Powers & Abilities Create Your Own Devil Fruits And Beat Mine.

1. Invisifreeze Fruit
-It's the power of invisibility. The user's body is made up of capsules that are constantly moving around like water molecules. As photons, speed infinite particles, small objects, and maybe volume-zero particles collide with the user's body at the surface, the user's capsules at the surface capture those photons, contain the photons and freeze the photons (so that the photons don't turn into something else). The capsules that contain the photons then swim at very high speeds, up to speed infinite, under pressure through the watery body of the user. The photons are then unfreezed, released and accelerated to the same speed at before, at the rear of the user's body.

-Anti freeze-field magic does not exist because the free-field freezes the magic, preventing the magic from working. There is nothing that can block the free-field except certain superpowers that specialize in blocking specifically free-field. The freeze-field passes through everything inside the piece of fabric of existence and freezes everything inside no matter what. The free-field passes through things, does not stick to anything and can be turned off very fast in order for the quick re-acceleration of things inside the capsule.

-He can grab and freeze more than just photons. The capsules can shapeshift, and can fuse together to get bigger.

-The user can fly at speed infinite, or beyond infinite when pressure is released. The acceleration is also infinite. The strength is beyond infinite. The toughness of the capsule is beyond infinite. The user can see a lot of things.

-The user normally kills by shooting out freeze field to freeze the enemy and then removing piece by piece of the enemy's body. If you are frozen, your power and everything about you is neutralized. When the superpower is neutralized, the body is weaker and is softer. The interatomic bonds are not there anymore because there is no movement at the microscopic level. Another killing technique of the user is freezing the enemy, and then accelerating the brain, the soul or the superpower out of the enemy's body.

-He freezes everything, even time, which means killing his mom before he was born wouldn't kill him.

2. Implode-Explode Devil Fruit
-It's the power to send out a wave that upon fusing with anything, it causes the thing to explodes to many pieces. The pieces containing the waves, like aural hands, are then forced to collide with each other again, causing them to implode into nothingness that takes up zero space. That anything can keep on exploding and imploding forever. The user's body can do the same thing of imploding and exploding. The user can stay as nothingness and at volume-zero (about the wave) in an invisible state.

-The strength of collision of anything into nothingness is way beyond infinite (the energy so high it deletes things), which means the acceleration and deceleration of the explosion and implosion are beyond infinite. The speed of the flying pieces are also beyond infinite.

-There is also the contraction of things as the pieces collide into each other, and the expansion of things as the pieces are exploded away from each other.

-The user has the power of creation. As nothingness is exploded, any material is created from nothing. Things like portal doors, deleting spheres, self-timing teleporting spheres and devil fruits can be created and shot out.

-The wave sending out from the user can bypass certain things why exploding or imploding specific things. Things that can be blown by the wave are consciousness, superpower circuitry, spirit, or soul. Such explosion can cause a knocking effect, such as turning off consciousness or destroying the superpower of the enemy, without destroying the enemy body.

-As the pieces collide into each other, they need to see each other and that means they have eyes to detect anything. Those pieces could be anything. The user can see anything.

-If the mind-control waves want to get absorbed into the IE user, because of the ability of those waves to shape-shift or something, the IE user just explode or implode the mind-control waves, scrambling the mind-control waves.

-The waves flying out of the user body are the people themselves. They can fly at speed beyond infinite and can stop on a dime to enter a target and destroy the target. The user can multiply himself to a lot of himself.

-This one beats the Cutglue-Cutglue user.

-Volume-zero is outside of time.

3. Oil-Oil Fruit
-The user become invisible by manipulating the fabric of existence around the user's body to control the directions of photons and speed infinite particles and nothingness particles that are about to collide with the user's body to curve around the user's body. The end result is that those particles look like they pass right through the user's body. The user does all that by distorting, curving, and telekinetically move fabric of existence around the user's body. The user's body is the fabric of existence itself.

