Powers & Abilities Create Your Own Devil Fruits And Beat Mine.

Transform-Transform Fruit.
-It's the power to increase or decrease things. First the user increases the resiliency, elasticity and compressibility of the body to beyond infinite. The user's body is then compressed to volume zero by increasing the skin pressure and by decreasing the body volume to zero, without decreasing anything else such as the weigh. In addition to all that, the user has the ability to increase or decrease anything he/she touches, be it toughness, intelligent, size, knowledge, dimensions or superpower to zero or to a very high level.
-The user does not need eye because he/she just increase his/her knowledge of the present or of the future at anywhere. Without having any eye or any type of sensor, the user does not get infected by any virus that enter the nervous system through the sensors.
-The user is outside of time because of volume zero, and the skin blocks everything so his/her body is outside of time.
-The user's punches can be beyond infinite in strength.
-The user flies by increasing the body speed in any direction.
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