Versus Battle Dark Matter Thieves vs Monster Association

I remember many people used to say that Boros could solo the MA. Is this true? I highly doubt it, so I gave Boros the rest of his crew. No Garou for the MA, Psykos and Orochi start of unfused, and the Dark Matter Thieves don’t have their ship since this is just a battle of pure strength (not that it matters that much since Orochi could blow up the ship pretty quickly anyways). I think the MA wins.

The MA has an advantage in fodders since the footsoldier aliens in the DMT never were implied to be anything more than regular beings, so Tigers would mow through them easily, though the fodders are pretty irrelevant regardless.

All of the Demons can fight Melzelgard, Geryuganshoop, and Groribas. I know that Demons are small fries compared to Dragons, but I would assume a squad of Demons could give an average Dragon some trouble, and to be honest I think the DMT generals are kinda weak by Dragon standards, at least compared to the cadres. The MA also have some Demons that seem somewhat close to Dragon level, such as Bug God, who I’m sure could give a low Dragon at least some trouble before going down. I think that these 3 Dragons would just get overwhelmed eventually because of just how much Demons the MA has, and worse case scenario, some cadres have to clean up the weakened generals.

All of the Dragons fight Boros. I find it highly unlikely that Boros can beat Orochi, Black Sperm, Homeless Emperor, Evil Natural Water, Elder Centipede, Gouketsu, Fuhrer Ugly, Gums, Nyan, Psykos, Phoenix Man, Gale Wind, Hellfire Flame, and Bakuzan all at the same time
Boros can one-shot or low-diff Dragon level opponents, just like Garou was one-shotting it after getting his final form. No matter how many there are, I doubt it will make a difference since the power gap is too much.

Boros at full power can ''clobber'' even Saitama (''Even Saitama is sort of clobbered''), which is something enough to one-shot any monster except for Garou.

Boros is a ''God'' level threat, which was implied in the manga, and databooks stating that Boros is Dragon + level, not Dragon, meaning that it's God level, (since above Dragon, there is only God level).

--- Chapter 31

Just like Dragon level monsters have their own levels inside of that level, (such as when Orochi is being stronger than Gouketsu, or Elder Centipede is being stronger than other Dragon level monsters, but they are still Dragon level) there will be different God levels as well, Boros might be at the bottom of God level, but still on a different level than Dragon level.

I have Boros ~ Garou, yes mangaka said Garou > Boros in close combat, but close combat is not everything. Garou had stylistic advantage against Saitama, since Saitama doesn't have any ranged attacks like laser beams or energy blasts so Garou was able to perform that good against Saitama due to being a martial art prodigy and Saitama fights with only punches, kicks and other type of body shots.

Boros has continental if not planetary level energy blasts, and he has the raw strength to send Saitama to moon with his meteoric burst kick. Boros's energy blasts would be a huge trouble for Garou if they had to fight.

Boros also has healing factor strong enough to grow a whole new arm. And he can regenerate his entire body quickly right after taking consecutive normal punches from Saitama, this was right after getting hit by Saitama's normal punch, which is alone capable of one-shotting Dragon level opponents, even one-shotting Orochi. Let alone taking consecutive normal punches right after, no monster, even Prime Garou couldn't match that Saitama's combo attack power.

Even if they somehow manage to hurt Boros like Saitama did (which is highly doubtful) they still can't handle Boros's healing factor + continental level energy blasts from range.

Monsters will also fight with each other, they have no allegiance to each other, they only care about strength, and once they realize Boros is insanely strong and seeing how terrifying he is, they will change sides quickly, and they will accept Boros as their new leader.

Even if we assume that the Monsters won't change sides after seeing Boros's strength, they are easy to scare when you have enough power, they will plot against each other, and they will start to back stab each other, no way they are going to sacrifice themselves for that Orochi or Psykos once they realize how powerful Boros really is.
Boros can one-shot or low-diff Dragon level opponents, just like Garou was one-shotting it after getting his final form. No matter how many there are, I doubt it will make a difference since the power gap is too much.

Boros at full power can ''clobber'' even Saitama (''Even Saitama is sort of clobbered''), which is something enough to one-shot any monster except for Garou.

