Super Role Madness Cinematic Mafia: Into the DC Verse

The Endless Supers Trivia Question New

Trivia Question #1: Name 5 of Flashes Rogues Gallery

Trivia Question: #2: Name the first 5 human Green Lanterns

You can only answer one question.


Dream: Pick any Super ability that has been activated and add it to your hand.
Excluding omega kills.

Dream V2: Pick any Assist ability you have used and regain it
Deathstroke role New


Base ability: Cop: Every cycle you can investigate a player and find out their alignment

(Swords) Target 2 players and vote block them for the dayphase

(Sniper Rifle) Janitor the Lynch

(Grenades) Pick any 3 numbers. Players who land on it will be burned for the cycle

(Heavy Sniper) See 3 set abilities on the field. One from town, Hostile Indie and mafia. Destroy 2 and let one on the field

(Combat Knife) Protect Injustice League Set abilities from being targeted for the cycle

(Rose Wilson: Judas Contract) This can be activated after a phase. Target any player and make them appear as Mafia under investigations and lie detects.

(Blackfire: Star Bolt) This can be activated after a phase. Target one Mafia Role that is not Godfather or Culted role and challenge them to r/p/s. If you win role block them for the cycle

(Dr Light: Light Flash) This can be activated when a incoming action is activated, host rolls a dice of 3 and depending on whats rolled determines how many actions will be redirected at random

(Jericho: Soul possession) This can activated after a phase pick a set ability and take full control of the assist ability to target any player

(Talia la Ghul: League of Shadows) This can be activated during the nightphase. Amp your Cop role to not fail during the nightphase, gain the full role
Catwoman role New

Win Con:You win the game once you have stolen 1 vote power, 1 Super Ability, 1 Anti Town Assist Ability, 1 Town Assist Ability, 1 Suicide Squad Assist and use them

Base ability: Theif: Target any player and face them in r/p/s if you win steal either their vote power, super ability, assist ability

(Claws) Target a player that is going to be lynched and steal a Assist ability from them if they are successfully lynched

(Whip) Activate one Assist ability you have or gained instead of waiting a phase or requirement to use it

(9 Lives) When this is activated host rolls a dice of 9 and what ever is rolled determines how many abilities that target you will fail excluding omega kills

(Femme Fatale) Target any player and hide behind them for the cycle, they will take any action you will take

(Cat Burglar) When this is activated confuse the player you have targeted with theif. Their actions and r/p/s choices will be randomized for the cycle

(Black Mask: Torture Specialist) This can be activated if you have lost in r/p/s. Paralyze them for the cycle bypassing any protection

(Carmine Falcone: A Favor) This can be activated if you have won your current r/p/s match you can activate this to cross out another win con requirement

(Mr Freeze: Ice Puns) This can be activated if one of your assist abilities is targeted, negate it and role block the player

(Selina Kyle: Vengeance) This can be activated if you lose a r/p/s match. Rematch the player once again for another chance to win

(Penguin: Bat Filled Umbrella) This can be activated if you are targeted by an incoming action, become a nexus and let it Target another player
Darksied Role New


Base Abilities: Consigliere: At the start of the game you cannot be killed or Super killed Nor can you be culted. Only lynched or omega killed. Aslong as Joker or Lex Luthor is alive neither Team can target you with abilities. Your abilities cannot be copied nor does necromancy have a effect on your role if killed or lynched.

Usurper: If Joker or Lex Luthor is killed you will usurp them as Godfather turning their Mafia into Darksieds Elite.

(Omega Beam) Target any player with a Omega Kill

(Boom Tube) Protect yourself and one Mafia team from actions for the cycle

(Omega Blast) Pick 2 set Mother boxes on the field and destroy them. Destroy 2 incoming Town or Indie super abilities

(Psionic Possession) Target any player and take control of their base role and 1 super ability for the cycle

(Avatar) Hide your real vote inside your pm for the dayphase and become immune to a lie detect for 2 dayphases

(Stephenwolf: War) This can be activated if a Mafia Faction Kill fails. You can activate this to make it a super kill

(Deeaad: Torture) This can be activated after a phase, pick a player and see their assist abilities in their deck and activate it

(Granny Goodness: Punishment) This can be activated after a cycle. Target 4 players and challenge them to r/p/s. For every victory inflict a status ailment onto them for the cycle.

(Gordon Godfrey: Propaganda) This can be activated after a phase. Make a fake write up

(Parademon: Parademon Army) This can be activated after votes have been locked. Increase your vote power by 4 for the dayphase
Night-2: End New

A Mother box was set

Another mother box was set from a player

A third mother box was set by another player

Lighting Storm was activated to prevent town from activating any Assist abilities this phase

Accerlated Perception was activated to see 3 incoming actions

A Mother box was set

Tommy Elliot was activated to turn ??? Indie

Watcher was activated

A Mother box was set

Book of Destiny was activated. Lex luthor gains a additional drawphase ability and picks the order of his drawphase but it was negated via reverse flash

2 mother boxes were set

Redirector was activated to redirect ??? Onto ???

Mafia Role Blocker was activated on ???

Mafia cop was activated, mental detection was activated

A Mother box was set

Lightning Fists was activated to Paralyze??? And ???

Lex suit was activated

Hector Hammond assist was activated to hide behind ??? But it was negated by reverse flash

Nightwing protected ??? But it was negated by reverse flash

Tracker was activated on ???

The Batman/Vengeance was activated to kill Charlie/???

Damien Darhk:Life Force Absorbtion was activated to Janitor the kill
2 mother boxes were set

Energy Absorbtion was activated

Nightphase ends. Dayphase begins



A Mother box was set

Another mother box was set from a player

A third mother box was set by another player

Lighting Storm was activated to prevent town from activating any Assist abilities this phase

Accerlated Perception was activated to see 3 incoming actions

A Mother box was set

Tommy Elliot was activated to turn ??? Indie

Watcher was activated

A Mother box was set

Book of Destiny was activated. Lex luthor gains a additional drawphase ability and picks the order of his drawphase but it was negated via reverse flash

2 mother boxes were set

Redirector was activated to redirect ??? Onto ???

Mafia Role Blocker was activated on ???

Mafia cop was activated, mental detection was activated

A Mother box was set

Lightning Fists was activated to Paralyze??? And ???

Lex suit was activated

Hector Hammond assist was activated to hide behind ??? But it was negated by reverse flash

Nightwing protected ??? But it was negated by reverse flash

Tracker was activated on ???

The Batman/Vengeance was activated to kill Charlie/???

Damien Darhk:Life Force Absorbtion was activated to Janitor the kill
2 mother boxes were set

Energy Absorbtion was activated

Nightphase ends. Dayphase begins
scum getting coooked...