Info-Info Fruit
-The user can create illusions of all sorts to fool everybody looking at him/her. Everything is information, so the user can be anything. The
user can enter people's brain to mind control people.
Computer-Mouse Computer-Mouse Fruit
-It's the power of the computer mouse, with the information on the monitor, the information in the computer and the internet as the One Piece world. The user is like a mouse crawling under a sheet of cloth. The sheet of cloth is the fabric of existence. The user is outside of time and outside of the fabric of existence. The area around user's body outside the fabric of existence has the properties of direction that allow the user to move only sideways under the rug and into the fabric of existence, but nothing, except harmless information, from the fabric of existence can move toward the user. The user can see things inside the fabric of existence, but nothing and nobody in the fabric of existence can see the user's body. That is because of the one-way connection between the user and the fabric of existence, allowing only harmless light or harmless information of some kind to pass toward the user's eyes, and not allowing magic or anything dangerous to pass through. The user's powers to control the world are also connected through one way path also. Those one-way paths are controlled by the properties of direction. It's just like the real computer mouse. The mouse cable is a one-way path.
-The area around the user is a piece of folded up fabric of existence. Its toughness is beyond infinite, because it must withstand a force that is infinite while the user moves around at speed infinite.
-The user's powers are similar to those of a computer mouse. He/she can delete, move, copy things, and setting up firewalls and create virus. He/she can get access to information and learn who is hiding and invisible. The user can use the omniscience internet to predict the future and to see things far away (trillion light years away). The omniscient internet is part of reality like time and space. The omniscient internet is a database of information stored all over the universe. You need a special magic to convert the information into useful information. The user can do to things far away just like the user can do to things nearby, by redrawing the videos on the internet. The user can draw stuff and change stuff using computer programs. The user can teleport people or things. The user can redraw everything in his/her zone of control crazy and confusing and backward and anti-info. The user can create traps to fool people into believing that the zone is safe, and when people enter the zone they get killed, or get trapped because of the properties of direction producing one-way paths. Like producing CGI, the user can create new creatures from nothing, and puppet control the creatures to attack people.
-The user can send viruses through people's sensors to get to people's brains to mind control people. The viruses can travel as flying particles or waves, or they can travel as any other means. Almost everybody is vulnerable because they all have sensors that receive information. The user can make the viruses invisible and intangible by placing the intangible characteristic, that the user copied from some intangible guy, on the viruses. There is also a virus that transform anything it touches into viruses.
-The user can make copies of anybody by X-ray them or touching them. Right before finishing the copies, the user infect the copies with a virus that turn the copies into slaves of the user. Those copies can be used to kill some hard to kill enemies. The user can make copies of attacks also, and can store those attacks in memories so that they can be used elsewhere.
-The user can freeze, speed up, slow down and reverse things also. By speeding up things to a very high level without limit, the heat would destroy many things. He/she can heat things up to super high level without destroying things (videos speed up), and that means he/she can enhance the durability of things to a very high level beyond infinite.
-The user can move at speed infinite speed since he/she is outside of time.
-This one can kill Aizen by infecting Aizen with a virus that will kill Aizen within one year, if Aizen does not check his future farther than one year.