Boros is a ''God'' level threat, which was implied in the manga, and databooks stating that Boros is Dragon + level, not Dragon, meaning that it's God level, (since above Dragon, there is only God level).

--- Chapter 31

Just like Dragon level monsters have their own levels inside of that level, (such as when Orochi is being stronger than Gouketsu, or Elder Centipede is being stronger than other Dragon level monsters, but they are still Dragon level) there will be different God levels as well, Boros might be at the bottom of God level, but still on a different level than Dragon level.

I have Boros ~ Garou, yes mangaka said Garou > Boros in close combat, but close combat is not everything. Garou had stylistic advantage against Saitama, since Saitama doesn't have any ranged attacks like laser beams or energy blasts so Garou was able to perform that good against Saitama due to being a martial art prodigy and Saitama fights with only punches, kicks and other type of body shots.

Boros has continental if not planetary level energy blasts, and he has the raw strength to send Saitama to moon with his meteoric burst kick. Boros's energy blasts would be a huge trouble for Garou if they had to fight.

Boros also has healing factor strong enough to grow a whole new arm. And he can regenerate his entire body quickly right after taking consecutive normal punches from Saitama, this was right after getting hit by Saitama's normal punch, which is alone capable of one-shotting Dragon level opponents, even one-shotting Orochi. Let alone taking consecutive normal punches right after, no monster, even Prime Garou couldn't match that Saitama's combo attack power.

Even if they somehow manage to hurt Boros like Saitama did (which is highly doubtful) they still can't handle Boros's healing factor + continental level energy blasts from range.

Monsters will also fight with each other, they have no allegiance to each other, they only care about strength, and once they realize Boros is insanely strong and seeing how terrifying he is, they will change sides quickly, and they will accept Boros as their new leader.

Even if we assume that the Monsters won't change sides after seeing Boros's strength, they are easy to scare when you have enough power, they will plot against each other, and they will start to back stab each other, no way they are going to sacrifice themselves for that Orochi or Psykos once they realize how powerful Boros really is.
Orochi was also stated to be “Dragon or above”
Orochi was also stated to be “Dragon or above”
Probably related to Orochi's special ability to produce monsters, and fusion with Pyskos, and ability drain others. I doubt due to its combat power.

Because Murata said he doesn't know who wins between Golden Sperm vs Orochi, and Golden Sperm is just Dragon level.

''Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.''

Also Boros has 3 Dragon level commanders; Geryuganshoop, Groribas, and Melzargard.

Boros doesn't even need to deal with them all by himself actually, and if he was forced, I think he can. Since no one except for Garou, can match with Boros's power and healing factor.
Probably related to Orochi's special ability to produce monsters, and fusion with Pyskos, and ability drain others. I doubt due to its combat power.

Because Murata said he doesn't know who wins between Golden Sperm vs Orochi, and Golden Sperm is just Dragon level.

''Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.''

Also Boros has 3 Dragon level commanders; Geryuganshoop, Groribas, and Melzargard.

Boros doesn't even need to deal with them all by himself actually, and if he was forced, I think he can. Since no one except for Garou, can match with Boros's power and healing factor.
Orochi can blow up cities in one shot. Is kicking a human to the moon really more impressive than blowing up a city?

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Boros and his crew can't take on the whole MA due to outnumbered. Orochi and Black Sperm alone can push Boros to high diff so do the math.
Orochi can blow up cities in one shot. Is kicking a human to the moon really more impressive than blowing up a city?
Obviously lol. Sending Saitama to the moon is one of the best feats in the verse.
Orochi can blow up cities in one shot. Is kicking a human to the moon really more impressive than blowing up a city?
Saitama has a regular human weight, but when he is fighting, even moving him a little is an incredible strength feat.

A person with Superhuman strength can't even move Saitama a little;

Another superhuman being can't even move Saitama a little despite hitting him from behind;



Lazy is the way
I think the only way to fight meteoric burst is for Orochi and Psykos to absorb everyone : golden sperm, homeless etc. Nightmare Orochi can likely deal with Boros.

Except that scenario : Melgazard, Ganshop and Goribas can fight and stall 3 cadres while Boros nukes the place

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
The only way for Boros to potentially win this is that if he uses Meteoric Burst from the start and shoot down at MA. And maybe some Cadres can survive it like Orochi, Black Sperm, Homeless Emperor or Rover. The rest could die from it.
@Zoro D Goat @RayanOO

Boros's underling Geryuganshoop is an extremely powerful psychic. They said he is even above Tatsumaki, which means Geryuganshoop alone can defeat one of the strongest monsters in the association, such as Golden Sperm, since they also said Tatsumaki at full power could defeat Golden Sperm.

Here check this out;

Q: ''Murata sensei, here's a question from overseas, can Geryuganshoop actually create black holes by manipulating gravity? It seems like they care about this a lot.''

A: ''hm~, I'm not sure. Black holes seem too powerful. I won't know for sure without asking ONE. But his ability to control flying object should be above Tatsumaki, because he can eliminate the friction between rocks and air. If Tatsumaki throws rocks like he does, her output will be too powerful, the temperature increase due to friction and pressure, and evaporate the rocks in an instant. Geryuganshoop's psychokinesis can eliminate the friction between objects and air, the rocks will fly at sub-light speed*, that's the setting I based my drawing on. Tatsumaki can throw very large objects, but there's a limit to how fast she can throw them. Geryuganshoop is the greatest psychic in the universe after all. That's what I think. (he repeats this several times)''

Even Boros's underling Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm.

Boros is on a completely different level than anyone in the series (except Prime Garou), when Saitama says someone is ''strong'', that shit is real. This is the guy that who said Flashy Flash is only ''kind of'' fast. Boros alone probably can beat all of them due to simply being too strong and too fast, due to being on a different level than others. Boros is also not only extremely durable and strong, he also blitzed a normal level Saitama, which is something that even speedsters like Sonic or Flash couldn't do.


Lazy is the way
@Zoro D Goat @RayanOO

Boros's underling Geryuganshoop is an extremely powerful psychic. They said he is even above Tatsumaki, which means Geryuganshoop alone can defeat one of the strongest monsters in the association, such as Golden Sperm, since they also said Tatsumaki at full power could defeat Golden Sperm.

Here check this out;

Q: ''Murata sensei, here's a question from overseas, can Geryuganshoop actually create black holes by manipulating gravity? It seems like they care about this a lot.''

A: ''hm~, I'm not sure. Black holes seem too powerful. I won't know for sure without asking ONE. But his ability to control flying object should be above Tatsumaki, because he can eliminate the friction between rocks and air. If Tatsumaki throws rocks like he does, her output will be too powerful, the temperature increase due to friction and pressure, and evaporate the rocks in an instant. Geryuganshoop's psychokinesis can eliminate the friction between objects and air, the rocks will fly at sub-light speed*, that's the setting I based my drawing on. Tatsumaki can throw very large objects, but there's a limit to how fast she can throw them. Geryuganshoop is the greatest psychic in the universe after all. That's what I think. (he repeats this several times)''

Even Boros's underling Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm.

Boros is on a completely different level than anyone in the series (except Prime Garou), when Saitama says someone is ''strong'', that shit is real. This is the guy that who said Flashy Flash is only ''kind of'' fast. Boros alone probably can beat all of them due to simply being too strong and too fast, due to being on a different level than others. Boros is also not only extremely durable and strong, he also blitzed a normal level Saitama, which is something that even speedsters like Sonic or Flash couldn't do.
Yeah Ganshop is strong no doubt, but I don’t think he is stronger than Tatsu

Ganshop mastery in moving object and eleminating the pressure and friction is above Tatsu, but sheer power wise Tatsu seems a lot stronger

and Tatsu can do a lot with her telekinesis and powers, Ganshop never demonstrated those. But in one area he is better
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I saw that on the Ganshoop wiki

Murata states that if Melzargard, Groribas, and Geryuganshoop decided to work together to fight against Orochi, even with preparation, they would have almost no chance of winning

So tatsu is overall better than Ganshoop because she can fight and beat Orochi
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Here the full statement from 2018

Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Boros's underling Geryuganshoop is an extremely powerful psychic. They said he is even above Tatsumaki, which means Geryuganshoop alone can defeat one of the strongest monsters in the association, such as Golden Sperm, since they also said Tatsumaki at full power could defeat Golden Sperm.
Just a friendly reminder to everyone Erkan has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to literally any subject:

“Murata states that if Melzargard, Groribas, and Geryuganshoop decided to work together to fight against Orochi, even with preparation, they would have almost no chance of winning.”

Geryuganshoop would get absolutely bodied by Tatsumaki who is in the same General tier as Golden Sperm and Orochi, whom Geryuganshoop has a 0% chance of defeating even with other Dragon levels assisting him. To even suggest he wouldn’t get immediately smushed by Tatsumaki is the pinnacle of Erkant dumbassery.
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Erkan is an absolute buffoon and the pinnacle of Erkant dumbassery.
Hurted your Orochi and Akainu feelings Lee-kun? Are you going to change your nickname to Orochi Fleet Admiral now? Last time I debunked your nonsense, you come up with ''Fleet'' Admiral nickname after explaining why Fleet Admiral vs Yonko would be a better fight in terms of importance to the series, if not for power levels, I literally own your nicknames.

What happened to ; ''I feel like I haven’t insulted Erkan near as much as he insults me to be fair lol '' bla bla thing? Did you forget to report yourself like you reported @Tejas ?

I feel like I haven’t insulted Erkan near as much as he insults me to be fair lol. I usually only insult him only after he insults me first.

Not that I’m asking for Erkan to be punished or anything lol.

Either way, message received, I will lighten up
Let's agree on you lie first, who is been protected by mods,

And secondly, I already destroyed your funny arguments about Orochi, you are the guy who tried to compare Orochi to Boros. Now you are coming here with onepunch wikia comments,:vistalaugh:

what murata said;

Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.

minimal chance =/= no chance,
almost next to nothing =/= nothing.

They have a little chance to beat your Overrated Orochi. Little chance, but still it's possible.

Q: So the pebble throwing of Geryganshoop is stronger than Tatsumaki’s?

A: Well... I drew it with the thought that it is right, but I don’t know whether the thought is same with ONE sensei’s official setting. Anyway, I draw enemies as powerful as possible when they appear, so there is a possibility that I overstated him a bit than ONE sensei’s setting, so at the time I drew the Geryuganshoop’s pebble throwing, I wanted him to be more powerful than her in some way.

And yes they said Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki when it comes to throwing objects, and he several times said he is the strongest psychic in the universe, just because they said they have a little chance to beat Orochi, that doesn't change the fact that Geryuganshoop is a Dragon level monster, who has psycic abilities to beat other monsters if not Orochi.

Your overrated Orochi can't even beat Golden Sperm;

Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.

It doesn't matter in the end, because Boros would one-shot Orochi, and Geryuganshoop can beat other top monsters even if they can't beat Orochi.

Sasaki Kojirō

Hurted your Orochi and Akainu feelings Lee-kun? Are you going to change your nickname to Orochi Fleet Admiral now? Last time I debunked your nonsense, you come up with ''Fleet'' Admiral nickname after explaining why Fleet Admiral vs Yonko would be a better fight in terms of importance to the series, if not for power levels, I literally own your nicknames.

What happened to ; ''I feel like I haven’t insulted Erkan near as much as he insults me to be fair lol '' bla bla thing? Did you forget to report yourself like you reported @Tejas ?

Let's agree on you lie first, who is been protected by mods,

And secondly, I already destroyed your funny arguments about Orochi, you are the guy who tried to compare Orochi to Boros. Now you are coming here with onepunch wikia comments,:vistalaugh:

what murata said;

Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.

minimal chance =/= no chance,
almost next to nothing =/= nothing.

They have a little chance to beat your Overrated Orochi. Little chance, but still it's possible.

Q: So the pebble throwing of Geryganshoop is stronger than Tatsumaki’s?

A: Well... I drew it with the thought that it is right, but I don’t know whether the thought is same with ONE sensei’s official setting. Anyway, I draw enemies as powerful as possible when they appear, so there is a possibility that I overstated him a bit than ONE sensei’s setting, so at the time I drew the Geryuganshoop’s pebble throwing, I wanted him to be more powerful than her in some way.

