well there is a bit of "luck" factor into the randing too, best i could do was super burn you early. i used a burn and random alignemnt proc on you. if i had a kill early game, id have shot u. i got one day 3 and used on jag, and another day 4 and used on AM since flower "cleared" you that day

sometimes in these games the outcome is determined by who rands the kills
Sure there is always luck involved in these type of games agreed. But me scanning innocent is not one of them, Charlie kill was calculated, we knew he was town and we would be innocent afterward.


What could have been...
By the by, not that anyone really cares but my plan for the thread after tanking my slot to get Ekko killed was to push Saber which actually would have served to protect him, at least that was the intention. We knew he was scum as we had a result on him from somewhere, my thinking was by pushing him people would be reluctant to vote there. Didn't really matter in the end though.
i cant believe an outed scum still has some credit to "tank" his slot lmao, u shud be operating on negative cred the moment u got culted. that was a miserable day to play


When were you under the impression this game is..
I mean, she got innocent on me because I utilised my actions and made myself to be innocent. Not sure why everything is lucky in your world, like even when she investigated me, it was still iffy and I interacted with her and made her come around and clear me off it and then offed her to the cosmos to secure my slot.

I played my actions right, and positioned myself well in the thread, and managed to survive long enough to get the dub, nothing about me winning this game is “lucky”. Like even when you pushed me, you backed off and came around. Why? Because I defended myself and was reasonable and made my case. Which by the way, was not faked by any stretch of the imagination lol.
Its lucky in the sense that those events happened that way lol relax bro.

Yes you got lucky, if she checked you before you killed Charlie and got no result again then you were gone lol.

I never came around you, I just found outed scum to lynch before you lol. Your defense was and I quote '' Maybe you were messed with bro idk maybe you were roleblocked or something lol'' when I knew for a fact I wasnt, its just that no result isnt as incriminating as guilty so I went for other people in the meantime, I even asked for people to check you again when we were discussing so idk where you got that I came around lol.


What could have been...
Its lucky in the sense that those events happened that way lol relax bro.

Yes you got lucky, if she checked you before you killed Charlie and got no result again then you were gone lol.

I never came around you, I just found outed scum to lynch before you lol. Your defense was and I quote '' Maybe you were messed with bro idk maybe you were roleblocked or something lol'' when I knew for a fact I wasnt, its just that no result isnt as incriminating as guilty so I went for other people in the meantime, I even asked for people to check you again when we were discussing so idk where you got that I came around lol.
wait did flower check soul twice or only once im confused


When were you under the impression this game is..
By the by, not that anyone really cares but my plan for the thread after tanking my slot to get Ekko killed was to push Saber which actually would have served to protect him, at least that was the intention. We knew he was scum as we had a result on him from somewhere, my thinking was by pushing him people would be reluctant to vote there. Didn't really matter in the end though.
Lol good plan haha.


When were you under the impression this game is..
To be honest I think scum really need fake claims in these setups. It's very easy for someone to circumvent the claiming rules and basically confirm themselves if they want to, happened several times this game, so I think it would have more been unlucky had Soul's game come undone due to being flavour copped or whatever.
I think scum needs fake actions like in my SRM games and fake flavor ofc lol.


King of Knights
did the mafia know u were brothers blood but were too coward to push yall?
ngl, this is kinda silly, considering everyone who stood out in this game was quickly met with a kill or a public lie detection
it didn't feel like the right time to go after brother blood, and when it was, it would be through an omega kill


What could have been...
And I ask - how does that make me washed. It's funny, because your spite/inability to simply co-operate instead of flinging pointless jabs around is the exact same thing you complain about receiving from Rion and Muugen. Essentially, you are to me what they are to you. It's all very tiresome.
cmon blud its a vote on alexis - its washed cuz there r better wagons, id have 100% voted yoho there for instance, but nobody will believe it cuz heindsight knowledge. i did vote soul day 1 which was also a better wagon than alexis

what was there to cooperate, u were culted by the time i started isoing and i died before i finish reading more than 20-30 pages


The End and the Beginning
cmon blud its a vote on alexis - its washed cuz there r better wagons, id have 100% voted yoho there for instance, but nobody will believe it cuz heindsight knowledge. i did vote soul day 1 which was also a better wagon than alexis

what was there to cooperate, u were culted by the time i started isoing and i died before i finish reading more than 20-30 pages
Don't waste your time.


What could have been...
ngl, this is kinda silly, considering everyone who stood out in this game was quickly met with a kill or a public lie detection
it didn't feel like the right time to go after brother blood, and when it was, it would be through an omega kill
what i mean is scum got some outed members, like luka was outed for a day and half, yoho for 2 days etc.. couldnt those outed members leak some stuff for town? like say we shot soul and it failed etc..

if mafia never shot soul then u gotta give it to him, he stayed out of line of fire for 5 days in an aries game


When were you under the impression this game is..
It does feel like you're sitting ducks at times. But it is what it is, I enjoyed it more or less though can't say I was too invested in general.
I was hoping I would get the Destruction endless lol, it allowed to destroy a writeup and I was going to destroy your cult writeup.

I was locked in on finding Brother Blood lol.