General & Others Favorite chemistry ?

Luffy & Zoro -- both idiots :zosleepy::lusalty:
Nami & Zoro -- Nami taking advantage of Zoro's Pride to do whatever she wants
Zoro & Chopper -- Big Bro and Little Bro
Franky & Usopp -- lovers of the ship
Shanks & Mihawk -- Worlds Two Leading Swordsman
Roger & Rayleigh -- Two Kings
Garp & Roger -- Marine & Pirate -- Respect
WhiteBeard & Roger -- Dual for the throne
Sanji & Zoro -- Brotherly Rivalry
Nami & Usopp -- Respectable weaklings
I like the interactions during impel down arc, luffy/bon clay, luffy/buggy, buggy/Mr 3. It was funny and different.
The chemistry between garp and sengoku is also nice.
Zoro/perona even though they only had a few panels together.
Luffy/Rayleigh, I like the respect luffy had for ray and the pride ray felt for him when he left sabaody.
Usopp/Chopper is also an obvious choice.
Xebec relationship with his crew will be something else I bet , Roger pales compared to this beast who had all these selfish monsters under him. how he was able to tame them is beyond me
Roger is much better than Xebec, Roger had 5 CoC users on his crew that did not clash and fight each other.

Xebec is a failed version of Roger.
Non romantic I assume....

Sanji and Zoro
Luffy and Sanji
Nami and Usopp
Usopp and Sanji
Luffy and Nami

Sanji and Zeff
Sanji and Gin
Sanji and Bege
Sanji and Law
Sanji and Toko
Sanji and Kinemon
Sanji and Reiju
Sanji and Momonosuke
Sanji and Greenbull


The Road To Harmony
No particular order of some I like-

Luffy - Zoro - Dynamic Duo of One Piece
Luffy - Nami - Brains and Brawns
Zoro - Sanji - Tough Brotherly love
Zoro - Chopper - Big Bro/Little Bro
Luffy - Usopp - Schoolyard buddies
Sengoku - Garp - Old fogies
Smoker - Tashigi - Good cop/Bad cop
Nami - Vivi - Sisterly love
Zoro - Tashigi - Star-crossed husband/wife
Luffy - Ace - Big Bro/Little Bro
Sanji - Pudding - Notice me Senpai
Luffy - Katakuri - Honorable Rivals
Rayleigh - Shakky - Peaceful Couple