Powers & Abilities Create Your Own Devil Fruits And Beat Mine.

Vibranum-Vibranum Fruit
-The user has the ability to shapeshift into anything or anyone's body in the universe, in the form of tiny vibrating and cutting blades and tiny pulling and sticking glue particles, like protons and electrons of any material.
-The gluing particles can glue to things, and the gluing strength is as strong as anything in the universe. The cutting particles can break free of the glue means the cutting particles are tougher and stronger than anything in the universe and can cut through anything in the universe.
-The skin of the user's body can block anything in the universe. The skin is part of blade of the cutting particle.
-The user's body is outside of time so the vibrating speed is infinite. The vibrations can be translated into uniform body movement to allow the user to fly at speed infinite.
-Anti-magic and freeze field can neutralize the stickiness of the glue, but cannot neutralize the vibration of the blades because the anti-magic and freeze field cannot pass through the skin.
-The user can be anything, which means he/she can see anything.
-The user can be intangible to anything, and can pass through the defenses of opponents and can destroy the opponents from the inside.

Oil-Oil Fruit
-The user become invisible by manipulating the fabric of existence around the user's body to control the directions of photons and infinite speed particles that are about to collide with the user's body to curve around the user's body. The end result is that those particles look like they pass right through the user's body. The user's body is the fabric of existence itself.
-The fabric of existence is the material that contain everything in the universe, including space, time, dimensions, matters , anti-matters, and infinite possibilities of the past and the future.
-To reduce cluttering, the user may curve the fabric of existence to sent flying particles from 3D space to an another dimension and then send them back to 3D space.
-The user is omniscient without the need of eye.
-The fabric of existence around the user is being manipulated at speed infinite, and that means the fabric of existence need to be enhanced by the user to be beyond infinitely tough in order to curve the path of the particles correctly. The user uses his/her invisible and intangible psychic hands on the fabric of existence to make it beyond infinitely tough. To move the fabric of existence at speed infinite with resistance means the user's strength is beyond infinite. To distort the fabric of existence while it is beyond infinitely tough means the user's strength is beyond beyond infinite. If the user wants to, the fabric of existence can be beyond beyond infinitely tough by applying beyond beyond infinite strength on it.
-The user block materials such as matters and time from flowing in or out of his/her body by compressing and folding at sharp angles the fabric of existence around the user's body into a sheet covering entirely the user's body. It's like a folded box that cannot contain anything inside. Since the user can be outside of time he/she can move in time void.
-The user can make a compressed sheet hand or sword to crush or chop the enemies. The user can cut enemy connection to their past, and that would make some enemies disappear instantly.
-The user moves at speed infinite by telekinetically moving the fabric of existence that the user's body is in.
-Another ability of the user is the ability to create an absolute-void wall that is indestructible and immovable by any one there is. The wall is created by pulling the planes of the fabric of existence away from each other, leaving in the middle an area of absolute-void. The absolute-void wall has no time or the property of direction in it, so nothing can move inside it. Anyone getting stuck in the room with absolute-void walls are stuck there forever, if they don't disappear instantly in the first place.
-An another way to trap the enemy is by distorting the fabric of existence around an enemy. The enemy won't be able to get out unless the enemy is a specialist who can un-distort the fabric of existence.
-To see things, the user detects vibrations and things like that in the universe, and not by receiving particles hitting on his eyes. That way the user's eyeballs can't be attacked by some death rays.
-As the user flies at speed infinite, the universe and everything literally blow up to pieces. The user prevents that by compressing everything inward to prevent the destruction of the universe.

