Great General Kanki @Jailer @Blackbeard @RayanOO @Seth @SakazOuki @Shanks
Nice one to assume the strength of Chu we need to look at the current and past states feats

Zhao was able to rally 310.000 plus several ten thousands of ambush units

Qin was rally 390.000 for the Zhao campaign

Other states casually throw over 100.000 troops

And if we assume Chu has equal size and resources to 6 of them then we can add the numbers

390k+310+150k(5 states)

So Chu should be able to mobilize 1.450.000 million soldiers for a campaign

But as Qin is being held as top tier with Chu I don't think so
Both are top tiers

While 4 states are mid tier
And one is low tier

So Chu=>Qin

If we assume Qin has 500.000 total military might then chu would have 700.000

But these are estimations it can be higher or lower
chu has to be the longest arcs in kingdom cuz of many reasons beside thier's great generals
- thier huge land = it needs more time and more battles = need more campaigns = more gg from qin side .
-also south of chu i think it was mentioned being habitable for mountain tribes ass those tribes to chu huge army lol
-third reason chu is like the endgame boss and the biggest war that happen at the end of most of the works , so it has to be long big many characters many enemies etc .
-if hara done hara wrote with CW lvl of writing without asspulls it may become the best arc in the manga overall

6 gg from qin (ousen , ohon , mobu , moten ,shin ,ytw) vs (koen ,manoa , karen ,:sadgrin:,the evile shin , the guy with bow )

lol but it's too early to talk about chu

really tooooo early
taking hara's pace in writing we will not reach chu arc before 5 years from now lol maybe even it will be after 7 or 8 years from now lol ,
see you in 2028 or 2030
SentoUn comment on general like Rokuomi's strength is the proof where he's a general in Ouki/Tou's army while in Chu's perspective, Rokuomi is around 5K commander level. Lol
Sento'Un was talking some huge shit when he compared Rokuomi to the Chu's 1k commander but it is, however, true that when he met another vassal in Rinbunkun, he was portrayed to be weaker. And he obviously was inferior to Sento'Un himself, as we saw in Juuko.

I see an Ouki's vassal like Rokuomi - with his strenght and experience/service - definitely still being a General in Chu but, comparatively, he wouldn't be given the same amount of general acknowledment and hype than if he was in Qin instead.

While if we talk about numbers, than Karin's army for so long has 300K strong, stationed at south of Chu.
Yeah it's pretty insane how many soldiers are directly under her. I wonder how many Kouen has.

Than imagine how things are going to be with there best and first Great General, KouEn.
Kouen will have some of the most monstrous vassals in the manga lmao. And I think at least some of them might be ex GGs who accepted to serve under him.
Post automatically merged:

vs (koen ,manoa , karen ,:sadgrin:,the evile shin , the guy with bow )
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What I am wondering is whether we will future Generals whom are/were originally from elsewhere, i.e Juuko 4, or whether they will be existing Generals who are established in Chu.

Do they have any OG Generals who're brilliant yet not great? Generals who are GG level but not had the chance to get promotion? Other young Generals who're on their journey, like how Keisha was? Etc.

I'd argue Rinbukun's hype was proven to be untrue, though. He was not, ultimately, GG-standard. Even in a lesser state, though I do rate him.
They're gonna have a mountain king figure for sure. Qin had Yotanwa, Zhao had Quanrong.
My theory is they either have a GG there, or Karin has completely absorbed them and now their equivalent of Rozo is under her banner.

I like thinking up fanfiction of who they may have, due to the possibilities.

- OG General (like their Choutou/Mougou)
- Someone like Keisha i.e shooting up the ranks, already GG level but not quite there
- Maybe an elite talented General who is a loose cannon and therefore can not get promotion to GG. Akkakin on drugs.
- Two brothers whom are Generals and combine at all times to make a GG force (think Kinkaku/Ginkaku)
- Mountain tribe GG
- Elite General who refuses promotion because he's super lazy
I'd put:
  • Mouten & Shin (+Kyoukai of course) at Moubu vs Karin & whoever
  • Tou & Yotanwa at between Chin-Moubu
  • Ousen, Ouhon, Kanki at eastern side of Chin / Zhao southeast corner
    • Qi support some Force
It is the largest land Chu after all. Of course Chu has more man power & unknown General. So, i think on the Chu Arc, Chu roughly has 3 or 4 GG cover the Entire land, each supported by 2 strong General who can fight toe to toe with Qin GG (who was a Great General at their previous small Nation, like Juuko) & 2 normal General Chu (kinda like Qin notable General like Rokuomi).
Nice thread. Chu will be ridiculously strong. I cant wait to see the legend, Kouen aka the tiger of Chuu.

Another thing, Chu king asked Renpa if he was stingy with his contributions during the coalition invasion of Qin. He also called Kanmei an imbecile and ordered to dice his body into mincemeat. His attitude and dialogue tell me Chu might have more capable generals than Kanmei.
Nice thread. Chu will be ridiculously strong. I cant wait to see the legend, Kouen aka the tiger of Chuu.

