General & Others Do you think the ZKK theory made some Zoro fans more toxic?

Whether ZKK happening or not, I can see that there will be more toxicity after the end of Wano. If ZKK happens, Zoro fans will spam and troll everywhere. If it doesn't happen, Zoro fans will get trolled and spammed everywhere by Zoro haters and anti-ZKK people. The same thing might also happen to "raid failing" supporters.

So for now, I just see the current situation as "the calm before storm" until Wano ends. And I'll be preparing a lot of popcorn and tea whenever Wano ends. :ihaha::brootea:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
@Garp the Fist

@Gol D. Roger

@Reborn (a funny troll, but not toxic itself)


There are alot, they are just more quiet than the average loud screaming toxic guy. I like zoro also a lot, i was kinda a fan, but the toxicness of some here disturbed that a bit. :D
First, I am not a troll

Second, only those people find most zoro fans toxic who feels their headcannon getting shattered 🤷

People should read one piece if they want to debate with zoro fans:kata:


Talent is something you make bloom.
Btw, I would be more inclined to believe in ZKK if Oda hadn't broken the 5v2 roof battle in order to give Zoro and Sanji the "bread and butter" King and Queen matchups. If it were Robin+Brook vs Black Maria instead of Robin vs BM while Brook was off to the side dealing with fodders, etc.

This raid has gone through so much in order to "stay in the generic shounen route", that it becomes really, REALLY hard for me to believe Oda would break it with the ZKK event.
No, stop crying. It’s a theory. If it happens it won’t hurt you, if it doesn’t you can have a laugh about it.

There’s nothing wrong about Zoro fans wanting their favourite character to have a big role. Everyone does it. Even if the theory doesn’t come true, the building blocks of it were used to predict that Zoro would get CoC and fight Kaido. Was plenty of people saying that would never happen.