Super Role Madness Cinematic Mafia: Into the DC Verse

If you only knew my despair in Fav 11... (I think it was? The one hosted by Aries/ Platinum on Fanverse)

I was the Consig (Super GF) and Flower was like the Hydra which no matter how many times I cut of her head, it would just keep popping back up.

The birth of "Unlimited Flower Works"

She got a Jesus assist, she was revived, was given a phylactery that was linked to another immortal player.

Needless to say, I got caught in the end because I just lost all drive lmao.
Damn. I want a fun role for once lol


Argonauts, roll out!
Damn. I want a fun role for once lol
Define fun role lmao, I was pretty miserable due to circumstances lmao.

I'm trying to think what the most fun role I've had would be..

Honestly think Kurapika from my debut game here (which was Weebs '21 (I think? The first weebs on WG))

My self made role Todd Howard in Adam's Greed Island game on Thriller Bark (ded forum)

Otherwise I've had some RPs that made the game 100000 times funnier, like my iconic Super Mario RP in the WG Users Game


Argonauts, roll out!
So a literal crap shoot lol
I'm stoned and tired and swore that said you were implying that muugen smells like 101 percent hot ass, the smelly dookie on a summer day smell I spit my drink out..
Now, now, I understand that Muugen may be a controversial character - but I am not saying anything negative about him.

Just saying that he bites first and talks after, but if you're good to him - he's good to you

At least, I get along very well with him. He's my MuuMuu