Omnienergy Omnienergy Fruit
-It's the ability to control all types of magical energies. The user's body is a solid compression of all types of magical energies that can do all sorts of things in the One Piece world. Superpower is generally about doing things in the fictional world that parallels with things in the real world. So, just like the energies in the real world where energies existing everywhere and doing all sorts of things, the magical energies of the OO fruit can do things like: compression and explosion, increase and decrease things, open portals, make copies of things, delete things, freeze things, provide knowledge of things of the future or of the past anywhere, generate push field, make things transparent and invisible, cause decay of things, make the user invulnerable to all sort of transformations, control time, burn all sorts of things, regeneration... The user is like Ben 10.
-The user's body is under compression like a bomb, in order to nullify certain energies while leaving certain energy functional. When the body decompresses all the OO energies are released to cause chaos and destruction everywhere. The user's body in the decompressed form exists as clouds and waves of energies. The user can reclaim the energies and get compressed again.
-The user's body can be transformed to volume zero by decreasing the number of dimensions of the body to zero dimension.
-The skin of the body blocks everything, including time, outside from entering the user's body, and that means the user can move at speed infinite.
-One of the abilities the user has is the ability of compression and explosion. The user can compress anything into volume zero, and can explode anything into infinite number of pieces. Since the user can compress things into volume zero, the user can tough anything in volume zero to explode it into infinite number of pieces. Using this, the user can kill volume zero guys like the Absorb Absorb guy and the Transform Transform guy.
-The user can make a volume zero bullet and shoots it at the enemy. The bullet enters the enemy's body and explodes, causing damage.
-The user of this fruit is an expert in producing superpowers. Unlike the Any-Wish-Come-True guy who is not an expert and who is not in total control of his/her own superpower, the OO user can customize his/her attacks to have strange new effects. The OO user can customize the delete attack to delete even volume zero opponents at speed infinite. The OO user maybe can make his/her attacks to have self awareness and have their own eyes to detect and attack certain things. It's like Ultra-Instinct. Because of lack of control, the AWCT guy cannot get the results from he/she is looking for.
-The user cannot transform too much or he/she loses some of his/her original power.
-Galactus has similar powers to the OO user, but Galactus does not have multiple brains like the OO user. The OO user have multiple brains in order to control different energies in his/her body at the same time. The OO user can customize and shoot an attack that has billions of characteristics and effects of different attacks, that other users have, at Galactus, and Galactus can't depend against that, because Galactus has only one brain. Such attack can have effects such as: delete, mind control, transform, compress, explode...

Absorb Absorb Fruit
They probably knew about this.
-This power is the power of invisibility using the abilities of push and pull. As light particles are about to collide with the user's body, their directions are manipulated so that their paths are curved around the user's body. The user can push and pull on anything. The user's body can be separated into infinite of volume-zero particles.
-The user can push time out of his/her body and can still function. Things move at speed infinite in a time-void. The pushing and pulling strengths are infinite.
-The user can pull things such as life energy from the opponent to kill the opponent. To kill an opponent with anti-magic and freeze fields, the user's body become volume zero particles and then merge with the opponent's body. The user then pushes away the anti-magic and freeze fields while absorbing the opponent's life energy.

Expandingvoid-Expandingvoid Fruit
-It's the power to generate a push field all around the user's body to push everything to the outside even time. The user's body is very tough so the push field cannot destroy it, unless the push field pushes out the fabric of existence on the user's body. The user can move in the time void so his strength and speed is infinite. The push field is also infinite in speed.

Resonance-Resonance Fruit
-It's the ability to eat and absorb energy and matter. As energy and matter are absorbed into the user's body, they are converted into body movements. The user's body is made up of particles that fly around in orbits like the electron clouds flying around an atom nucleus or molecule. The orbits of the body particles can occupy horizontally in the same dimension or vertically in different neighboring dimensions such as time, mirror, 10th or portal dimensions. The user can synchronize his body particles to move horizontally or vertically at high speeds that can be higher than the speed of light. The user can move back in time.
-As the user eats more energy and matter, his/her body either grows bigger or becomes more energetic, depending on the user's technique of absorption and on what material he eats. If the user gets more energetic, his/her body particles zip around at higher speeds, potentially reaching speed infinite. He/she can eat speed infinite particles and high energy blast to energize his/her body to higher level. The user can eat time and makes time in his/her body zips around at speed infinite, thus allowing the user to move in a time void without being frozen.
-Once the user has achieved the body state of infinite energy, he/she can beat the Expanding-Void user. The user punches can crack the fabric of existence that the Expandind-Void user sits on, even in a time void.
-To achieve a higher energy state the user needs to gradually levels up, or his/her body gets blown apart because of absorbing energy that is too high.
-If the user body in 3D dimension gets destroyed the user can heal himself/herself because his/her higher-than-3D body is still intact.
-Since the user specializes in energy, he/she can detect anything that move.

