If Shamrock stays and Sommers and Kiringham are stronger than they appear
Luffy vs Shamrock
Zoro vs Sommers
Sanji vs Kiringham
Usopp vs Gunko
If shamrock leaves and those two are as strong as they appear:
Jinbe vs Kiringham
Franky vs Sommers
Robin vs Gunko
If those two are fodder
Usopp vs Sommers
Chopper vs Kiringham
Nami vs Gunko
Currently not sold on any matchup
I think the parallel of Shamrock having 3 swords is too strong to ignore
It seems most likely to me that Shamrock does leave, when reintroduced later it will be him against Zoro and Luffy against Garling.
For now, Robin, Franky, and Chopper get dominated, Sanji goes to the rescue and fights all three of them defeating (temporarily) Kirin and Sommers, but ultimately getting smacked around by Gunko while someone runs to get help. I think Gunko will fall for Sanji’s chivalry because it seems that she really values politeness.
Afterward, they escape, rematch includes all GK after their defeat is reported. 1v1 for each Strawhat to defend Elbaf, Buster Call initiated, Greenbull comes and takes over Elbaf’s crazy plants and the Adam Tree, massive fight, Revolutionaries show up to destroy the Navy fleet, fights for Commanders against VAs, Greenbull defeated by Loki, kingdom restored to Loki who abdicates to Hajrudin, Loki targets world government, Elbaf becomes part of Luffy’s territory