-The fabric of existence is the material that contain everything in the universe, including space, time, dimensions, matters, anti-matters, and some distances of the past and the future. The fabric of existence toughness is way beyond infinite because there is a high pressure dimension where the deeper you go inside the more pressure beyond infinite is applied on your body. The fabric of existence contains infinite dimensions. The user's body is infinite in volume because volume increases with increase in number of dimensions. A particle flying around the user's body need to fly extremely fast beyond speed infinite in order to get around the body in zero time.

-Everything inside the fabric of existence is software. The fabric of existence is hardware. Destroying the hardware you destroy the software.

-The user has the ability of vision-without-eye because the inside of the user's body is disconnected from the outside world and the user can still see the outside world.

-The fabric of existence around the user is being manipulated at speed beyond infinite, and that means the fabric of existence need to be enhanced by the user to be beyond infinitely tough in order to curve the path of the particles correctly. The user uses his/her invisible and intangible psychic hands on the fabric of existence to make it beyond infinitely tough. To move the fabric of existence at speed infinite with resistance means the user's strength is beyond infinite. To distort the fabric of existence while it is beyond infinitely tough means the user's strength is beyond beyond infinite. If the user wants to, the fabric of existence can be beyond beyond infinitely tough by applying beyond beyond infinite strength on it.

-The user can make a compressed sheet hand or sword to crush or chop the enemies. The user can cut enemy connection to their past, and that would make some enemies disappear instantly.

-The user moves at speed infinite by telekinetically moving the fabric of existence that the user's body is in.

-Another ability of the user is the ability to create an absolute-void wall that is indestructible and immovable by any one unless that one is a specialist in moving through absolute void. The wall is created by pulling the planes of the fabric of existence away from each other, leaving in the middle an area of absolute-void. The absolute-void wall has no time or the property of direction in it, making it not possible to pass through the wall.

-An another way to trap the enemy is by distorting the fabric of existence around an enemy. The enemy won't be able to get out unless the enemy is a specialist who can un-distort the fabric of existence.

-As the user flies at speed infinite and beyond, the universe and everything literally blow up to pieces. The user prevents that by compressing everything inward to prevent the destruction of the universe.

-He can crush a volume-zero and nothingness body to death by crushing inward the fabric of existence at a high speed and energy that a lot of heat and distortion generated would distort and burn the hard drive. The hands of the user do not need to be connected to the inside of the user's body. The hands would crush the enemies from far away. The crush would destroy the internal circuitries of everything and everybody to disable stuff, preventing attacks from reaching the user.

-The user can send out shockwaves that knock out people powers and consciousness in the surrounding.

-The user has the ability to recover the burned hard drive because it is his specialty.

-Pieces of fabric of existence are disconnected from each other so they are outside of time. Going back in time to kill his mother won't work. He would not disappear. Time flows all over the universe and disconnecting such time would stop time from working.

-Since the user's body is infinite in dimensions, the user needs infinite number of invisible psychic hands in order to control particles coming in from infinite directions.

4. Velocity Velocity Fruit
-It's the ability to control the velocity of anything (his goal) anywhere, in the universe and beyond, within the vicinity of the user body without killing the user. The user can set up any speed and direction of anything. The user can distort his body any way without dying. The user can separate his body into pieces of fabric of existence and still live. The user can vibrate his body at extremely high speed to way beyond infinite. The user can fly at extremely high speed way beyond infinite.

-This user sees everything (not everything at the same time but can detect any strange movements instantly) because everything moves or vibrates in some way. String Theory say the smallest things in the real universe are vibrating strings. In the One Piece universe, there may be magical zero velocity things. Zero velocity is still velocity so the user sees even stand still objects, in order to control their velocities.

-The user can be like AMAZO the robot by observing the bodies activities, such as nen, haki, spirits, and magics of others devil fruit users and copy their powers by rearranging his own internal body activities and structures.

