''Doesn't have the quality of a king'' just tell me you read this series with your ass

Literally Level 6 prisoners follows Teach as their leader and that surprises Saturn, and Devon says Teach is special, as well as even former Admiral follows him as his leader but this clown claims he doesn't have quality of a king lmao, who has it? Dof and Chinjao? (Chinjao who also hyped Teach)
If you think Teach is a coward you lil clown, Mihawk is a bigger coward.
Teach never sat on his Warlord title and played safe. He could rely on Warlord title but he throw it to garbage by betraying Government his ambitions is much greater.
Thats what Mihawk did as a pirate. No one gives a shit about WGS title.
Mihawk literally says he doesn't want any trouble thats why he hides behind Emperor title (Oda said this literally).
Alt using moron like you of course can't read.
CoC user Chinjao hyping Emperor Teach but this dumb clown acting like thats not a great hype instead moron claims Mihawk who Oda literally said hide behind coward Buggy is braver than Teach huh? Lmao pathetic clown.