Sub-Sub Fruit
-The user pushes his/her body toward the high-pressure dimension until the pressure of the push passes beyond infinite, and that causes the user's body to move into the high-pressure dimension. In order for an object to move into the high-pressure dimension, the push on the object must be beyond infinite (it's illogical to say that there is anything beyond infinite but there's a power that can change logic of the universe. 1+1 can be 3). The high-pressure dimension is like the sea, and the user's body is a submarine. As the user goes deeper into the high-pressure dimension, the pressure in the dimension increases exponentially, so the user must push harder on his/her body.
-In the high-pressure dimension, the user's body is somewhat invisible to the outside world (3D space), because there is no photon or whatever particles flying around in the high-pressure dimension. The user sees while in the high-pressure dimension by using special eyes that are maybe some kind of motion detectors. The user eyes can also see photons in the 3D world. The user has his/her eyes at the boundary between the high-pressure dimension and the 3D-space dimension to do observations of the 3D-space world.
-The high-pressure dimension is a neighbor dimension to the 3D-space dimension, so the user can reach the 3D-space dimension anywhere as he/she travels along the high-pressure dimension. The high-pressure dimension can also be used as a link to other dimensions such as the worm-hole dimension, which is used to skip over distances.
-The user body is tough beyond infinite, to endure extremely high pressure that grinds and tears on the user's body. The high-pressure dimension is a time void because the dimension pushes out almost everything including time, but not the fabric of existence. The user's skin and the rest of the body block everything so that the user's guts won't spill out everywhere. The skin that blocks the push that pushes everything is the same as the push, which means the skin blocks everything, except the fabric of existence. The user's entire body is a time-void because time can't enter it.
-To kill an enemy, the user shoots out his/her arm or leg at the enemy laying outside the high-pressure dimension. The strength behind the shot is beyond infinite with speed infinite. He/she does not want to jump out of the high-pressure dimension because he/she might get trapped in the absolute-void room created by the Oil-Oil user. The user's arm or leg have some degree of flexibility, and compression and expansion as they retract, or they would get stuck in place by some absolute-void walls.
-To move the user pushes himself/herself forward vertically or horizontally in the high-pressure dimension. Everywhere is a time-void so the speed everywhere is infinite: distance/0=speed infinite.
-This user can punch three big holes through the chests of the Blackhole guy, Expanding-Void Expanding-Void guy and Goku, without them knowing what's going on.
-Weakness: the user's limb that passes through a portal door, that turns on and then off, will get chopped off.

Computer-Mouse Computer-Mouse Fruit
-It's the power of the computer mouse, with the information on the monitor, the information in the computer and the internet as the One Piece world. The user is like a mouse crawling under a sheet of cloth. The sheet of cloth is the fabric of existence. The user is outside of time and outside of the fabric of existence. The area around user's body outside the fabric of existence has the properties of direction that allow the user to move only sideways under the rug and into the fabric of existence, but nothing, except harmless information, from the fabric of existence can move toward the user. The user can see things inside the fabric of existence, but nothing and nobody in the fabric of existence can see the user's body. That is because of the one-way connection between the user and the fabric of existence, allowing only harmless light or harmless information of some kind to pass toward the user's eyes, and not allowing magic or anything dangerous to pass through. The user's powers to control the world are also connected through one way path also. Those one-way paths are controlled by the properties of direction. Just like a real computer mouse, the real computer mouse cable is a one way path.
-The area around the user is a piece of folded up fabric of existence. Its toughness is beyond infinite, because it must withstand a force that is infinite while the user moves around at speed infinite.
-The user's powers are similar to those of a computer mouse. He/she can delete, move, copy things, and setting up firewalls and create virus. He/she can get access to information and learn who is hiding and invisible. The user can use the omniscience internet to predict the future and to see things far away (trillion light years away). The omniscient internet is part of reality like time and space. The omniscient internet is a database of information stored all over the universe. You need a special magic to convert the information into useful information. The user can do to things far away just like the user can do to things nearby, by redrawing the videos on the internet. The user can draw stuff and change stuff using computer programs. The user can teleport people or things. The user can redraw everything in his/her zone of control crazy and confusing and backward and anti-info. The user can create traps to fool people into believing that the zone is safe, and when people enter the zone they get killed, or get trapped because of the properties of direction producing one-way paths. Like producing CGI, the user can create new creatures from nothing, and puppet control the creatures to attack people.
-The user can send viruses through people's sensors to get to people's brains to mind control people. The viruses can travel as flying particles or waves, or they can travel as any other means. Almost everybody is vulnerable because they all have sensors that receive information. The user can make the viruses invisible and intangible by placing the intangible characteristic, that the user copied from some intangible guy, on the viruses. There is also a virus that transform anything it touches into viruses.
-The user can make copies of anybody by X-ray them or touching them. Right before finishing the copies, the user infect the copies with a virus that turn the copies into slaves of the user. Those copies can be used to kill some hard to kill enemies. The user can make copies of attacks also, and can store those attacks in memories so that they can be used elsewhere.
-The user can freeze, speed up, slow down and reverse things also. By speeding up things to a very high level without limit, the heat would destroy many things. He/she can heat things up to super high level without destroying things (videos speed up), and that means he/she can enhance the durability of things to a very high level beyond infinite.
-The user can move at speed infinite speed since he/she is outside of time.
-This one can kill Aizen by infecting Aizen with a virus that will kill Aizen within one year, if Aizen does not check his future farther than one year.
This one is my best JoJo stand

