Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I call upon Sanshuu the Immortal to avenge our fallen master Gigakou. :getnappaed:
I am pacing in circles lmfao, Ousen is absolutely fucked man…unless Shin shows up the Qin are fucked

Ousen: “the victor is me”

Hara is such a goat man. I will die on the hill that he is the best mangaka alive and his only contender for all time goat is Miura.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@MarineHQ Three Great Heaven agenda!!!

I do gotta wonder though what Akou's game plan was here. Roll up to a fella two gorillas tall while on 15% HP and do... What exactly? Be a momentary inconvenience to Mt Man and buy Ousen some time to escape? Lol.
Akou is Akou, bro is hard-headed and will charge into any battle no matter how hard the obstacle.

I’m over here wondering what the fuck Ousen was thinking about Akou and Sou Ou being able to stop this guy. Ousen knew he was a 3GH, Ousen knew he was a giant monster, I mean what the hell was Hakuki’s intellectual equal thinking here lmfao
Sayonara Akou, you were cool but you overstayed you welcome here

Akou portrayal this battle is very hard to understand : going straight for the bait, getting gangbanged, fleeing, going back to Ousen to protect him, charging into SBS and being killed in a second

Don't forget that Akou going back to Ousen dragged a new threat to the Qin Centre Army in Gakushou. Lol.
I’m over here wondering what the fuck Ousen was thinking about Akou and Sou Ou being able to stop this guy. Ousen knew he was a 3GH, Ousen knew he was a giant monster, I mean what the hell was Hakuki’s intellectual equal thinking here lmfao
"Look over there. 5% HP Akou and Sou'Ou, you see these two fellas? Now look over there. That Zhao dog of a gorilla, Shibashou. Y'all think Akou and Sou'Ou can't take him down? Delusional fr."
- Ousen