Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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So it's a bluff he made for directions he will hide himself like always and escape through one of the four directions

If it goes night the he basically has his guerilla terrain then Ribokus numbers could backfire at him if starts to chase and attack Kanki will lay down traps
In the romance of three kingdom there was one clash where the different units of the same army fought each other at night without knowing. We could see something similar here. Since the Riboku army is attacking Kanki from both sides it's not outside reason for Kanki to manufacture a situation where Zhao gets involved in a bloody friendly fire without knowing.
In the romance of three kingdom there was one clash where the different units of the same army fought each other at night without knowing. We could see something similar here. Since the Riboku army is attacking Kanki from both sides it's not outside reason for Kanki to manufacture a situation where Zhao gets involved in a bloody friendly fire without knowing.
That's prob the case

Zhao shouldn't chase the enemy those who chase are always bound to lose its easy to lure them into the traps

That's what Kanki is gonna do I would crush their defense and reduce the army as much as I could to inflict bloody damage to Qin
In the romance of three kingdom there was one clash where the different units of the same army fought each other at night without knowing. We could see something similar here. Since the Riboku army is attacking Kanki from both sides it's not outside reason for Kanki to manufacture a situation where Zhao gets involved in a bloody friendly fire without knowing.



this really could work

what if during the encirclment attack during night
the middle of kanki aemy start to change to zhou armours and a little by little qin army transform to zhou soilders .

no one qill notice them during the night at all. 😆
by the dawn kanki army is gone

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arabic scans
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kanki noticed the weaker side of zhou than attack it
this means riboku is fucking wrong when he said kanki can't use normal tactics !!
he said in the hill battle when HSU manged to get advenced spot on the battlfield the logicial tactic is to advance from HSU side
but kanki didn't cuz he can't ,
and now kanki prove him wrong again , kanki aimed for the weaker side of zhou isn't this the opposiet to what riboku said lol
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early spoilers !!


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Now that more important members of the Kanki Army are dying off, I wonder if my speculation on Kanki's character (his "Rejection") is going to start kicking in here. While it didn't end being his weakness like I thought it would be, it could still be part of his character.
After the most recent chapter, what I am starting to think Kanki's weakness is, is perhaps an inability to accept any kind of loss whether it be a tactical loss or a personal one.

Bear with me now for I am going to get into the more spiritual side of Kingdom that some folk apparently dislike. Lol.

As I said before, whatever weakness Kanki has was never attributed to his army, his methods or his tactics but to himself as an individual.

Loss is a large part of how people grow in Kingdom (and in real life). The entire "Weight of a General" deal is rooted in an individual carrying on the legacies of those who were dear to them but in order to carry on said legacies, the character has to accept their loss in the first place.

I think Kanki's problem is that he cannot accept loss and I believe Hara alluded to this when Shin first met him.

Shin immediately noted something strange about Kanki when he first met him.
A "sense of rejection" was what Shin felt towards Kanki. Shin has dealt with bloodlust, crushing auras, Mangoku's ghosts and the Weight of Great Generals yet something about Kanki immediately set him on edge. What I think Shin unknowingly sensed was that Kanki is the complete opposite of him.

Shin obviously is all about the concept of "Weight", the whole deal of carrying around legacies etc. You know the deal.

Houken was the opposite of Shin in that he refused emotional attachments altogether. Kanki however is different from Houken because he doesn't reject emotional attachments as shown by how Raido's death has affected him and is now affecting his judgement.

Kanki (either knowingly or unknowingly) embraces attachment but cannot handle nor accept loss thus he ends up casting aside and "rejecting" the legacies of those that were close to him.

A person like that is exactly the kind of individual that Shin would detest and "reject" on an instinctual level.

Kanki even possibly goes so far as to project this weakness of his onto others, belittling others for supposedly not understanding how "grown ups do things".
In battle too, Kanki refuses to back down no matter what utterly insane odds are stacked against him yet he ultimately wants to risk nothing that is actually close to him. That is why he sent Ogiko to warn Raido not to do anything reckless and to sit back because he knew that Raido, who is arguably the only one of Kanki's inner circle that is genuinely loyal to the man hence why Kanki is probably attached to the bloke, would do anything to prevent Kanki's defeat.

Kanki is a character that we have never gotten to truly know so far. Kanki masks his inner self with an aura of charm and confidence that he wears like a glove, though his charm is arguably superficial and now his confidence has been tested and appears to have broken instantly.

Essentially, Kanki is acting like a child because he is one. He is someone that has never matured and can neither handle nor accept genuine loss. He hates losing and cannot stand being defeated in battle nor losing those he cares for despite his inherently dangerous occupation of being in a literal army.

What we are now witnessing with Kanki is not character development or character change but rather a character reveal. We are finally seeing the real Kanki that is deliberately hidden beneath layers of superficial charm, smug arrogance, brittle confidence and inflated ego.

If all that sounds like a rather ugly combination, well... Hasn't Kanki been built up to be a rather ugly individual?
Tbh @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung 's scenario of Shibashou kills Zenou in duel sounds better than this.
Hopefully Zenou isn't killed because of arrow..
Perhaps it is narrative karma on Hara's part?

The Kanki Army have always been portrayed as complete scum so Hara might have decided not to give any of them dignified deaths.

Zenou, the main muscle of the Kanki Army, isn't being given a respectable end where he finally falls after he smashes an important enemy or is used to hype a bigger threat thus displaying one last act of his might. He is just being turned into a giant pin cushion.

Raidou's death, which did have the respectable angle of him not betraying Kanki, was hella undignified. The bloke got turned into meat chunks.

The rest of Kanki's officers could be on the undignified chopping block too. :watchout:
Zenou, the absolute madlad. No wonder he was Kanki's trump card. At least his sacrifice isn't gone wasted as it looks like Kanki made it out with his elites (minus Zenou). Also, Zenou seemed absolutely dedicated in those panels maybe he wasn't as selfish as we thought. Kanki will surely make a work of Riboku in next meet. Kochou hurt Raido and it led to 100k incident, this time it may not be on such large scale but Kanki will surely hit back.
I want my boi Ji Aga to fight Shin. Bananji is kinda getting boring
I want Mouten to corner Bananji and take him out with brains and strategy.
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So Kanki’s siege tower unit is with Shin, what if they go take Gian while Riboku is busy killing kanki
Very possible
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Holy shit Zenou is dead

Raido died and we knoe what happened last time

And that look on Kanki's face :crazwhat:

Wonder if we are gonna get some story on how Zenou clan are so loyal to him. I doubt all of them died but Zenou and a few of them, but still, Kanki aint happy about that.

And it seems they got away thanks to him so a sacrifice not in vain.