You're for putting limits on freedom, breaking news: most people are. Unless you're an anarchist you believe a society needs rules
Spoiler, even in anarchist societies there are rules.

Like you said, every one, even Luffy, puts limits on freedom. That's why I distinguish absolute freedom (no limits) from true freedom (the limits we ourself creates)

My brother, these people ain't gonna change, and you're not fighting the "good fight" in here. Stop it with these delusions of grandeur.
And be less complient with hate, brother.

Because right now, I'm the only one who interevene because someone is being hatefull or bigoted against LGBTQ+. I don't see other people like yourself taking the time to actually fight this hate, take the side of the oppressed unless I intervene, which I will do systematically as their is no contradiction before their actions.

No, you are like a vulture who will wait that I have 10 MEN against me and start saying "hey, I know this guys is stupid, but its bad to be bigoted"

All I see here (the outrage against the gov of Israel) is a rage of circomstance. Its simply the hype thing to do. And you guys are jumping on the wagon. I've been the one warning everyone about fascism, the dangerosity of the far right and dehumanization for month now and what did I get from this forum and those who should be on my side like yourself ?

"stop with the delusion of grandor" "You are so full of yourself" "you don't know how to convey the point" "you are full of Sh*t" "Far right doesn't exist" "the occident are rules by leftists"

Brother. I know exactly how to convey my point. And right now you are in the way. The point here is that I'm the only true leftist on this forum, and SEEMS to be the only one understanding the reality of the rise of fascism in the occidental society on this forum and I'm the only one facing it as it should be faced:

With a big "f*ck you" instead of a "stop trolling please".

So place your moraline and your despicable patronization into your little backpack, and let me fight how I please. Because you are actually NOT helping one single bit. Not the palestinians, not LGBTQ+, not your country, not even yourself.


Thank you.
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And be less complient with hate, brother.

Because right now, I'm the only one who interevene because someone is being hatefull or bigoted against LGBTQ+. I don't see other people like yourself taking the time to actually fight this hate, take the side of the oppressed unless I intervene, which I will do systematically as their is no contradiction before their actions.

No, you are like a vulture who will wait that I have 10 MEN against me and start saying "hey, I know this guys is stupid, but its bad to be bigoted"

All I see here (the outrage against the gov of Israel) is a rage of circomstance. Its simply the hype thing to do. And you guys are jumping on the wagon. I've been the one warning everyone about fascism, the dangerosity of the far right and dehumanization for monther now and what did I get from this forum and those who should be on my side like yourself ?

"stop with the delusion of grandor" "You are so full of yourself" "you don't know how to convey the point" "you are full of Sh*t" "Far right doesn't exist" "the occident are rules by leftists"

Brother. I know exactly how to convey my point. And right now you are in the way. The point here is that I'm the only true leftist on this forum, and SEEMS to be the only one understand the reality of the rise of fascism in the occidental society on this forum and I'm the only one facing it as it should be face:

With a big "f*ck you" instead of a "stop trolling please".

So place your moraline and your despicable patronization into your little backpack, and let me fight how I please. Because you are actually NOT helping one single bit. Not the palestinians, not LGBTQ+, not your country, not even yourself.


Thank you.
All you do is yap dude. You are doing absolutely nothing to help here. If you want to call people out that's fine, I understand that. But to pretend like you are making a difference while posting on WG is beyond laughable. It's not only the fact that you barely speak intelligible English, but you are absolutely dogshit at arguing and conveying your overall point. You are "fighting" a bunch of weebs with no political power and absolutely no say in what happens at a legislative level. These people aren't journalists, or activists, or politicians, they're just nerds like every single soul that has the misfortune of stumbling upon this forum. The purpose of this thread mainly is to exchange info and debate policy and cultural issues, but no one here is delusional enough to think they're making a difference by posting memes or reposting articles.

In a nutshell:

And just so we're clear, I've called these people bigots more times than I can count and gotten into really heated debates with them. Why should I keep wasting my energy and grinding my mental health to dust just so I can piss off a rando on the other side of the world? I call them out all the time dingdong. The thing is I get second hand embarrassment at the absolutely horrible way you clap back against these guys. It's like watching a toddler trying to learn a new tongue twister.
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All you do is yap dude.
Yapping its something. If at least it can bothers the like of the bigoted here and stop them from spitting hate, my work is done.

