Don't think yourself intelligent enough to actually understand what people mean, Toby.

I called Solis an anarchocommunist because he has parroted both communistic and anarchic views across the course of the time I've seen him post. Now, I know the lad is a troll, but his views have been rather evident. He hates big business (fair play), he wants revolution, a violent one at that, for he has stated there is no other way to 'topple the system', and he has only spoken of Marx in a positive light whilst demonizing capitalism (and yes, rampant capitalism is not to the benefit of society). He commonly courts the communistic fringe. It was not an insult -- though I certainly disagree with both anarchy and communism.

Should this be a misrepresentation, Solis, then I apologise, but I cannot help but see your views as such based on your comments.

Now, in the interest of my sanity, I will actually continue to do what I originally promised to do, Toby, and not engage with you. This time not because you asked me to (which I previously graciously followed until you felt the need to quote me, figures) but because I simply am tired of interacting with you. This is not to make a grand-statement, but henceforth, I will not be seeing your messages. Goodbye.
@Bisoromi Bear real?
To be clear, I stated the following - I believe that there are a lot of issues within my country due to rampant, uncontrolled immigration and not enough integration. We have imported in cheap labour, which has also imported in more and more Islamic communities which, unfortunately, create their own insular communities, such as some London boroughs which have a 0% non-Muslim population -- where Sharia is followed.

I have grew up in poor neighbourhoods where I saw working class, British Nationals, haranged and harassed out of those neighbourhoods because of Islamic gangs.

Our police is afraid to combat it, as evidence by the Rotherham sex ring. The lack of real culpability in the murder of Sir David Amess. Among other things.

I do not hate Muslims. I grew up in a very, very multicultural environment. My family were originally immigrants who integrated into this country because they loved British culture and values. Now I see people who despise the British flag. Those who disrespect the land they live in. Those that have no loyalty, no desire to learn the language, and a true disdain for British law and culture. It does not mean all of them are this way. But I have noticed a clear connection between Islamic zealotry and anti-British sentiment amongst UK-based Muslims.

If that makes me a racist, then so be it, call me what you want. I am not. And to try and portray me as such is the epitome of middle-class individuals who've never lived in the lowest of the low. Who've never seen or had to experience such things as they've not lived in ghettos. They stare at the world from a position where they've never had to watch as their communities are overtaken and then denigrated in the name of a foreign ideology that is antithetical to the way of life of those who are living there.

Fucking hell.
Why you quoting me though
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Start with the most disturbing one. Or the one you feel most confident about.

Heard from who? Do you want to pass the opportunity to hear it directly from a Sunni Muslim?
Most disturbing one is probably the quran not setting an age limit to marriage and sexual intercourse. Usually i care much more about scientific errors because sometimes islamic apologists then dont even reply with mental gymnastics but straight defend fiddling with prebubescent girls or killing apostates/gays or dhimmitude or whatever.

Hearing either option from you makes no difference.
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No matter how much sophistry they spin or labels they attach, they despise the Jewish people with a passion.

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
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Like always, Zenos has disappeared.

He will come back again to jump in an on-going conversation and say the things he has said for the 1000th time.
Lmao this obsession after clearly saying you are done with it.

Sorry for me to admit, but real life is also a thing.

Guess i shouldnt expect anything from someone unironically posting zakir naik
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The phenomenon was uncovered when social workers noticed the birth rate among Ethiopian immigrants halving in a decade. An Israeli documentary investigating the scandal was aired in December and prompted a popular outcry.

It revealed that women were started on a course of contraceptive jabs while still in transit camps in Ethiopia, some without being told they were being given birth control and many having no idea of the side-effects. When they eventually arrived in Israel, doctors continued the treatment unquestioningly.
Ye this shit is fucking insane
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Lineage is not as important as you think, but even if it did, my lineage is over 3 quarters English/Celt. Nonetheless, believe what you want, Bro.

You never answered the question of what are you? Or is the non-answer the answer? You have no cultural identity?
If lineage isnt that important, does he need a cultural identity?
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want to learn more instead of being the forever spiritually defunct atheist that I was when I was a teen.
Is spirituality impossible as an atheist?
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And the Nashville Manifesto was leaked and FB is censoring it, Down with FB I say, or The lizardman Zuck the Cuck.
Quality post
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If lineage isnt that important, does he need a cultural identity?
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Is spirituality impossible as an atheist?
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Isn't as important as you think it is does not mean lineage is unimportant. But it's just one factor.