And yes they said Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki when it comes to throwing objects, and he several times said he is the strongest psychic in the universe, just because they said they have a little chance to beat Orochi, that doesn't change the fact that Geryuganshoop is a Dragon level monster, who has psycic abilities to beat other monsters if not Orochi.

Your overrated Orochi can't even beat Golden Sperm;

Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.

It doesn't matter in the end, because Boros would one-shot Orochi, and Geryuganshoop can beat other top monsters even if they can't beat Orochi.
I've been reading his nonsense about ONE PUNCH MAN, literally doesn't know how to climb VERSE correctly, don't waste your time.
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Hurted your Orochi and Akainu feelings Lee-kun? Are you going to change your nickname to Orochi Fleet Admiral now? Last time I debunked your nonsense, you come up with ''Fleet'' Admiral nickname after explaining why Fleet Admiral vs Yonko would be a better fight in terms of importance to the series, if not for power levels, I literally own your nicknames.

What happened to ; ''I feel like I haven’t insulted Erkan near as much as he insults me to be fair lol '' bla bla thing? Did you forget to report yourself like you reported @Tejas ?

Let's agree on you lie first, who is been protected by mods,

And secondly, I already destroyed your funny arguments about Orochi, you are the guy who tried to compare Orochi to Boros. Now you are coming here with onepunch wikia comments,:vistalaugh:

what murata said;

Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.

minimal chance =/= no chance,
almost next to nothing =/= nothing.

They have a little chance to beat your Overrated Orochi. Little chance, but still it's possible.

Q: So the pebble throwing of Geryganshoop is stronger than Tatsumaki’s?

A: Well... I drew it with the thought that it is right, but I don’t know whether the thought is same with ONE sensei’s official setting. Anyway, I draw enemies as powerful as possible when they appear, so there is a possibility that I overstated him a bit than ONE sensei’s setting, so at the time I drew the Geryuganshoop’s pebble throwing, I wanted him to be more powerful than her in some way.

And yes they said Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki when it comes to throwing objects, and he several times said he is the strongest psychic in the universe, just because they said they have a little chance to beat Orochi, that doesn't change the fact that Geryuganshoop is a Dragon level monster, who has psycic abilities to beat other monsters if not Orochi.

Your overrated Orochi can't even beat Golden Sperm;

Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.

It doesn't matter in the end, because Boros would one-shot Orochi, and Geryuganshoop can beat other top monsters even if they can't beat Orochi.
Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.

TATSUMAKI was denied by Psykos, if not for saitama accidentally punching and killing 50% of Orochi's cells, TATSUMAKI would have slowly died in a NEGG DIFF.

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hurted your Orochi and Akainu feelings Lee-kun? Are you going to change your nickname to Orochi Fleet Admiral now? Last time I debunked your nonsense, you come up with ''Fleet'' Admiral nickname after explaining why Fleet Admiral vs Yonko would be a better fight in terms of importance to the series, if not for power levels, I literally own your nicknames.

What happened to ; ''I feel like I haven’t insulted Erkan near as much as he insults me to be fair lol '' bla bla thing? Did you forget to report yourself like you reported @Tejas ?

Let's agree on you lie first, who is been protected by mods,

And secondly, I already destroyed your funny arguments about Orochi, you are the guy who tried to compare Orochi to Boros. Now you are coming here with onepunch wikia comments,:vistalaugh:

what murata said;

Murata: Beefcake is 10 times bigger than Orochi. And Orochi is going to showcase his disgusting powerful skills, he will become even stronger. If the three generals under Boros work together against Orochi...Let me think...If they plan it properly they could have a very minimal chance of winning, almost next to nothing. After all, it's still unsure if Tatsumaki can beat Orochi.

minimal chance =/= no chance,
almost next to nothing =/= nothing.

They have a little chance to beat your Overrated Orochi. Little chance, but still it's possible.

Q: So the pebble throwing of Geryganshoop is stronger than Tatsumaki’s?

A: Well... I drew it with the thought that it is right, but I don’t know whether the thought is same with ONE sensei’s official setting. Anyway, I draw enemies as powerful as possible when they appear, so there is a possibility that I overstated him a bit than ONE sensei’s setting, so at the time I drew the Geryuganshoop’s pebble throwing, I wanted him to be more powerful than her in some way.

