Either Mihawk sucks or he is weak

Stronger than shanks but never won the score.
Even Teach was able to push shanks to the limits
No one can compete with the almighty Lord of the coast who took his arm!
Even WB-sama asked about this monster LOL
Oh and by the way, mountain bandit worth 8 million billy was able with a smoke screen escape Shanks and kidnap Luffy LOOOL. Talk about a disappointment. At least Vista is worth more than this mountain bandit haha. But of course, we have lord of the coast to thank to eat that mountain bandit like a boss!
By the way, when Shanks said "get lost" he accidentally farted, that's why the lord of the coast left the area.
In all seriousness though, for people who always continue to bring up the "Mihawk vs Vista" and that Mihawk didn't finish him fast when Mihawk already answered this question during his duel with Zoro.
Mihawk: Gets out his small knife
Zoro: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Mihawk: I'm not like the other brutes in this world who would go all out while hunting rabbits.
We have clearly seen Mihawk not one-shotting Zoro, but rather he simply was wasting his time, killing his boredom by observing Zoro's skill and blocking all the attacks that Zoro can offer. The same can be said with Vista here. Read their dialog.
Mihawk: The best swordsman on WB ship, aren't you going to show me your flower blade style?
Vista: Have a good look, Rose rondo! and attacks
Mihawk is clearly the type of guy who will just hold back until the opponent dishes out ALL of their attacks, and overcome them. He's not the type of guy who would go for a oneshot to finish the duel as fast as he can. He said it with his own tongue to Zoro, and a guy like him dueling an East Blue Zoro for more than 10 min fight is only proving my point! He never goes all out or finishes the opponent unless he fully knows and comprehend all what they can do, and he finishes his observation and interest in them, THEN he finishes them off.
Regarding Vista, we all know Vista didn't yet show all what he's capable of, so Mihawk simply delayed it cause he is still interested in him