Another thing, Chu king asked Renpa if he was stingy with his contributions during the coalition invasion of Qin. He also called Kanmei an imbecile and ordered to dice his body into mincemeat. His attitude and dialogue tell me Chu might have more capable generals than Kanmei.
even if they don't at that time

it's already 8 years since CI arc and who know how many years left until they fight chu
so they will have many new gg at that time
I'd love Hara to shock us with a 3 way assault from Chu on China in the next arc. Doesn't even need to be detailed. Man'U takes Juuko back, GG X takes a chunk out of Qi, GG Y takes a chunk out of Qin as Karin blocks off Moubu. It's Chu's way to announce to China that 'we have arrived'.

Nice thread. Chu will be ridiculously strong. I cant wait to see the legend, Kouen aka the tiger of Chuu.

Another thing, Chu king asked Renpa if he was stingy with his contributions during the coalition invasion of Qin. He also called Kanmei an imbecile and ordered to dice his body into mincemeat. His attitude and dialogue tell me Chu might have more capable generals than Kanmei.
I don't think the King called Kanmei an imbecile. The latter was hugely respected in Chu, even by SSK who has unwavering faith.
The state of Chu is an enormous obstacle in Qin's objective to conquer China. But just how powerful of a nation Chu truly is and how hyped should we be for it? Let's go in detail.

Chu's overall status :

Story wise, Chu has been presented as a superpower and its size is almost half of China's total landmass.

Were a war to break out, Chu is fully capable of wiping a state off the map, should they desire to. Which is why the other states have gone out of their way to avoid a full blown conflict with them.

They are truly feared and them turning their gaze on one of the other states has, in fact, the members of said state freaking out.

People speculates about just how huge their military must be.

Despite everything that has been said until now, it was said that Chu has yet to utilize the full potentials of his resources. Now, with Karin and Ri En at its helm, they are going to be stronger than ever.

They begun strenghtnening their military but their true power is a question even to the likes of Keisha and Riboku.
From all of that, it's clear that Chu's full might is going to be monstrous.

Chu's Generals :

This is technically included inside Chu's overall status but I'll make a specific part for them.

The caliber of Chu's Generals has also received particular praise/hype.

We already got some showings of Chu's Generals, the last one being the Juuko Arc, where the omonimous city contained, almost presented to us out of the blue, strong mfs (as we saw) such as Man'U and Sento'Un, ex GGs of fallen states and currently Chu's Generals.

Rokuomi even speculated this :

As far as Generals go, until now we have been introduced to :
- Rinbunkun, who was depicted as superior to Rokuomi.
- Kouyoku and Hakurei are now Generals but were very impressive as far back as the Coalition Arc.
- The Juuko gang, which I already talked about.

We'll surely get introduced to many more in the future. Who knows how strong they might be but there sure are reasons to get hyped for them.

As far as GGs go, the one alive that we know of are Kouen, Renpa (who's fighting for Chu) and Karin. Each one the three is an absolute monster - Kouen has yet to be introduced on panel but the hype around him is huge. Just like for the Generals, we'll surely get introduced to more of them and I can't wait to see how good they are.

(We also knew of another GG, Kanmei, who defeated Oukotsu and was later defeated by Moubu at the Coalition War).

It's also clearly possible (I'd say certain) that there are some sleeping beasts in Chu too, such as in the case of other states.

Last but not least, our dear Shouheikun is going to fight for them too lmao. Those mfs are going to be a lv above the "stacked".

Final remarks :

This state has been set up to be a different animal. Their big scale conflict with Qin - an even more powerful Qin by then - is going to be something crazy.

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Da evil Who @TokOO @MarineHQ @Owl Ki @Great General Kanki @Jailer @Blackbeard @RayanOO @Seth @SakazOuki @Shanks
Agreed, chu is just an incredibly strong state , would be really interesting to see how qin handles this, maybe an alliance with multiple states?:few:
They're gonna have a mountain king figure for sure. Qin had Yotanwa, Zhao had Quanrong.
My theory is they either have a GG there, or Karin has completely absorbed them and now their equivalent of Rozo is under her banner.
Yeah I think they might have a mountain king figure. Just a few days ago I was speculating whether we'll see in the future some tribesman who compares to Yotanwa in terms of level.

The Quanrong + Zhao forces gave Yotanwa an hard fight given the context she had found herself into, but Rozo wasn't even close to her as a commander. Her waging war against a monster of her own caliber would be amazing. Maybe that person and his tribe could get hyped for having reduced GG armies to dust in the past or something like that.
Good post, OP.

Personally, I think people are overestimating Chu's strength, and at the same time underestimating the strength Qin is consolidating as the ascending superstate rival.
Qin are basically there now tbf. New gen will rise, but i assume they will possibly lose some by then too.

Either way, Hara is writing a story so you can bet than when the two line up, it will be 50-50. Actually it will probably be odds on for Chu, so that Qin can surpass the odds.