Info-Info Fruit
-The user can create illusions of all sorts to fool everybody looking at him/her. Everything is information, so the user can be anything. The user can enter people's brain to mind control people.
This one is Aizen.

God Electricity-God Electricity Fruit
It's probably Thor's power.
-The power is about having a body made of God electrons and God protons, and about doing things God electricity can do. It is similar to the ability to shapeshift into anything in the universe, in the forms of God electrons and God protons. Those electrons and protons may not exist in nature, but with magic they do exist.
-When those God protons and God electrons are stationary they can be beyond infinitely tough or be intangible to everything. When they move around like in an electric circuit, they can move through solid matters, and have way beyond infinite strength.
-The user can have a body that is super tough and blocks everything or be intangible and invisible to everything. If the user encounter someone with a similar body like this, the user wins because he/she can grind that one to pieces, by running the electrons and protons around in a circle.
-The user can move inside the fabric of existence at speed infinite.

Catch-Catch Fruit
-The power makes the user invisible by making moving objects or attacks (photons, a rock, speed infinite particles, time, a small piece of fabric of existence, lightning strike) that are small enough flying at any speed toward the user's body to look like they all pass right through the user's body, even though in reality they do not pass through. As those moving objects and attacks collide with the user's body, they are stopped dead on their tracks, and get absorbed into the user's body. At the same time, at the opposite ends of the user's body, the exact same objects and attacks are materialized and accelerated to the same speeds as the objects and attacks were before the collision.
-The user has the following abilities and characteristics: invisibility; infinite toughness; can accelerate his/her body to speed infinite; infinite strength; can separate himself/herself from the main timeline in the universe by using his/her skin so that if his/her mother got killed before he/she was born, his/her future self would not be affected; hold time within his/her body so that he/she can move in a time void; reaction speed at infinite; the skin can separate all things; infinite acceleration; intelligence at speed infinite; trillions of brains and eyes all over his/her body in order to make himself/herself invisible; ican probably separate his/her body into trillion parts; absorb stuff to make himself/herself bigger; imprison enemies inside him/her or make them disappear by using the skin to cut off the enemies link to the pass; makes copies of some objects and attacks.
-The use can't make any copy of any piece of fabric of existence because there is no place to put it.
-The user normally kills by getting near an enemy and then accelerate in different directions some organs of the enemy to tear the enemy to pieces. The user can also shoot objects at speed infinite at the enemies.
-Can heal himself/herself if his/her body get damaged with a big hole.
-One of the deadly abilities the user can learn from other users is the ability to send death rays that attack other people eyes or other sensors. The death rays disguise themselves as photons or rays of any kind that enter other people eyes and brains. Those that don't have good defense will die or be blinded from such attack. The Catch Catch user is invulnerable to such attack because he/she can eat almost anything and can neutralize almost everything.