You are doing absolutely nothing to help here. If you want to call people out that's fine, I understand that. But to pretend like you are making a difference while posting on WG is beyond laughable. It's not only the fact that you barely speak intelligible English
Let me rephrase your sentence: "You are not legitimate" "you are not worthy" "you are full of BS".. Continue being this toxic against the one who fight it and I will put you in the box of those who spit hate, and not those who fight it.

ou are "fighting" a bunch of weebs with no political power and absolutely no say in what happens at a legislative level. These people aren't journalists, or activists, or politicians, they're just nerds like every single soul that has the misfortune of stumbling upon this forum.
Let me rephrase your sentence: "Politic doesn't matter on a weeb forum" More proof that you are confused about the power of politic fights.

The purpose of this thread mainly is to exchange info and debate policy and cultural issues, but no one here is delusional enough to think they're making a difference by posting memes or reposting articles.

In a nutshell:
Let me rephrase your sentence: "I can't make a difference so I will fight for other not to make one"

You are the proof that I'm making a difference. The fact that I have a solid reputation of being a nutjob on this forum is the proof that I'm making a difference.

You actually care too much about what people think about you. Me on the other hand, I don't. If fighting hatred means that I have the entire forum against me, I'm fine with it. At least I will be standing for something. But you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing but taking people down. And this shows in the way you speak. I might be not speaking english very well, but I respect others, I ll not insult them at the first occasion.

Now go for it. Show me that you don't care about politic. Show me that you actually think that posting here don't make a difference..

.. And stop posting.
Yapping its something. If at least it can bothers the like of the bigoted here and stop them from spitting hate, my work is done.

Let me rephrase your sentence: "You are not legitimate" "you are not worthy" "you are full of BS".. Continue being this toxic against the one who fight it and I will put you in the box of those who spit hate, and not those who fight it.

Let me rephrase your sentence: "Politic doesn't matter on a weeb forum" More proof that you are confused about the power of politic fights.

Let me rephrase your sentence: "I can't make a difference so I will fight for other not to make one"

You are the proof that I'm making a difference. The fact that I have a solid reputation of being a nutjob on this forum is the proof that I'm making a difference.

You actually care too much about what people think about you. Me on the other hand, I don't. If fighting hatred means that I have the entire forum against me, I'm fine with it. At least I will be standing for something. But you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing but taking people down. And this shows in the way you speak. I might be not speaking english very well, but I respect others, I ll not insult them at the first occasion.

Now go for it. Show me that you don't care about politic. Show me that you actually think that posting here don't make a difference..

.. And stop posting.
Alright baby boy. If you really think we who engage in this thread are thinking about you 24/7 then I got a bridge to sell you. And FYI, I haven't insulted you in this entire exchange.
Alright baby boy. If you really think we who engage in this thread are thinking about you 24/7 then I got a bridge to sell you. And FYI, I haven't insulted you in this entire exchange.
Billy, it seems like I live rent free in you heads. If it wasn't the case, you guys wouldn't take the time to grant me of your holy toxicity and tell me how wrong I always am. You would just ignore me as I do with you most of the time.

Now, show me that you really care about the oppressed. Start by showing a little more understanding to those who fight for them. And get off your high horse. I shouldn't have to fight the one who agrees with me, but here I am, obligated to put your in place once again.

Start by being coherent, don't be offended when someone is trying to fight the far right, bigots or crypto fascist, no matter the ways, open your eyes and start understanding that there are no little fights in this world
Billy, it seems like I live rent free in you head. If it wasn't the case, you guys wouldn't take the time to grant me of your holy toxicity and tell me how wrong I always am. You would just ignore me as I do with you most of the time.

Now, show me that you really care about the oppressed. Start by showing a little more understanding to those who fight for them. And get of your high horse. I shouldn't have to fight the one who agrees with me, but here I am, obligated to put your in place once again.