-This guy first becomes stronger by learning and studying the universe through observing people and things everywhere. Information is everywhere and this guy can see any of it. The universe is actually a library. After studying all of that he gains powerful knowledge of using superpowers by controlling the mechanisms in his body.

-The user can get more powerful by fusing his body with other things or people.

-He has hands of void that enter anything toward the heat source to control heat flow toward the hands.

-One of his best attacks is reaching out his invisible aural void hand that freezes anything coming into contact with it. The hand then can tear that thing to pieces. His control of speed and his reaction speed is so ridiculously fast because he can catch a speed infinite particle and freezes it or moves it various ways.

-He can see time flow so he can be disconnected himself from the universal time stream. His body can be in a frozen state outside of time or just disconnected from the universal time stream, making him invulnerable to being killed because of his mother being killed before he was born.

-Control of velocity means no amount of energy from the outside can move you. Weakness: there is a limit on how many things he can control at the same time. Another weakness is if he moves too fast too much he get tired, and get slowed down and might get killed by people in the surrounding. It'll eventually come down to the energy level and stamina the user has as described in the introduction.

-The Implode-Explode user kills the Velocity-Velocity user by just shooting deleting spheres at the VV user at extremely high speeds. The VV user's hands get deleted, which nullifies the VV user ability to control the spheres.

5. Compress-Cloth Fruit
-The user's body is composed of a volume-zero fiber that is made up of fabric of existence and all types of materials all over the universe stored in the fiber. In addition to that, there are other fibers that are compressed just like his body, all wrapped around his body. All of that are under compression from their normal states into their volume-zero state. They are fibers and they are extremely sharp. They can be exploded into their normal states or be re-compressed. The user can enter people brains and decompress the fabric of existence materials, and the people will die. The fabric of existence is like a hardware of a HDD or a SSD. Everything else in existence are like software in the HDD or SSD. If the hardware of the HDD or SSD containing the enemies get damaged, the enemies get damaged.

-He can telekinetically puppet control the other fibers and can make them compressed or decompressed.

-At volume-zero, the user is outside of time, so he can move very fast: speed=distance/0.

-The user does not have eye. He just knows the surrounding without the use of eye.

-The user can fly at high speed because of compression ability of the user.

6. Music-Music Fruit.
-The user has the ability to take in vibrations and movements of the surrounding into the user's body, and then convert that body vibrations and movements into music, which is something delicious to the user. Such music is healthy to the mind and can be something like the solution to stop the end the of the universe. Such music can also be something that is bad to the user's enemies. The user sends the music out in different types of vibrational waves every directions. Anyone hit with such attack may have the following effects: commit suicide, become slaves to the MM user, or do other things.

-Such vibrational waves enter a person body through the translation of the vibrations from the waves into the vibrations of the body of the MM user's enemy.

-The magical vibrational waves can disguised themselves as harmless and can enter people body to mind control people.

-The user has the ability to vibrate his body at the same frequency as the frequency the particle that hit his body. In zero time, the user get up to frequency infinite if he is hit with a frequency infinite particle. If he is hit with a beyond infinite attack, his body will move at speed beyond infinite. It's his ability to tune in with the surrounding, and it is not about absorbing energy. Because of his ability to vibrate every fast, he can fly very fast. The user can also generate his own movements.

-The user can reach out his aura hand to vibrate an enemy. Anyone get vibrated by him will get mind controlled by him.

-The user can vibrate everything, i.e. time and fabric of existence, in the surrounding and still survive.

-Since the user can control vibrations, he can deflect attacks because controlling vibrations involves changing directions of movements.

-He can turn his body vibrations into knowledge about the future.

7. Expanding-Void Fruit
-The user has the ability to generate a push field around the user's body, to cause everything including the user's body to be pushed away from the user center point. Even the fabric of existence is pushed away from the user's body. The end result is the user is at a state of nothingness outside even the fabric of existence. The fabric of existence is an extremely high dimensional, infinite, and extremely tough, way beyond infinite, because of the high pressure dimensions where anyone entering deeper will experience way higher than infinite pressure. The user can shoot a particle flying at the user away with a shot of push field that is invisible and intangible to everything except the thing being pushed.