And yes they said Geryuganshoop > Tatsumaki when it comes to throwing objects, and he several times said he is the strongest psychic in the universe, just because they said they have a little chance to beat Orochi, that doesn't change the fact that Geryuganshoop is a Dragon level monster, who has psycic abilities to beat other monsters if not Orochi.

Your overrated Orochi can't even beat Golden Sperm;

Murata: Not sure who's stronger, Orochi or Golden Sperm. I will need to ask ONE. Orochi definitely has better techniques though since Golden Sperm is all about speed and power.

It doesn't matter in the end, because Boros would one-shot Orochi, and Geryuganshoop can beat other top monsters even if they can't beat Orochi.

As you just admitted, Geryuganshoop <<< Orochi ~ Tatsumaki unless we’re talking about throwing pebbles, which nobody in OPM views as a serious fighting method anyway lol.

OPM characters always say they are the strongest or that nobody can defeat them or whatever lol. You know this is a parody manga right? And that not every statement made is supposed to be taken literally? Genos said that Saitama would have to join the rest of the S Class just to take down Gouketsu, you don’t take this statement literally do you?

I know you are tempted to take every character statement in a parody manga literally because you have brain fungus, but try your best to remember that not everything every character says is 100% literal, you silly little deficient reject.

By Murata’s own words, Geryuganshoop is pretty much a fodder to Orochi, who is in the same tier as Geryuganshoop and Tatsumaki, unless we enter a pebble throwing contest then Geryuganshoop might win against Tatsumaki lmfao.

As for Boros, unless he uses Meteoric Burst he is not defeating Orochi, Tatsumaki, or Golden Sperm. His feats outside of Meteoric Burst are nothing exceeding even Carnage Kabuto who would get matched by any Monster Association Executive in power, if not straight up exceeded by the stronger ones.

One himself said that Orochi and Boros were the same threat level, meaning by definition Boros pre-meteoric burst does not exceed Tatsumaki.
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Sasaki Kojirō

So you validated what I said while revealing yourself to be the self-contradicting idiot that you are in the process? Lol

As you just admitted, Geryuganshoop <<< Orochi ~ Tatsumaki unless we’re talking about throwing pebbles, which nobody in OPM views as a serious fighting method anyway lol.

OPM characters always say they are the strongest or that nobody can defeat them or whatever lol. You know this is a parody manga right? And that not every statement made is supposed to be taken literally? Genos said that Saitama would have to join the rest of the S Class just to take down Gouketsu, you don’t take this statement literally do you?

I know you are tempted to take every character statement in a parody manga literally because you have brain fungus, but try your best to remember that not everything every character says is 100% literal, you silly little deficient reject.

By Murata’s own words, Geryuganshoop is pretty much a fodder to Orochi, who is in the same tier as Geryuganshoop and Tatsumaki, unless we enter a pebble throwing contest then Geryuganshoop might win against Tatsumaki lmfao.

As for Boros, unless he uses Meteoric Burst he is not defeating Orochi, Tatsumaki, or Golden Sperm. His feats outside of Meteoric Burst are nothing exceeding even Carnage Kabuto who would get matched by any Monster Association Executive in power, if not straight up exceeded by the stronger ones.

One himself said that Orochi and Boros were the same threat level, meaning by definition Boros pre-meteoric burst does not exceed Tatsumaki.

But it’s okay, try to dumbass-up the OPM section since you’ve been the laughing stock of the OP section since WorstGen’s founding, only recently replaced in stupid-status by your apprentice @ODIAK D.TSEGNORTS who gets mercilessly mocked in every PM and Discord in existence lol.
:zosleepy:You really love me lol, don't stop talking bad about people who irritate you with the truth.:zosleepy:
only recently replaced in stupid-status by your apprentice
@Natalija How long will these insults remain unpunished?
Someone needs to stop this guy, do it for his own good as a human being, he is verbally abusing others because of a fictional work.
He doesn't accept being destroyed by me and ERKAN, In all the arguments and in the desperation to keep up appearances he resorts to name-calling/personal insults, but that has a limit, although ERKAN and I overlook/ignore this kind of attitude against us, in order not to decay to such a pathetic level.
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