General & Others Do you like Kaido´s Hybrid Form?

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Honestly, no.

I've seen fan art of hybrid dragon kaido that look way better than what Oda came up with, don't know why oda couldn't have just used one of those designs. But I think the biggest issue I have with kaido's hybrid form are his teeth. They remind me of orochi and I don't like it. They should have been a full set of sharp razor teeth like other reptile ancient zoans-like X Drake and Page One.

His new horns don't do anything for me either, I think the base kaido horns look better. Hybrid kaido horns don't look like horns, they look like some flower or sea anemone crown- it just doesn't give me off beast vibes. Going by the whole dragon/oni aesthetic, oda should have just kept kaido's horns the same.

Another thing that was a missed opportunity I felt, was that I would have liked kaido's hybrid form to give him longer legs. I still can't get over the disappointment when I first saw him- kaido always skips leg day. So many one piece characters have this comedic design. Hybrid kaido was what I had hoped would change that, sadly that's not the case.