Neo, with a capture level of 22,000. For fuck sake dude hes been in the discussion for scaling since the first fucking page
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
In Volume 43 this is supplemented by confirmation from the author that Neo ate the entirety of the Blue Universe that the Nitro came from.
This includes stars, black holes, galaxies, quasars, anything that would instantly destroy the entire bleach verse. He ate it for fucking breakfast.
Creatures and characters in Toriko show planetary level feats from a capture level of 6000 onwards with Monkey King Bambina and upwards (Bambina for example under 100x Jupiter sized Earth's normal gravity, or in other words 253x the gravity of earth, skimmed a mountain at least ten times larger than everest like a pebble across the jupiter sized planet, and in less than 1/100th of a second the mountain came back to him by circumventing the planet). And he is comfortably planetary, implying that Planetary level lies a lot lower than this figure. The amount of power
Using approximations we get the following calculations:
810 trillion kg = everest, x10 = 810,000,000,000,000,000 kg 100g mountain.
multiply by gravity multiplier
253x810,000,000,000,000,000kg = 204,930,000,000,000,000,000kg weight of the mountain he threw like a pebble
now, if you look back at my other post/calc, this is already much heavier than the entirety of Japan
if we assume Toriko world is the size of jupiter it had to travel a distance of 439,264km at a speed of 43926300km/s. The speed of light is 3600 km/s which makes the mountain Bambina threw 12202 x faster than the speed of light. The amount of energy needed for this is whatever the fuck 204,930,000,000,000,000,000x43926300 is in newtons. Best I can give you is approx 90018167000000000000000000000000000newtons. In megatons this is (9806650028 newtons in a mega ton) 91792984000000000000000000000000 mega tons.
It has been estimated by physicists and is now consensus that to obliterate the earth you need a minimum of 200000000000000000000000000000000 newtons to destroy the earth. Bambina can destroy almost 50000000 earths in one go based on how he launched a mountain. And this is a casual feat. This is the equivalent mass of 39 multiples of our Sun. At once.
Neo was 3.6x stronger than Bambina based on capture level. Space Taipan was 86x stronger than Bambina. To defeat Space Taipan you're looking at 3354x stronger than star level.
Until now I had been lowballing the fuck out Toriko considering Neo, who Toriko LITERALLY ATE was able to destroy an entire universe. I have been far more reasonable than I should have been.