Chapter Discussion G5 Nika Luffy is so funny and exciting!

Complaining about Nika nonstop isn't going to change anything, we get that you don't like it, many others don't either, it's not like Oda is going to come here, see some random users online complaining, then use google translate and suddenly be like "Well these guys don't like Nika, I might as well stop with the Nika wank."

That isn't going to happen, also expect even more Nika wank in the future.

Either muscle through it or take a break.
Complaining about Nika nonstop isn't going to change anything, we get that you don't like it, many others don't either, it's not like Oda is going to come here, see some random users online complaining, then use google translate and suddenly be like "Well these guys don't like Nika, I might as well stop with the Nika wank."

That isn't going to happen, also expect even more Nika wank in the future.

Either muscle through it or take a break.
Ofc he wont stop the Nika wank nor does he care about our opinions BUT it does give trolling rights. No point in taking this too seriously. Its just trolling (i hope thats true for most)
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that fraud better win he has to fight goatlang later
Yes! We need that rematch.
Plus he is coming off if a L, dude needs a W.
Complaining about Nika nonstop isn't going to change anything, we get that you don't like it, many others don't either, it's not like Oda is going to come here, see some random users online complaining, then use google translate and suddenly be like "Well these guys don't like Nika, I might as well stop with the Nika wank."

That isn't going to happen, also expect even more Nika wank in the future.

Either muscle through it or take a break.
Birth of reader = death of author

Criticisms will always exist either power through them or block them
I kinda tune it out for the sake of my own sanity. It’s clearly going to be this way from now on since Oda finds such trash amusing for some reason.
5 times in this arc already makes me feel that Oda may even make it Luffy’s default form at some point.