People like to downplay Fuji mainly for 3 reasons:
1. The birdcage:
Birdcage looks like a gimmick ability that managed to fold even Barto's barrier. There are 2 things to point out here, the first being Fujitora not using his devil fruit against the birdcage as his horizontal gravity will involve everyone near him. The second is that the cage only stopped once, and that was when Fujitora joined the fray
2. Bruised against G3 Luffy:
It is safe to assume Fujitrora lowered down his defense here as he easily overpowered him after that.
Fujitora, while fighting casually, overwhelmed a full power Sabo who should be leagues above DR Luffy, let alone G3 Luffy. Huff n puff Sabo knew what was going on, and was pissed off enough to address Fuji about this. "This is more like it" when Fuji starts using a fraction of his power.
Fujitora then blatantly claims he could've pushed through him, but he can use that as an excuse as part of his gamble on SHs. Sabo was naturally pissed off by that

3. Bandaged during reverie:
I mean when you consider the 2nd point things get more clear. Tensei said the admirals were restricted and was going to add on that, but Akainu wanted no excuses, naturally Akainu would say that seeing how efficient he is, but this doesn't discredit Fujitora. He's the kind of man who will risk his wellbeing to protect others even if they were his sworn enemies, it is still his duty to protect CDs and that's probably what happened. And again we haven't see Fujitora use horiznotal gravity besides with raging tiger and he can't risk using that with CDs around, so matching up against these quirky powers was not an easy task.
Will be cleared up later on, if I'm wrong I'll proudly hold my L for Fuji.
Now to move on to actual feats:
CoO span and accuracy: inarguably the single greatest CoO feat where Fujitora lifts the rubble off a country as big as Dressrosa without harming any living being or damaging any other inanimate objects. This also shows the level of DF mastery he has.

He could also pinpoint the location of every single SH fleet ship and avoid hitting them

This one isn't as impressive, but he could sense Nami's small thunder cloud from far away

Future sight or something else:
Is it merely a coincidence that Fujitora won all these bets? But then again he seemed unaware that he was getting scammed considering how ruthless his response was when Luffy told him the truth

But maybe he chooses not to while gambling? He's a virtuous dude and wouldn't use FS here, but how does he keep winning

His dice game was even lucky enough for him to spare the SHs for two days, and it hit "1" only when Tsuru threw it

Here we have him correctly predicting where the Law Vs Doffy battle will take place while they were still mid sea

An ambiguous ability to predict future events

Here he sheathed his sword and backed away in anticipation for the bird cage vanishing, whereas the others fell on their heads

Future fleet admiral:
I think this one should be kinda obvious now, EoS Akainu will be defeated and there's no logical candidate other than Fujitora. His sense of justice far outclasses that of Aokiji who should've grown accustomed to his new lifestyle.
He's an enhanced version of Sengoku basically.
Potential CoC:
Besides Akainu and Aokiji, he's the only admiral who's invloved in the story and making active decisions to change the world.
1. He holds himself in high esteem, only a solid man can do something like this

2. Holds very heavy views against the WG and is actively seeking to destroy the system.

3. Proud individual, even called stubborn by someone like Sengoku

4. Talked back to Akainu
5. Didn't hesistate to fight Greenbull in Marejois
It is not far fetched to say Fuji is potentially prime Sengoku level just like Akainu is the Garp of this generation
Invest in Fuji stocks before it's too late

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ @Extravlad @ranady @kurwa @Chrono @scoobie3 @Owl Ki @God Buggy @Blackbeard @TokOO @Lili @The White Crane @Admiral Mou Bu @AdmiralBetterr777 @silverfire @Jiihad @RayanOO @ConquistadoR @Van @King7 @ClownKingKinyagi @GoldDiamond @God Tier Sovereignty @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Seth @Trueprodigy @AkainuTheGrimReaper @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Ssg super suit coby @Kefka @Sakazuki-Singh @SakazukiTheFist @Sentinel @ZenZu @Cinera @RayanOO
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