-The push fields are invisible and intangible to things, and that allows the fields to be somewhat unblockable. The fields can be selected to attack certain things only, like life energy or superpowers inside the enemies bodies.

-The user body is outside of time so time is zero. Outside of time, speed is infinite: speed=d/0. For non-specialists not able to move outside of time, their bodies laying outside of time are frozen. Property of directions is not pushed out so he can move in an almost absolute void. Property of directions is the property in an area that allows someone or something to move into the area. Without the property inside the area, nothing can move inside or toward inside the area.

-The user has the ability to lay property of directions and control the property of directions. As the fabric of existence is being pushed away from the user's body, he lays property of directions specifically workable only for his body over the absolute void area so only he can move in the area. The user can manipulate the property of directions inside an enemy's body, by using telekinesis push, to cause one thing to be movable only in one direction while other things to be movable in opposite directions. The end result is the enemy's body malfunctions.

-The user moves by pushing himself along. If you can move in a time-void, your strength is infinite.

8. Effect-Cloth Fruit
-The user's body is made up of a cloth that is made up of fabric of existence fibers. Each fiber is a limited individual consciousness with a limited superpower within. Each fiber contribute to benefiting the cloth as a whole. The user can do things with limitations like fly, amplify, teleport, delete, see the future, time control, mind control etc. Weakness: limited range for each superpowers, and slow response time (when switching powers between fibers, but can control time to speed things (out side timevoid anyway) up).

-The fibers are separated from the outside world and they have the vision-without-eye ability, so they are not affected by mind-control waves.

-The user controls effect, which is one word, and thus means it is one power.

9. Info-Info Fruit
-It's the power to control information. The user's body can look like anything or anybody in the form of intangible illusions that can pass through things. The user can shoot mind waves to mind control people. The intangible body of the user can enter people's body to puppet control people from the inside. The user can be completely invisible that no other can see him. The user can completely erase all traces of his existence so that there is no record of him anywhere or anytime. The user's body can be in the form of almost nothingness that allows all rays to pass right through him and time does not interact with him. The user can transform into rays of information and fly.

10. Absorb-Emit-Rays Fruit
-The user's body is made up of a bunch of rays made up of volume-zero (almost) cores and clouds surrounding the cores. The rays look like atoms somewhat. The cloud looks like an electron cloud. The cloud acts like a shear that grinds down things. As the rays fly around with the clouds colliding with other matters they absorb the matter and gain more energy and mass. They fly faster and the cores compresses further inward toward volume-zero and toward negative volume. The core can emit more cloud or more of itself, splitting itself into 2 or 3. His body can expand to be bigger (1 mile wide) or to be smaller.

-He can absorb attacks and shoot out attacks. He can steal superpowers but can't use them.

-This one can kill Cut-Glue Guy.

-Volume-zero is outside of time.

-The cloud can pass through enemies to destroy superpowers and internal circuitries.

11. Water Water Fruit
-The user's body is made up of particles that are like water molecules. Like water molecules that are universal solvents that can dissolve things, the particles can dissolve anyone (his goal). The particles are very small (small as the internal organ of the smallest creature). The particles can choose to be philic to certain things, while phobic to other things. The particles vibrate as blades in certain ways to make them interacting to certain things while non-interacting to other things. The cutting blades allow the user to cut through an enemy body and then interact and fuse with the enemy internal organs using the interacting characteristics of the particles. The fusion allows the user to have both his old ability and some of the new ability of the enemy.

-The user can see anything because of the abilities to choose to interact or deflect anything. They user can see the inside of enemies also, which means the user can see viruses and mind control waves before they infect the user.

-Water is clear so the user body is clear and invisible.

-The ability of the user to vibrate means the user can fly at high speed.

