Speculations Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro killed Ryuma and became The God of the Blade, the tier beyond World's Strongest Swordsman

Luffy needs to become Pirate King to face Imu, like Zoro might need to become World's Strogest Swordsman to face Ethanbaron.

Ethanbaron being the "god of the blade" or a stronger opponent than Mihawk doesn't invalidate Zoro's dream or Mihawk's title, people need to learn how to read.

Zoro's dream is to become the strongest swordsman ever and surpass even Mihawk, not just merely defeat him, so if he goes and faces Ethanbaron who may be stronger than Mihawk, it further strengthens his dream.

Kaido was called the world's strongest creature while Imu is very much likely the EOS strongest opponent and stronger than Kaido.
What do you think about the CDs trying a human hunting on wano. And ryuma stopping it on his own
thought they were after gold?

ive always said he is arguably one of the strongest of all time
as far as legacies go .
calling him a wss doesnt do him justice. mean that in the least offensive way.
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could swear theres an actual source but i cat recall
Oda did confirm that he died of sickness in an SBS

D: Question for you!! Is the swordsman "Ryuma" who was once said to have defeated a dragon the very same Ryuma that starred in the short story "Monsters" from your collection volume entitled "Wanted!"? He is, isn't he? I'm so desperate to know, I can't brush my teeth. If I get a cavity, I'll tell the dentist it was your fault. P.N. Satoru-pyon

D: Greetings!! I cracked open "Wanted!" for the first time in ages and re-read "Romance Dawn", which prompted me to notice that Luffy's grandpa in that story was basically the same guy as Vice Admiral Garp! Does that mean that Garp was once the captain of a crew of pirates? P.N. Nao

O: Well, here are two questions about my old short story collection, "Wanted!" I'll tackle Ryuma's first. The zombie Ryuma appears in Chapter 450 from this volume, and he is indeed the Ryuma who starred in "Monsters". In the world of One Piece, he's now a legendary swordsman who died of sickness. I wouldn't have minded if this had just slipped through the cracks, but I was happy to see that so many people noticed. Next, Garp. He appeared as Luffy's grandpa, and a pirate no less, in the one-shot that served as the basis for One Piece. He might look the same, but I want you to see these as different stories. Grandpa Garp from THIS One Piece is a true blue Marine, from birth till death!!


World's Strongest Swordsman
It's mentioned they wanted God Valley's resources, so that just might be their MO then.
Come to an island, have cleansing through hunt and take their resources.

But if this was really happening for centuries, it would mean WG slaughtered 10+ million people
It's all adding up. They tried it on wano got slaughtered by ryuma and never been back since. I expect a confrontation between ryuma and nasjuro
yeah but i didnt think they did that in wano
you actually just made me think about that