Current Events Current GK matchups (1140 spoilers)

Zoro vs Sommers
Sanji vs Kirin
Luffy vs Loki
Usssop/Nami vs Gunko
Rest try to save the childrens from the God Knights' games
Idk man Loki is massively injured
With the reveal of Harald as a government plant I think any fighting with him is off the table. They are about to not only free him but save his life and fix his reputation
Idk man Loki is massively injured
With the reveal of Harald as a government plant I think any fighting with him is off the table. They are about to not only free him but save his life and fix his reputation
A clash between Loki - Luffy (self proclaimed Sun God - Real Sun GOd) is bound to happen, whether it ends in a victory or not.
None of the summoned God Knights look like Luffy's opponents, and Shamrock is about to leave I think. So that only leaves Loki as Luffy's opponent
Although I do think Shamrock will disobey the order of his return and will stay and will have a clash with Luffy.
If Shamrock stays and Sommers and Kiringham are stronger than they appear
Luffy vs Shamrock
Zoro vs Sommers
Sanji vs Kiringham
Usopp vs Gunko

If shamrock leaves and those two are as strong as they appear:
Jinbe vs Kiringham
Franky vs Sommers
Robin vs Gunko

If those two are fodder
Usopp vs Sommers
Chopper vs Kiringham
Nami vs Gunko

Currently not sold on any matchup
I think the parallel of Shamrock having 3 swords is too strong to ignore
It seems most likely to me that Shamrock does leave, when reintroduced later it will be him against Zoro and Luffy against Garling.

For now, Robin, Franky, and Chopper get dominated, Sanji goes to the rescue and fights all three of them defeating (temporarily) Kirin and Sommers, but ultimately getting smacked around by Gunko while someone runs to get help. I think Gunko will fall for Sanji’s chivalry because it seems that she really values politeness.

Afterward, they escape, rematch includes all GK after their defeat is reported. 1v1 for each Strawhat to defend Elbaf, Buster Call initiated, Greenbull comes and takes over Elbaf’s crazy plants and the Adam Tree, massive fight, Revolutionaries show up to destroy the Navy fleet, fights for Commanders against VAs, Greenbull defeated by Loki, kingdom restored to Loki who abdicates to Hajrudin, Loki targets world government, Elbaf becomes part of Luffy’s territory
Seraphim are insanely powerful though, you have a killing machine powered by lunarian genetics with lethal fighting styles mimicking the Warlords, boosted by a devil fruit that suits each one. To make it worse, they got laser beams.
I definitely will not casually put people on this level, they gotta work hard for it. For HKs, Shamrock makes sense for now I guess even when I think he is considerably weaker than what the fandom hype him up to be. He has special portrayal, others do not, so far at least
If Gunko faces a seraphim the only thing she can do is probably just back off and maintain distance, but it's a losing battle
I have Seraphims generally no higher than YC2 range with a special Lunarian gimmick right now

Gunko also has some sort of special portrayal. She debuted by accompanying Shamrock to Elbaf. Is the only one without a Saint title and her powers are similar to Imu. She might also be Awakened given she sprouted arrows from the ground below her

If HKs recruited her similar to Loki for her potential then no way she is jobbing to Nami or Robin, who I don’t even see able to hurt Loki to make him scream while negging his animal friends

My prediction is all HKs are at least YC1 and above range. To instill tension into an otherwise easy breeze for SHs cuz it also needs to surpass what we saw in Egghead, SHs got Giants, Loki who hates HKs, and Gaban so HKs need to be super powerful to offer some semblance of threat
Things could change, they could face Zoro and Sanji or the weaker Straw Hats if more Holy Knights appear. I imagine if fights ensue soon, someone will get overwhelmed. Then again, Sanji usually arrives whenever Robin gets hurt so we'll see.
Things could change, they could face Zoro and Sanji or the weaker Straw Hats if more Holy Knights appear. I imagine if fights ensue soon, someone will get overwhelmed. Then again, Sanji usually arrives whenever Robin gets hurt so we'll see.
Looks like Shamrock is headed to clash with the Revolutionaries to fulfill Dragon’s prophecy and end the siege for the food problem. Seems part of their motivation for getting Elbaf may be a massive food supply.
I think Oda gives us mid tier for now.
Robin fights Gunko (Paramecia)
Chopper fights Qilingam (animal)
Franky fights Summers (cloth less dude)
Other will join if they need help
Looks like Shamrock is headed to clash with the Revolutionaries to fulfill Dragon’s prophecy and end the siege for the food problem. Seems part of their motivation for getting Elbaf may be a massive food supply.
MarieJois seems like they are going to implode soon.
Hard to say. Gunko felt like a solid high high tier. Her arrows can have "being a DF substance" durability hax, which would make it a near top tier ability. She can no diff giant creatures without breaking a sweat.
I dunno whether or not even Jimbei would stand a chance.