Not Ranked: Compress-Compress Fruit

-The user can compress his body, anything and the fabric of existence into volume zero, then to negative-infinite volume, and then teleport away (using wac a mole analogy-wac one mole and another mole show up elsewhere). The user flies because of the compression ability. Maybe also, the user needs to lay down property of directions as he compresses the fabric of existence around his body. The user can see beyond a room covered with absolute void walls, because that is why the user can teleport away from the room. The user's body can explode to pieces and can multiply more of himself. He is not very fast. He is just very strong.

-This one teleports inside a Effect-Cloth user and tries to blow up, compress or teleports the EC user, but instead got frozen and deleted.

Not Ranked: Cutglue-Cutglue Fruit

-The user has the ability to transform into anything or anyone body material in the universe, in the form of tiny vibrating and cutting blades and tiny pulling and sticking glue particles, like protons and electrons of any material.

-The gluing particles can glue to things, and the gluing strength is as strong as any material he can transform into. The cutting particles can break free of the glue means the cutting particles are tougher and stronger than that material and can cut through that material.

-The skin of the user's body can block attacks. The skin is part of blade of the cutting particle.

-The user's body is outside of time so the vibrating speed is infinite. The vibrations can be translated into uniform body movement to allow the user to fly at speed infinite.

-The user can be any material, which means he/she can see a lot of things, but not everything at the same time. His vision is not good as the ranked ones above.

-The user can be intangible, and can pass through the defenses of opponents and can destroy the opponents from the inside.

-Weakness: any material in the universe has some kind of weakness.

Not Ranked: God Electricity-God Electricity Fruit

-The power is about having a body made of God electrons and God protons, and about doing things God electricity can do. It is similar to the ability to transform into any material in the universe, in the forms of God electrons and God protons. Those electrons and protons may not exist in nature, but with magic they do exist.

-When those God protons and God electrons are stationary they can be beyond infinitely tough or be intangible to everything. When they move around like in an electric circuit, they can move through solid matters, and have way beyond infinite strength.

-The user can have a body that is super tough and blocks everything or be intangible and invisible to everything. If the user encounter someone with a similar body like this, the user wins because he/she can grind that one to pieces, by running the electrons and protons around in a circle.

-The user can move inside the fabric of existence at speed infinite.

Not ranked: Omnienergy-Omnienergy Fruit

-It's the ability to absorb anything into the user's body, and convert that anything into any type of magical energy, and use the magical energy or energies to do many things like the Effect-Cloth Fruit. The user's body is super hot with all types of magical energies within. Weakness: can't be very fast and can't absorb certain things without dying (energy so high it can't be absorbed) or be mind-controlled (music attack-music waves disguised as visual or audio information).
XXXXX-Nothingness is a magical thing though, so it should be allowed.
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Wasn’t it implicated that the only limit of Luffys fruit is his imagination?
would explain why he regrows teeth from drinking milk.
Or why only a few injuries become scars, or why he learns haki so fast… because he thinks (and imagined) that these things work that way.
I don't think that was specifically stated, but seems plausible.
Wasn’t it implicated that the only limit of Luffys fruit is his imagination?
would explain why he regrows teeth from drinking milk.
Or why only a few injuries become scars, or why he learns haki so fast… because he thinks (and imagined) that these things work that way.
He is not the only one who can regrow is teeth with milk and the Nika fruit don't hold that power, we clearly saw what he can do against kaido:endthis:
Also, Seed -Seed -Fruit (Shido Shido no Mi).

- User can generate seeds which they can plant on objects or people
- The people and objects with the seeds will slowly turn into plants under the user's control
- There is no way to turn them back except if the user specifically commands it
- The user can decide to kill them at any time
- The plant humans/objects can also generate seeds and turn more humans/objects into plants
- If the one turned into a plant has a specific fighting style/devil fruit power, they will keep it
- Just the standard DF weakness
- Awakening lets the user grow normal plants in addition