Lol you are so wrong I don't know where to start
First what Ten does is what generals should do
No general in real-life is fighting at the front they are in there Tent or HQs
What you list is very important logistic and general (the word Genral) management is very important with that you can coordinate your army that's what an general does
The big picture isn't swinging some glaive and kill people the big picture is to give commands to the wings and main army and keep everything at check
Denrimi is Shin in this case and Ten is Ousen
Thats sad but true since people don't have a clue about warfare they think what Shin does and other generals is real-life shit it's not that its stupidity nothing more
Being general doesn't need you to fight at the front and kill 10-20 out of 100.000 which doesn't really change the outcome
It's all about formations and advising
I don’t have the inclination to go over the silliness of this post line by line. I’ll keep it it brief.
Don’t presume to lecture me on the realities of warfare when you can’t come to grips that you’re arguing how you feel about creative choices in a manga that doesn’t cater to expectations of a realistic representation of warfare.
KINGDOM has NEVER been that. Ever.
A bit late to get upset about it now.
Real life doesn’t have fighting generals on the frontline? No shit. Real life doesn’t have Instinctual Types and Bushin either. In no point in history were there tiny girls running around bodying grown men left and right. There’s never been such thing as Great Generals of the Heavens that possess “weight” - all of that shit is made up.
You’re arguing your emotions here, really. Not speaking to what Kingdom is, and how Shin comes up short within that context.
Clearly you’ve not been paying much attention either. That it drives you nuts he has the good sense to rely on the talents of others around him better at certain things is nothing new, but like I said, those things just aren’t his bag. They never will be.
I would love for logistics to actually matter on a consistent basis. That’s just not the story Hara is telling. He’s not that big on the details. It doesn’t interest him to go into the details - or perhaps it does, but he wants to conclude the story before he’s 60.
Bottom line, in the world of Kingdom, generals like Shin, Duke Hyou, Gai Mou, etc can go far very far and Shin might reach mountaintop.