[FNZ] Light game Death Note Mini Mafia

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Is this a normal kill or like...Strongman kind of thing?

I think I played with such a mechanic in the Iconics game on NF once and it was an ultra kill.
Could plausibly be either.

Supporting evidence is that Enryu kill failed N1, but today it succeeded, because he open claimed like a buffoon.
If me bringing up players I suspect but not being able to lynch them is damning of me you should be throwing Ekko straight into hell.

Except it isn't really, because even in the quotes you've brought up, I am openly acknowledging that it's going nowhere because Zolo's presence destroyed the possibility of *mostly* anything else happening. I actually got close with my Ekko cfd. You might accuse me of being "opportunistic" or whatever but it would honestly be a lot easier for me, as mafia, to stay consistent on you or prof and not rock the boat while the rest of you lynched into a dead end.

you were literally counting on two of the biggest suspects you had at the end of day 2 to get that wagon going
I dont think you genuinely scumread ekko

"If me bringing up players I suspect but not being able to lynch them is damning of me you should be throwing Ekko straight into hell."
pls read carefully thats not the case at all
if you had failed but you made an effort eod to lynch either me or prof
then I would believe genuinely you thought I was scum , you figured the wagon wouldnt pickup so instead you went for someone who you had not scumread the entire day. thats not a townie trying to solve the game, thats an opportunist aiming for a mislynch.

sorry for my tone earlier if I was a bit aggressive.


What could have been...
It could possibly be a conditional strongman - that bypasses protections if and only if the correct info is provided. A heart attack goes through protection, would fit flavor.
scum knew flower was L since day 1 and shes alive
why arent u suspecting her of being killer then with this theory
you were literally counting on two of the biggest suspects you had at the end of day 2 to get that wagon going
I dont think you genuinely scumread ekko

"If me bringing up players I suspect but not being able to lynch them is damning of me you should be throwing Ekko straight into hell."
pls read carefully thats not the case at all
if you had failed but you made an effort eod to lynch either me or prof
then I would believe genuinely you thought I was scum , you figured the wagon wouldnt pickup so instead you went for someone who you had not scumread the entire day. thats not a townie trying to solve the game, thats an opportunist aiming for a mislynch.

sorry for my tone earlier if I was a bit aggressive.
Have you even been reading my posts? You're too busy trying to hang me up to realize that I have been hedging on Ekko literally all game. No, I'm not sure he's scum. I'm sure he's being a detrimental presence, and would have liked him gone over Zolo. I have not made this obscure. All my cards are on the table. I had already tried to get you lynched earlier and it clearly failed. The fact that I would compromise and go for another lynch is not the damning evidence you are convinced it is. Again, if I am scum, I don't give a shit if I manage to lynch one player over another, so long as they're not scum. In other words, focusing on you and/or prof well past the point where it was obvious Zolo was going to be lynched would be...the obvious scum move, because then I can parade into the next day head held high.
I agree with Lanji that you didn’t even make an effort to push for the Lanji/me lynch. @Ultra

After seeing your relentless push on Tiffany despite no one wanting to go with you for days in the Naruto game, Im skeptical that you gave up on rallying so easily on lynching one of us if you really think there is scum between us just because it wouldn’t have been popular.


What could have been...
Because I’m trying to figure out if you actually have a real theory on what could have happened or if you’re trying to keep us from clearing Dest like you did Enryu.
why wud u ever clear anyone for an unexplained failed kill? just cuz it worked with enryu doesnt imply it will for dest

the killer cuda been blocked, or the victim immune like in flowers case

there was no reason to clear enryu just cuz he got shot unless u have tmi prof

i had no explaination of how he survived and im not aware of how scum does their kills so why wud i ever clear him?
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