After having read a lot of comments basically everywhere, I'd say the top 3 (from the least probable to the most probable) is:
3- King: he has a gimp suit
2- Orochi: a) he was never beheaded, a drawing was and Kaido is aware of this. He is just hidden somewhere on the 3rd floor. b) this is Orochi second personality (a different head)
1- Black Maria: this is just what is happening in Black Maria's song :zorothink:
3- King: he has a gimp suit
2- Orochi: a) he was never beheaded, a drawing was and Kaido is aware of this. He is just hidden somewhere on the 3rd floor. b) this is Orochi second personality (a different head)
1- Black Maria: this is just what is happening in Black Maria's song :zorothink: