Current Events Franky and Chopper not getting power ups in Egghead is criminal

I'm disappointed that they were only given a lab tour, they might get inspired from what they saw, but only matters later after Egghead.
How the heck did Franky get 0 powerups from the most technologically advanced island on the planet? And given his extensive research into DFs, Vegapunk should’ve been able to create something better than the Rumble Balls
Yep, I fully expected Egghead to be Franky's arc, and while he did shine, he wasn't treated well enough imo, my only hopes are that Lilith will share some VP wisdom with Franky on Elbaf...

But Oda is probably is like this now:
Ok:cryabit: Imma do what I want with my manga
It was more an arc about Void century and DF's than technology

Chopper could have get a Better rumble ball (eventhough it doesn't need rumble ball anymore to transform)

Franky already has most of VP most advanced techs. Only the bubble (anti DF) and Shield could be useful

CoC: Color of Clowns

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How the heck did Franky get 0 powerups from the most technologically advanced island on the planet? And given his extensive research into DFs, Vegapunk should’ve been able to create something better than the Rumble Balls
Lilith will work with Chopper on medicine; Franky on engineering; Brook on how the human Soul works; Robin on history; Usopp on various tech; and Nami on weather tech.

Vegapunk's Flower-Powder that turns gunpowder into flowers is more or less designed for Usopp.

Caesar was able to increase the potency of Chopper's Rumble Ball to a heavy extent, and we know Vegapunk is far superior to Caesar. This will lead into a Smile Cure/Chopper furthering his Rumble Ball technology.

And Franky obviously just wants to pull up and discuss everything science with Vegapunk.

The Egghead Arc being an escape arc prevented Vegapunk from really interacting with the crew in ways like this. Now that they have Lilith on board, they can do that stuff.
Robin should’ve gotten a power up, not biased but I think MAYBE she should’ve gotten a power up allowing her to be extremely strong against marines, kind of like how Kuripakas power works but better cause she’s better