Does this site feel dead to you?

The lack of any meaningful reveals or action in the manga, as well as the many breaks, has tbh killed a lot of the fun of this forum.

The chapters showcasing the elbaf scenery or Robin and Saul aren’t particularly bad. But there’s not much to talk about.

A lot of the convos seem to basically be the same people having the same arguments about the same stuff over and over again.

Without major reveals you can’t make many theories. Without action you can’t make any new developments in power scaling.

What that leaves us with is stagnating discussions. Another thread by Greenbull’s god forsaken black blade or re-analyzing Zoro’s rooftop performance for the nth time.

Honestly the politics thread has gotten more interesting.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Not for me, but I try to interact with post as often as I can, post my own threads even if they aren't one piece related and I spend a lot of time playing mafia (honestly my favorite part about this forum) but for me personally all in all this site is pretty fun, tho I've only been here a little over a year so maybe compared to the earlier years it's dead

Don DaSlayer

The Peerless swordsman
For sure.
Even the vs threads are barley a thing anymore 🗿 and most of the people i used to talk are barley active. Also agenda piece is dead.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free

* The best users have either moved on with their lives or are banned
* Agenda Piece isn't nearly as exciting as the Roof Piece days
* You can really feel the enthusiasm and excitement people had for the manga dissipate over the years

Look at the Fanclub section and see what is the most active FC by a pretty noticeable chunk. *Hint it's not the Zoro or Sanji FC's*

* The best users have either moved on with their lives or are banned
* Agenda Piece isn't nearly as exciting as the Roof Piece days
* You can really feel the enthusiasm and excitement people had for the manga dissipate over the years

Look at the Fanclub section and see what is the most active FC by a pretty noticeable chunk. *Hint it's not the Zoro or Sanji FC's*
I knew this place was cooked when I was the top replier in a spoiler thread for back to back chapters that I DID NOT actually read the spoilers for
Don’t think it’s dead to me . I think this site is doing ok but definitely feels less compared to Peak wano saga it’s most likely site has saturated with the Userbase the new generation don’t follow OP .

Honestly I ventured to Fanverse and Reddit I definitely think Site is by far best site for me because of Free Speech .