yeah her water dance or w/e it's called was the only thing that was difficult to deal with but all I ended up doing was hit bloodhound 2 or 3 times to get as far away from her as possible and let her hit air, she was my 5th favourite fight the others being Margit, Godfrey, Malekith and Radahan.
Actually I kinda loved the giant serpent too even though it's probably one of the easiest fights in the game, first time in the game I felt like a real hero.
Twin Gargoyles for whatever reason were the hardest fight in the game for me, followed by Margit and that rot dragon kept killing me too.
I would like to add that I did not find many boss up to the fire giants mountain that hard, actally, how I would describe them is tedious.
Huge health pools, extremely punishing. I would understand that in an end game boss, not in the middle of the game.
It's like every boss is Orphan of Kos with Ludwig health pool.
I did not struggle at all with Margit, beaten him as my first boss without leveling up nor upgrading.
But god I hated the first godskin, in the vulcano manor, made me feel I was underleveled and in the wrong place.
Also, as I already wrote, how is it possible that a god is weaker than a wolf is beyond me.