As for the question. Honestly, I don't think so? Spirituality is... a very hard thing to pin down, but I guess it's sort of like being in touch with your intuition in an almost intimate fashion? However being an atheist is not necessarily why I was spiritually defunct. I believe my atheistic tendencies led me down the path of nihilism however.
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Why you quoting me though?
Fucked up the quotes by swapping tabs, sorry bro. -_-
Isn't as important as you think it is does not mean lineage is unimportant. But it's just one factor.

As for the question. Honestly, I don't think so? Spirituality is... a very hard thing to pin down, but I guess it's sort of like being in touch with your intuition in an almost intimate fashion? However being an atheist is not necessarily why I was spiritually defunct. I believe my atheistic tendencies led me down the path of nihilism however.
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Fucked up the quotes by swapping tabs, sorry bro. -_-
Most people in the world have some kind of believe in some higher power since ancient times.Religion/spirituality is just part of the human experience.
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Why you quoting me though
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Most disturbing one is probably the quran not setting an age limit to marriage and sexual intercourse. Usually i care much more about scientific errors because sometimes islamic apologists then dont even reply with mental gymnastics but straight defend fiddling with prebubescent girls or killing apostates/gays or dhimmitude or whatever.

Hearing either option from you makes no difference.
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Lmao this obsession after clearly saying you are done with it.

Sorry for me to admit, but real life is also a thing.

Guess i shouldnt expect anything from someone unironically posting zakir naik
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Ye this shit is fucking insane
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If lineage isnt that important, does he need a cultural identity?
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Is spirituality impossible as an atheist?
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Quality post
well,look up buddhism they don't really care if god is real or not,but they assume there is a next chapter to this.
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Don’t have anything against Islam
seems very similar to Judaism
most Muslims I know are cool guys

Don’t know why so many people are so skeptical that Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. can’t all just coexist.
If 8/10 are happy and 2/10 loudly complain, "people aren't happy." Y'know? And every time a conflict breaks out we all have to hear some bullshit about how intolerance is inherent to "those people."

Desantis is out here saying that people from Gaza can't come because they'll bring prejudice with them. So prejudice keeps them out and I suppose the only time they've ever been here is when conflict has broken out? What the hell is that?
If 8/10 are happy and 2/10 loudly complain, "people aren't happy." Y'know? And every time a conflict breaks out we all have to hear some bullshit about how intolerance is inherent to "those people."

Desantis is out here saying that people from Gaza can't come because they'll bring prejudice with them. So prejudice keeps them out and I suppose the only time they've ever been here is when conflict has broken out? What the hell is that?
Have you seen Professor Finklestein's response to the Bernie CNN interview?
If 8/10 are happy and 2/10 loudly complain, "people aren't happy." Y'know? And every time a conflict breaks out we all have to hear some bullshit about how intolerance is inherent to "those people."

Desantis is out here saying that people from Gaza can't come because they'll bring prejudice with them. So prejudice keeps them out and I suppose the only time they've ever been here is when conflict has broken out? What the hell is that?
lmao the only people who want to kill Jews in America are crazy right wing white people, the type that would probably support desantis
It's the far right. And the pro-palestinian protestors, muslims and leftists
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Damn it's like she's proud of it :nicagesmile:
"The left and the right." Oh good point lol. Moderates, too. So now we know exactly who is a problem, and they're being lead by this random woman who I guess has a tiktok
"The left and the right." Oh good point lol. Moderates, too. So now we know exactly who is a problem, and they're being lead by this random woman who I guess has a tiktok
Wait it merged my posts.
This woman is the Libs Of TikTok page, MAGA conservative cringe
she's basically a stochastic terrorist, calling out kindergardens and schools for having LGBT flags, and later they get bomb threats, or actual bombs. And some shooting too I think.
On my first post I was referencing the antisemitism of people who took of their mask
Wait it merged my posts.
This woman is the Libs Of TikTok page, MAGA conservative cringe
she's basically a stochastic terrorist, calling out kindergardens and schools for having LGBT flags, and later they get bomb threats, or actual bombs. And some shooting too I think.
On my first post I was referencing the antisemitism of people who took of their mask
Okay I might have been confused because who identifies as a "lib" lol. Like of course it's liberal but the only people who really say that are using it as a pejorative
Okay I might have been confused because who identifies as a "lib" lol. Like of course it's liberal but the only people who really say that are using it as a pejorative
I think it's because she is posting Libs on tiktok
Raichik uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary.

rogan, trump jr, trump desantis all promoted here lol
In America, 60% of political violence comes from the right. I'm not sure if it includes racially motivated violence but I'd be surprised if it doesn't.

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If you are a good faith actor and actually care about numbers and data, you'd have to admit that white supremacy is a problem in this country and how intrinsically interlinked it is to the MAGA movement.
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