Gillingham is an armed awakened mythical Zoan. That ain't some low high tier type of stuff, the Tobi Roppo were non awakened ancient Zoans for comparison.
Wouldn't put it past him to be around Lucci lvl.

Something seems off with Sommers' sword. He could have a DF implanted. That rose on his suit and the tendril that is his sword's grip seem suspicious. I'm expecting either a DF or a DF weapon.
Cannot forget that even though they look a little goofy, that they are still God Knights and they actively go and recruit very powerful contenders. Ain't none of them is going to be weaker than Smoker I think.

Thus it's hard to tell. I would be really surprised if the non M3 strawhats would handle them.
I just hope that the Luffy party is not involved at first and that Luffy and Zoro get to have some fun with Loki
Loki will end up being a good guy ,but he needs his hypetool. He needs to neg one of them...
I believe for some shake up Luffy will end up focused on stopping Loki's rampage until Shamrock returns..

If Gunko doesn't end up being Loki's hypetool ,she will fall to a tag team of women ,unless Oda doesn't care about the image of the proud & great warriors of Elbaph ,as he does with the male SHs...
The only Straw Hats nearby are Chopper, Franky, and Robin. Vegapunk Lilith and Bonney are also relatively close by with injured Kuma.
Do they get destroyed?
Those 5 + Kuma should be fine. Unless there is an Admiral or a Gorosei they are all capable of fighting back for a bit, enough time for Gaban, Jinbei, Sanji, Zoro or Luffy to notice.

Kirin-sama vs Zoro cuz muh swordsman
Sommers vs Luffy cuz Shamrock replacement
Luffy and Zoro already proved their worth vs Lucci, Kizaru, Saturn, Warcury and Venus. With Shamrock gone the focus should be on the other crew members to step up. I suppose that is why Oda made the duo have a small skirmish with Gaban (that folded quickly) and heading for Loki (a real powerhouse) so that they are out of the picture. Simply too strong and already had screen time.

Let Sanji and Jinbei take care of Kirin and Sommers. Robin, Nami, Lilith or Bonney can solo or duo take on Gunko.
The arc is too vague for any concrete match ups

Especially with Shamrock leaving, the abyss portals requiring a mark in order to travel, what are the conditions to get that mark to perform the summoning, will they summon ships etc.

Still need to see more of the arc where the direction is going.

I am starting to suspect these circles will be used as a shortcut for straw hats to travel to holyland, perhaps at the end of this arc, depending on the conditions, maybe a former HK or a HK turned to traitor, maybe Vivi knows some shit about this or whatever.
Luffy and Zoro already proved their worth vs Lucci, Kizaru, Saturn, Warcury and Venus. With Shamrock gone the focus should be on the other crew members to step up. I suppose that is why Oda made the duo have a small skirmish with Gaban (that folded quickly) and heading for Loki (a real powerhouse) so that they are out of the picture. Simply too strong and already had screen time.
No they didn’t lmao. Goofy didn’t even defeat Saturn 1v1

Let Sanji and Jinbei take care of Kirin and Sommers. Robin, Nami, Lilith or Bonney can solo or duo take on Gunko.
Sanji and Jinbei can take Kirin 2v1. Gunko stomps all those girls combined
Gunko singlehandedly neg-diffed animals that reminded Luffy of his timeskip training days — the same animals that forced him to develop G4

Unless you think Robin, Brook, Jinbei can fight on par with the likes of post-TS G4. Mid trio my ass

Yea the size, the versaility and the different attack types of those arrows make her pretty damn strong and she's doing it super casually aswell. And they still might be semi hax, depending on how that pre trajectory ability of hers gets handled. Might be that some of her attacks are near inescapable.
And she ain't a slouch in close quarter either. That arrow suit + haki seems strong
She also seems to be awakened. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a low top tier and I'm pretty sure that she's atleast a high high tier. She also has no Saint title, so she might have been specifically recruited for her strength similar to Loki.
Yea the size, the versaility and the different attack types of those arrows make her pretty damn strong and she's doing it super casually aswell. And they still might be semi hax, depending on how that pre trajectory ability of hers gets handled. Might be that some of her attacks are near inescapable.
And she ain't a slouch in close quarter either. That arrow suit + haki seems strong
She also seems to be awakened. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a low top tier and I'm pretty sure that she's atleast a high high tier. She also has no Saint title, so she might have been specifically recruited for her strength similar to Loki.
It’s really crazy, like when was the last time a mid trio match-up got this much individual mystery/hype alongside a certified top tier like Shamrock?

That would be like Pekoms negging the animals while torturing Loki with BM

Or Page One doing the same with Kaido

Even the one accompanying Saturn was Kizaru, or Kaku with Lucci, adult Momonosuke with Yamato, or Trebol with Doffy who at least held a seat among his execs. Always been higher-ups or people with clear potential

If we follow Oda’s conventional way of writing (not saying this is guaranteed), Gunko appears to be in a special position

Like yea Oda likes to pair up women match ups with women, but lately he has been breaking off that course too (Yamato, Stussy, Bonney, even Doll)