Is there even any fundamentally objective research that proves that "Likleyhood" or are they based on assumptions?
Like the one tejas posted which took similarity and homology as principal and used a probabilistic model to reinforce UCA and concede that assumption of homology is generally the premised used conventionally
Where does this "likely hood" come from
The last time i checked the similarity was base on assumption and even numerically there isn't an objective percentage unless you pick a choose attributes
Before 2010s, UCA is done qualitatively based on similartiy of DNA, morphology, fetus, etc. Professor Theobald started the first quantitative study about the reliability of UCA model using computational statistics. He did find that the probability of the UCA model being true is 10^2860 more likely than the other current alternatives. But even he himself said that it remains controversial and is still an open debate even with that finding that heavily favors the UCA model.
Professor Hasegawa in his paper said that the DNA alignment used by Theobald gives a strong bias for the UCA model. Another leading evolutionists Professor Masatoshi Nei found out in his study that the tree of life is not universal for some of the chain genes. He found that the bootstrap probability of Human and Chimp sharing the same branches based on the Class II beta chain genes is 66% (<75%), and he considered it low.
In the end, there are no direct evidence that human share a common ancestry with chimp or that human evolved from a single cell organisms. A scientists in France said it himself there are no evidence of the tree of life model. As such, religion and science would never directly oppose each other.
A philosopher who is an evolutionist, Robert T. Pennock, and a biologists who is an evolutionists as well, Brian Alters, said that the sketicism of the student regarding current evolution theory is JUSTIFIED, and it doesnt directly make them creationists.
You can find all these references in my original posts, sorry im lazy to go back through pages and copy paste them xd
i also didnt misinterpret your points. they just suck ass.
You did, you either misinterpret or you disagree. If you didnt misinterpret what i said, then it means you disagree with this which is agreed by the evolutionists.
Evolutionists: It's still an open debate and remains controversial between the web of life and tree of life model
Web of Life Model: every node can have a connection to each other as opposed to the tree of life model, where branches only stem from 1 node. It doesn't guarantee eukaryotes or bacteria or archae share only one common ancestor because otherwise it would not be called the web of life.
that makes it worse lmao