westerners only care about human rights and wars when it’s on their own, they deem their own moral and political view as the standard they didn’t give a fuck about gulf countries being anti gay until now and even then hundreds of celebrities visit uae which has the same laws
Ofc we care when it is our own. Who would care if we didnt? Def not gulf nations as you put it
Is it wrong to stone and kill people just bcs some decide to love another man/woman? No ofc not
Can you imagine the world if west didnt step in and just let people do as they please? There would be murder and discrimation galore lmao
What would stop N. Korea from going full on warlord on S. Korea? China on Taiwan? Israel on Muslims?
It is bcs there is big daddy west that imposes normes these nations "behave" better than they would otherwise
You think Israel would give a shit if West wasnt there to hold em at bay as much as they can? Fucking no.
People shit on west all the time but without west where the hell would world go?
as for the save ukraine a lot of wars are ongoing and where happening while no one bats an eye until it’s europe white people idk if you saw but last year when ukraine vs russia started happening american and european reporters said that this war was different from all the other wars because “it’s white people, europeans are dying people with blonde hair and blue eyes” this is an actual quote
Europe didnt have a major conflict in 30 years (Yugoslav wars) and before that WW2 (50 years prior). So no wonder people were fucking shocked that Europe got a war
And unlile gulf wars - this one can have impications for the ENTIRE WORLD