Questions & Mysteries Does Zoro fighting s-hawk help or hurt Mihawk hype

Zoro vs s-hawk makes zoro vs mihawk...

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If zoro fights and defeats s-hawk does that make zoro fighting in the future more hype or less? More likely or less?

Zoro already trained under mihawk for 2 years and imo i personally dont like the idea of him beating s-hawk
Someone with the same swordsman on top of being a big ass cyborg lunarian with a devil fruit. Mihawk might have yoru and stronger haki but when it comes to diffrent attacks and versatility he has less to offer

Personally feel that if zoro does fight mihawk him fighting s-hawk would make it less exciting?


Haki surpasses all in the end.
Even mihawk Baboons copy mihawk moves but they best they can do Offer marine fodders a fight. Even pre time skip Zoro best them

S-Hawk is Mihawk "skills" with barely any haki or no haki at all.

Another Thing S-Hawk has to offer is Lunarian hax of defense and speed. Which isn't a problem to Zoro again as Zoro already best a More experienced and stronger version of a lunarian king.

I don't know what devil fruit S-Hawk holds but that change whatever I said above.
Mihawk is his own hype. It's like asking if beating Kaido makes Luffy fight against BB less hype.
At this point i'll take Zoro fighting against a proper swordman any day in the week.
Yeah mihawk and s-hawk are equal or the same exact character but still

Kaido and blackbeard are 2 completely different characters with different abilities. Its more like luffy fought s-beard

If luffy hypothetical fought a seraphim version of blackbeard with all his same attacks and abilities with even more added. I definitely think it'd be less hype. Yeah it might be missing haki he can still do every other thing blackbeard could do and then some outside of that
I don't think Zoro will have a full-fledged fight with S-Hawk on panel, because it'll reveal too much about Mihawk's powers/abilities/techniques.
Pretty much yeah
Even if we take away s-hawks devil fruit and cyborg lunarian body he still has all of mihawk moves. While yeah it may not be as strong as the original due to haki the techniques and abilities are still the same. Making zoro fighting the original not as cool
Doesnt change Zoro vs Mihawk hype.

Chibihawk doesn't even know koka yet and doesn't have a black blade.

Adult S-Hawk with Black Blade and COC would be boring though.

Tbh, I wish these seraphs have original designs rather than being lunarian copies of existing characters.