General & Others Cp-0 are offically a joke.

Your wholw argument was the arc is not over after admitting that the plotline was redundant. The redundant plotlines in wano have been plenty. The most notablw the bomb kanjuro made. It is laughable and woeful to read coherent people be this incoherent.
No, I am telling you that you can't call something anticlimactic when it's still an ongoing plot line. You're judging the whole thing based on false assumptions of how you think everything is going to play out. That's not how you're supposed to read a story.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
See I told you, CP0 are a bunch of garbage. Sure they did beat Drake who got hated by Oda and makes Apoo run away like a bitch but to think that one of them got beat by injured Izo who got stalled by fodders is just bullshit. And Izo ain't even top 6 in the WB's crew Lmao.

My boys Lucci or Kaku would negs diff CP0 no doubt now.
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Deleted member 10278

Haven’t seen the last 5 chapters but that geeks lmao :kobeha:Don’t blink now but Izo is on a roll this arc , disarmed King and now molly whopping CP0

On a more serious note, looks like Lucci is the only relevant threat when it comes to CP0 after all.
CP0 was totally irrelevant to the story. I thought in the end SH would have to run away from CP0, but no. Oda just put them there to reveal information to the reader. Like this preoccupation with Luffy's fruit and Kaido's fruit. This is my critique of Wano.

It's like what he did with Toki and the diary, but turning things around. I brought someone from the lost century simply to reveal nothing. Brought a diary that was in Laugh Tale for the important part to be ripped.

These things don't make sense.

i agree 100%
look like oda can,t decide what to do with cp0 so they are just there for info dump and some preiction about fruit awakening
of course ppl expect too much for cp0 or hype them too much at fault too
and crazy gorosei expect them to assasinate luffy :gokulaugh: