Blackbeard's entire base of operations getting negged by an old man past his prime just serves as evidence that Blackbeard Pirates are not the primary antagonists or the final villains of the story, neither is Blackbeard Luffy's rival or anything of the sort.
This has been especially evident for the past few months ever since Oda started hyping up the WG (Imu, Gorosei, Holy knights) as the real final villains.
OP community likes to label characters as "frauds", mostly because of powerscaling agendas with ridicolous claims. However, there are actually a total of 3 signifcant characters in One Piece that are canonicaly confirmed frauds:
1. Buggy (for obvious reasons and comedy)
2. Usopp (for obvious reasons, also comedy)
3. Blackbeard (for reasons that should be obvious with just a little reading comprehention, no comedy here)
But let me elaborate:
1. Blackbeard spent almost 30 years in the Whitebeard pirates, a Yonko pirate crew, and never got a bounty.
This means that WG didn't even know about him, let alone considered him as any kind of threat. For comparison, Chopper got a bounty by just being associated with Strawhat Pirates (a rookie pirate crew at the time) even though the WG thinks he is just their pet.
But what about Shank's scar?
We don't really know anything about the circumstances upon which Blackbeard managed to scar Shanks, but I bet you anything that it wasn't in a fair fight.
2. Blackbeard based his entire "plan" on a one-in-a-million chance that he wil stumble upon a specific devil fruit.
And he stumbled upon it by pure coincidence. If Thatch hadn't found it, BB would still be just Ace's noname subordinate. He basically gained "power" by accident.
3. He barely won against Ace.
And the only two factors that led to his victory was his Devil Fruit of which Ace knew nothing about, and Ace's cockiness. He even told his crew to run away because he knew that Ace could easily annihilate them (because guess what, they are all faruds as well, but I will get to that later).
5. He and his entire crew were almost negged by a half dead Whitebeard.
Whitebeard was literally a barely walking corpse at that moment. No excuses there.
5. Even Whitebeard told him he was a Fraud
6. He was scared of Akainu
Ok, I can't really hold this against him, since gigachad Papazuki is a scary Dude and anyone with just a little bit of brain would run away from him. But still, it was embarasing for him and his fraudulent crew.
7. He used some sort of lame trickery to gain control over Hachinosu.
We don't know much about "Rocky Port Incident", but we know that Coby and Trafalgar were involved which means that BB wasn't an instigator. He probably slipped in amidst the chaos and declared himself the king of the castle (he got his Yonko title the same way).
8. We still don't know if he can even use basic Haki efficiently
But we've seen him in more than a few tough situations and he always relied solely on his devil fruit(s) so I thinks it is safe to asume he can't.
9. His preformance against Law was embarasing
Compare it to the Shanks vs Kid "fight" and it's clear as day who is an actual top tier worthy of the Yonko title. Blackbeard didn't even win, since Law and Bepo escaped.
His „Titanic captains“ were also embarasing themselves against the likes of Penguin and Bepo.
10. He is just a lame conman that convinced the entire world that he is more powerful than he actually is.
11. He admits he is a fraud himself.
And does it on multiple occasions.
11. His crew is pathetic
Not a single one of them has shown any kind of impressive feat throughout the series. The most impressive we have seen was Lafite succefuly hypnotising random marine fodder which puts him only slightly above Jango level and at about the same level as Miss Goldenweek.
Burgess embarassed himself at Dressrosa.
He only got to the finale because he was grouped with fodder. If he was in the same group as Luffy, Chinjao or even Bartolomeo he would never have made it. But it didn't matter in the end because he proceded to be one shot by Sabo. Twice. In the same arc. Ouch. An this is BB's first commander.
Shiryu has zero feats.
Apart from killing random fodder at impel down that is. His performance in chapter 1087 was embarassing as well. He only managed to stab Garp because he jumped in front of Coby who was Shiryu's actual target. The fact that Shiryu felt the need to use his invisibility power against a trash tier character such as Coby is embarasing. If Zoro ever fights him, he will probably one shot him the moment he unlocks future sight (which he certainly will).
And people think this guy is above Chadhawk...
Aokiji is the only member worth his salt.
And he isn't evn loyal to BB. While this chapter makes it evident that he is not an undercover Sword agent, he most likely has his own secret plan which is definetly not to Blackbeards benefit. And I think Smoker is somehow involved in that plan.
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.
At this point, the Cross Guild makes more sense as the final pirate villain group.
This has been especially evident for the past few months ever since Oda started hyping up the WG (Imu, Gorosei, Holy knights) as the real final villains.
OP community likes to label characters as "frauds", mostly because of powerscaling agendas with ridicolous claims. However, there are actually a total of 3 signifcant characters in One Piece that are canonicaly confirmed frauds:
1. Buggy (for obvious reasons and comedy)
2. Usopp (for obvious reasons, also comedy)
3. Blackbeard (for reasons that should be obvious with just a little reading comprehention, no comedy here)
But let me elaborate:
1. Blackbeard spent almost 30 years in the Whitebeard pirates, a Yonko pirate crew, and never got a bounty.
This means that WG didn't even know about him, let alone considered him as any kind of threat. For comparison, Chopper got a bounty by just being associated with Strawhat Pirates (a rookie pirate crew at the time) even though the WG thinks he is just their pet.
But what about Shank's scar?
We don't really know anything about the circumstances upon which Blackbeard managed to scar Shanks, but I bet you anything that it wasn't in a fair fight.
2. Blackbeard based his entire "plan" on a one-in-a-million chance that he wil stumble upon a specific devil fruit.
And he stumbled upon it by pure coincidence. If Thatch hadn't found it, BB would still be just Ace's noname subordinate. He basically gained "power" by accident.
3. He barely won against Ace.
And the only two factors that led to his victory was his Devil Fruit of which Ace knew nothing about, and Ace's cockiness. He even told his crew to run away because he knew that Ace could easily annihilate them (because guess what, they are all faruds as well, but I will get to that later).

5. He and his entire crew were almost negged by a half dead Whitebeard.
Whitebeard was literally a barely walking corpse at that moment. No excuses there.

5. Even Whitebeard told him he was a Fraud

6. He was scared of Akainu
Ok, I can't really hold this against him, since gigachad Papazuki is a scary Dude and anyone with just a little bit of brain would run away from him. But still, it was embarasing for him and his fraudulent crew.

7. He used some sort of lame trickery to gain control over Hachinosu.
We don't know much about "Rocky Port Incident", but we know that Coby and Trafalgar were involved which means that BB wasn't an instigator. He probably slipped in amidst the chaos and declared himself the king of the castle (he got his Yonko title the same way).
8. We still don't know if he can even use basic Haki efficiently
But we've seen him in more than a few tough situations and he always relied solely on his devil fruit(s) so I thinks it is safe to asume he can't.
9. His preformance against Law was embarasing
Compare it to the Shanks vs Kid "fight" and it's clear as day who is an actual top tier worthy of the Yonko title. Blackbeard didn't even win, since Law and Bepo escaped.

His „Titanic captains“ were also embarasing themselves against the likes of Penguin and Bepo.

10. He is just a lame conman that convinced the entire world that he is more powerful than he actually is.

11. He admits he is a fraud himself.
And does it on multiple occasions.
11. His crew is pathetic
Not a single one of them has shown any kind of impressive feat throughout the series. The most impressive we have seen was Lafite succefuly hypnotising random marine fodder which puts him only slightly above Jango level and at about the same level as Miss Goldenweek.
Burgess embarassed himself at Dressrosa.
He only got to the finale because he was grouped with fodder. If he was in the same group as Luffy, Chinjao or even Bartolomeo he would never have made it. But it didn't matter in the end because he proceded to be one shot by Sabo. Twice. In the same arc. Ouch. An this is BB's first commander.

Shiryu has zero feats.
Apart from killing random fodder at impel down that is. His performance in chapter 1087 was embarassing as well. He only managed to stab Garp because he jumped in front of Coby who was Shiryu's actual target. The fact that Shiryu felt the need to use his invisibility power against a trash tier character such as Coby is embarasing. If Zoro ever fights him, he will probably one shot him the moment he unlocks future sight (which he certainly will).
And people think this guy is above Chadhawk...
Aokiji is the only member worth his salt.
And he isn't evn loyal to BB. While this chapter makes it evident that he is not an undercover Sword agent, he most likely has his own secret plan which is definetly not to Blackbeards benefit. And I think Smoker is somehow involved in that plan.
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.
At this point, the Cross Guild makes more sense as the final pirate villain group.