Sphere-Sphere Fruit
-This is an another invisibility fruit. The user's body is covered with a spherical sheet that has the inside and outside surfaces being portal doors. The sphere becomes invisible by sending particles (photons and speed infinite particles) and small things entering the portal at the front, to the back.
-The portal sheet can move telekinetically at speed infinite, because sometimes a photon or a small object entering the portal at the front for only half of the photon or object and that would disrupt the invisibility, so the sphere need to be telekinetically adjusted to allow all of the photon or the small object to either completely pass into the portal or bypass the portal.
-The user can generate new portal door in another place such as in an another dimension, in the past or in the future, or in another universe in a similar way like the power of Leorio in the HunterXHunter anime, but at speed infinite. The user has trillions of eyes. When the user sees danger, he/she just move a portal over the user's body and teleports away.
-The user kills by moving a portal over the enemy body, and turning on and off the portal very fast, chopping the enemy to pieces.
-The user can exist in many places at the same time by protruding out tentacles from the body. The body is malleable because of eyes and brains everywhere. The user's body and its sphere around it can be divided up into smaller spheres. The user's body parts are linked together through the portals on the inside surfaces of the spheres.
-Since the user specializes in traveling, the portals can reach other dimensions beyond 3D space. The user can see into other dimensions beyond 3D space as the portals of the sphere reach into the other dimensions. Such capability prevents objects and enemies from suddenly appearing inside the sphere from the other neighboring dimensions.
-The sphere covers the user's body completely throughout all dimensions such that time cannot pass into or out of the sphere. The portal can't let a piece of fabric of existence pass through because the piece would just push the portal away.
-This user kills Resonance-Resonance guy, if the RR guy has a core that is his weak point, and the Black-Hole guy.
-The sphere sheet separates time outside of the sphere from time inside the sphere. Time inside the sphere is the same as a time-void because time disconnected from the time in the universe does not work. Because of that, the portal works in time-void, and it can kill time-void bodies like those of the black-hole guy and the sub-sub guy.
-The portal let everything pass through it, without letting anything going through the portal touching the inner mechanisms of the portal. The portal is like a junction between one world to another world. That is why anti-magic and freeze field, while passing through the portal, cannot disrupt the functioning of the portal.
-Not sure if this is the best Jojo stand. This Jojo stand user can kill an enemy in an another universe while the user's human body is hidden far away from danger. By rearranging light rays, the stand can generate a movie that shows what is going on at various dangerous places without the need of the user's human eyes being at those places.

Extract-Extract Fruit.
This is an another invisibility fruit. The user's body is made up of particles that are constantly moving around like water molecules. As photons and speed infinite particles collide with the user's body at the surface, the user's particles at the surface capture those photons, contain the photons and freeze the photons (so that the photons don't turn into something else). The capsules that contain the photons then swim at very high speeds, up to speed infinite, through the watery body of the user. The photons are then unfreezed, released and accelerated to the same speed at before, at the rear of the user's body.
-The user can fly at speed infinite. The acceleration is also infinite. The strength is infinite. The toughness of the capsule is infinite. The user can see everything. The user can contain a piece of fabric of existence, and that means the capsule can reaches beyond 3D space.
-The user normally kills by removing piece by piece of the enemy's body.
-The user can grab a human and then moves at very high speed without harming the human.
-The user can freeze things and people, even those that can move in a time void, if the freezing field can be applied throughout the enemy's body. The capsule is outside of time, so its power does work in a time-void. The freeze does not work on the Catch-Catch user because the CC user specializes in eating everything and neutralizing everything.
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Wasn’t it implicated that the only limit of Luffys fruit is his imagination?
would explain why he regrows teeth from drinking milk.
Or why only a few injuries become scars, or why he learns haki so fast… because he thinks (and imagined) that these things work that way.
I don't think that was specifically stated, but seems plausible.
Wasn’t it implicated that the only limit of Luffys fruit is his imagination?
would explain why he regrows teeth from drinking milk.
Or why only a few injuries become scars, or why he learns haki so fast… because he thinks (and imagined) that these things work that way.
He is not the only one who can regrow is teeth with milk and the Nika fruit don't hold that power, we clearly saw what he can do against kaido:endthis:
Also, Seed -Seed -Fruit (Shido Shido no Mi).

- User can generate seeds which they can plant on objects or people
- The people and objects with the seeds will slowly turn into plants under the user's control
- There is no way to turn them back except if the user specifically commands it
- The user can decide to kill them at any time
- The plant humans/objects can also generate seeds and turn more humans/objects into plants
- If the one turned into a plant has a specific fighting style/devil fruit power, they will keep it
- Just the standard DF weakness
- Awakening lets the user grow normal plants in addition