Start by being coherent, don't be offended when someone is trying to fight the far right,begot or crypto fascist, no matter the ways, and open your eyes and start understanding that there are no little fights in this world
Who tf is Billy? My man, this is pure projection. I just called you out cause I think that even though you have the right opinions sometimes, you just make yourself look like an absolute fool because you can hardly write a coherent and cohesive sentence. Bare in mind I was respectful of you as I raised this point to you.

Just so you know, I don't have to prove anything to you. Whether I care or don't is entirely my business, if you don't believe me I assure you I won't lose sleep over it. I don't feel the need to virtue signal or prove myself in front of anybody. I'm not out here trying to prove that I'm morally superior to anybody.
I don't feel the need to virtue signal or prove myself in front of anybody or be morally superior
Let me rephrase your sentence "I don't feel the need to fight hatred when it appears on the forum because I've nothing to prove"

This is the problem of liberals, they are confusing militantism with self improvement. Thinking that fighting for a cause is nothing but a way to prove something to oneself. .... .. Bro.. I would love nothing more than to stay silent on this forum. But if I have to intervene, its because NO ONE ELSE, not you, not EVEN THE MODERATION is stepping up to the task.

So give me a break with your "I don't need to prove anything or be morally superior" BS. You are doing it right now. This sentence:

because you can hardly write a coherent and cohesive sentence
.. is the proof that you are not being coherent in anyway.

Finally, if you can't understand simple english. Take some classes.

Now. Either you reflect on yourself and start to actually care about the oppressed and really start fighting for them, or you take your advice, you stay coherent with your point of view that a political forum "can't change a single thing", and you stop posting and getting in my way!

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
All you do is yap dude. You are doing absolutely nothing to help here. If you want to call people out that's fine, I understand that. But to pretend like you are making a difference while posting on WG is beyond laughable. It's not only the fact that you barely speak intelligible English, but you are absolutely dogshit at arguing and conveying your overall point. You are "fighting" a bunch of weebs with no political power and absolutely no say in what happens at a legislative level. These people aren't journalists, or activists, or politicians, they're just nerds like every single soul that has the misfortune of stumbling upon this forum. The purpose of this thread mainly is to exchange info and debate policy and cultural issues, but no one here is delusional enough to think they're making a difference by posting memes or reposting articles.

In a nutshell:

And just so we're clear, I've called these people bigots more times than I can count and gotten into really heated debates with them. Why should I keep wasting my energy and grinding my mental health to dust just so I can piss off a rando on the other side of the world? I call them out all the time dingdong. The thing is I get second hand embarrassment at the absolutely horrible way you clap back against these guys. It's like watching a toddler trying to learn a new tongue twister.
Let me rephrase your sentence "I don't feel the need to fight hatred when it appears on the forum because I've nothing to prove"

This is the problem of liberals, they are confusing militantism with self improvement. Thinking that fighting for a cause is nothing but a way to prove something to oneself. .... .. Bro.. I would love nothing more than to stay silent on this forum. But if I have to intervene, its because NO ONE ELSE, not you, not EVEN THE MODERATION is stepping up to the task.

So give me a break with your "I don't need to prove anything or be morally superior" BS. You are doing it right now. This sentence:

.. is the proof that you are not being coherent in anyway.

Finally, if you can't understand simple english. Take some classes.

Now. Either you reflect on yourself and start to actually care about the oppressed and really start fighting for them, or you take your advice, you stay coherent with your point of view that a political forum "can't change a single thing", and you stop posting and getting in my way!
My man, take your meds. If you want to make a real difference then volunteer. Help the homeless, donate you income to help build up your community. If you want to help victims of war crimes then go to gaza and volunteer with the UN. But for you to have the audacity to say I don't care and that I'm part of the problem while I've actively asked for better moderation and new terms of service is beyond shameless. Now stop crying just because I accurately described how bad you're at arguing and typing sentences. it's an accurate descriptor for someone as delusional as yourself.

I myself donate a good chunk of my income to support and build up my community, especially the homeless in NY. That's called helping, that's called trying to make a difference.


Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Let me rephrase your sentence: "Politic doesn't matter on a weeb forum" More proof that you are confused about the power of politic fights.
LMAO What fight? You're fighting with dweebs who argue which drawing beats which drawing :ihaha:

Not CNN analysts, not congressmen, not activist. Fucking degenerate weebs. You've spent an entire year arguing with people with nonsense and you've failed to change anyone's belief system. You've accomplished absolutely nothing :risitavirus:
:kayneshrug: A liberal is trying to taught me how to be a militant. I'm no liberal, I'm a leftist
It's a catch all term buddy. But whatever...
You think it's your place to tell people what to do if they're not doing what "You" think they should be doing.
The irony if I ever saw it.
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LMAO What fight? You're fighting with dweebs who argue which drawing beats which drawing :ihaha:

Not CNN analysts, not congressmen, not activist. Fucking degenerate weebs. You've spent an entire year arguing with people with nonsense and you've failed to change anyone's belief system. You've accomplished absolutely nothing :risitavirus:
My man, take your meds.
You are making my points for me Billy.

If you want to make a real difference then volunteer
1. You don't get to choose how people fights
2. Told you many time that I can't. This forum is my only way to express myself at the time.

Help the homeless, donate you income to help build up your community. If you want to help victims of war crimes then go to gaza and volunteer with the UN
"speaking is not fighting, go raise some money, fight for real" Typical liberal BS.

But for you to have the audacity to say I don't care and that I'm part of the problem while I've actively asked for better moderation and new terms of service is beyond shameless.
No you don't. If you were truly caring, you wouldn't be toxic with one of the only guy really fighting toxicity for this forum. You would s*ut it up. You would like the posts, you would help me explain to the mod the problem with bigots on this forum as i'm am "unable to create understandable sentences". You wouldn't turn a blind eyes like so many liberals are doing this days in front of the far right.

I myself donate a good chunk of my income to support and build up my community, especially the homeless in NY. That's called helping, that's called trying to make a difference.
You know who are also donating to feel that they are doing something ? Billionnaires.
I don't care about something I can't see. i only see your actions here and the fact that you prefer standing in front of the one fighting bigots and saying that there fights are "not the good fights" ™ rather than standing against actual transphobe in this thread in the first place.

LMAO What fight? You're fighting with dweebs who argue which drawing beats which drawing
There are not little fights in this world.

you've failed to change anyone's belief system
This only means that I have to find a better way, not to stop fighting mate :)

You think it's your place to tell people what to do if they're not doing what "You" think they should be doing.
Are you the type of person that would be ok to let your sister be insulted in front of you because of "free speech"?
You are making my points for me Billy.
Who tf is Billy???????????
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No you don't. If you were truly caring, you wouldn't be toxic with one of the only guy really fighting toxicity for this forum. You would s*ut it up. You would like the posts, you would help me explain to the mod the problem with bigots on this forum as i'm am "unable to create understandable sentences". You wouldn't turn a blind eyes like so many liberals are doing this days in front of the far right.
But you make things actively worse. How can I support you when you can't even convey your shit concisely and you make yourself look like a lunatic?
You know who are also donating to feel that they are doing something ? Billionnaires.
I don't care about something I can't see. i only see your actions here and the fact that you prefer standing in front of the one fighting bigots and saying that there fights are "not the good fights" ™ rather than standing against actual transphobe in this thread in the first place.
You're fighting losers with no money or political power. These guys don't even have friends. How can you have the gull to say you do more than me when I've actively helped people get off the street and have supported orgs and trade unions that are trying to make legislative change in the state of NY? You absolute Buffon.
Hot take. I think Israel deserved the October 7th attack by Hamas.

It’s a tragedy for any person to die, however….

In the Torah it is shown exactly what happens to nations when they go against the will of G-d. Egypt oppresssed the Israelites for decades. G-d gave the pharaoh many chances to change his ways and he didn’t listen. Then you all know what happened.

It’s the same thing for Israel. They oppresssed the Palestinians for decades. Jews aren’t even allowed to mistreat immigrants. That’s a line that’s been repeated multiple times in the Torah. “You shall not oppress the stranger amongst you for you were once strangers in Egypt…”

Then imagine how great of a sin it is to oppress the Palestinians who aren’t strangers, but are the native people of the land.

Yet israel did this for decades despite having ample opportunities to create peace. October 7th was the inevitable consequence of these evil actions.
Don't use religion to justify death and genocide. That's what got us here in the first place. Civilian deaths are never justified.