This ain't a response. You're posting emotes like you won the argument.
Do you have nothing to say? Where are your eloquent walls of text and intellectual vocabulary?
What do you expect from a ladder kicker?
Somebody whose family, despite coming from a racist, caste-based system, was welcomed and made part of british culture, now wants to have every culture that is not like his to not be allowed to come to the same country?
That has no problem conflating all muslims into one big evil group?
When you talk with clowns, you better expect to receive a pie in the face, maybe a squirt of alka seltzer, but not much more.
Now we're throwing unsubstantiated labels around ,I love it:risitameh::saden:
What do you expect from a ladder kicker?
Somebody whose family, despite coming from a racist, caste-based system, was welcomed and made part of british culture, now wants to have every culture that is not like his to not be allowed to come to the same country?
That has no problem conflating all muslims into one big evil group?
When you talk with clowns, you better expect to receive a pie in the face, maybe a squirt of alka seltzer, but not much more.
Just yesterday I watched a documentary about a black immigrant member of the AfD(German right wing populist party). The reasonings of these types of people are indeed interesting.
What do you expect from a ladder kicker?
Somebody whose family, despite coming from a racist, caste-based system, was welcomed and made part of british culture, now wants to have every culture that is not like his to not be allowed to come to the same country?
That has no problem conflating all muslims into one big evil group?
When you talk with clowns, you better expect to receive a pie in the face, maybe a squirt of alka seltzer, but not much more.
Keep grinding your axe and throwing accusations. You lack the ability to understand my point or you wilfully ignore it. Those with sense can understand my true feelings, and values, and no matter how much you misrepresent me that will shine through. That is justice.
I promise to never message you again from this point on. For my own sake, and maybe yours. God bless you.


From the looks of the last couple of pages here (starting from at least page 1400), a separate thread might actually be needed for the Israel-Hamas thread because this whole topic seems to get everyone in here riled up (especially when religious beliefs get brought into the table).

Gist is that Palestian militants (if you want me to call them Hamas, sure) breached the Gaza-Israel barrier and randomly started attacking Israeli communities & military bases. The further added action of kidnapping hostages for a seemingly unprovoked reason would add further justification of what they did that day as a terrorist attack...

The release of that child beading story that's been circulating around the net for a few weeks really did its job to solidify the standing of Hamas as the bad guy of this story here.
From the looks of the last couple of pages here (starting from at least page 1400), a separate thread might actually be needed for the Israel-Hamas thread because this whole topic seems to get everyone in here riled up (especially when religious beliefs get brought into the table).

Gist is that Palestian militants (if you want me to call them Hamas, sure) breached the Gaza-Israel barrier and randomly started attacking Israeli communities & military bases. The further added action of kidnapping hostages for a seemingly unprovoked reason would add further justification of what they did that day as a terrorist attack...

The release of that child beading story that's been circulating around the net for a few weeks really did its job to solidify the standing of Hamas as the bad guy of this story here.
that's not really what happened but go off king.
From the looks of the last couple of pages here (starting from at least page 1400), a separate thread might actually be needed for the Israel-Hamas thread because this whole topic seems to get everyone in here riled up (especially when religious beliefs get brought into the table).

Gist is that Palestian militants (if you want me to call them Hamas, sure) breached the Gaza-Israel barrier and randomly started attacking Israeli communities & military bases. The further added action of kidnapping hostages for a seemingly unprovoked reason would add further justification of what they did that day as a terrorist attack...

The release of that child beading story that's been circulating around the net for a few weeks really did its job to solidify the standing of Hamas as the bad guy of this story here.
I agree that a new thread might be a good idea.

for a seemingly unprovoked reason
Yeah. No. I'm sorry but if you don't look at the context you will miss a lot. Palestinian are under occupation since the 40', they are constantly bombed, poked with oppressive mesure and arbitrary arrestations (check the tweet above), People in Gaza have the strict minimum allowed BY the Israeli gov to survive. Gaza is literally an open air prison and people are killed everyday by the IDF.

So no, this is no "seemingly unprovoked", we are talking here about a crypto fascist state that is acting as a colonizer for 60 years and is backed up by the US.

Palestinians have ALL reasons to loses their mind.
randomly started attacking Israeli communities & military bases.
Not random; their people are killed, robbed of their homes and beaten by soldiers and settlers in the West Bank while under an illegal occupation and their children are left to rot in the world's largest open-air prison. You've also had 200 Palestinians murdered in the West Bank this year prior to October.

kidnapping hostages for a seemingly unprovoked reaso
There's many Palestinians held hostage by the illegal occupation forces. Israeli hostages were taken for an exchange.

The release of that child beading story that's been circulating around the net for a few weeks really did its job to solidify the standing of Hamas as the bad guy of this story here.
Typical hasbara tall tale, and the lack of one beheaded baby's corpse confirms this.
From the looks of the last couple of pages here (starting from at least page 1400), a separate thread might actually be needed for the Israel-Hamas thread because this whole topic seems to get everyone in here riled up (especially when religious beliefs get brought into the table).

Gist is that Palestian militants (if you want me to call them Hamas, sure) breached the Gaza-Israel barrier and randomly started attacking Israeli communities & military bases. The further added action of kidnapping hostages for a seemingly unprovoked reason would add further justification of what they did that day as a terrorist attack...

The release of that child beading story that's been circulating around the net for a few weeks really did its job to solidify the standing of Hamas as the bad guy of this story here.
Let's be clear, the only resistance in Gaza is the Hamas. Now, the 7th, they actually made a WAR CRIME. Something that can be punished internationnaly because its an act of war that goes beyond the boundaries of international laws. BUT

This resistance is STILL perfectly legitimate in the context stated above. Those guys are fighting the colonization and the oppression of a crypto fascist state. That's why they are NOT terrorist. Their sociology is COMPLETELY different from people from Daesh or ALquaida. The hamas is not "throwing rocks" to terrorize, they do it (at least for the majority of the combattants) in a response to oppression.

This, again, does not forgive their horrific action of the 7th. This was a war crime, not even resistant should do that.

But like a guy said above, let's be a little bit more nuanced about the situation.

You get rid of the oppression, you will get rid of the Hamas (at least in its majority)

You a communist? First time I've ever heard such a thing.
Isn't Anarcho communism a bit contradictory tho ? (I'm just asking, I know very little about communism and anarchism)
He means it as an insult.
Don't think yourself intelligent enough to actually understand what people mean, Toby.

I called Solis an anarchocommunist because he has parroted both communistic and anarchic views across the course of the time I've seen him post. Now, I know the lad is a troll, but his views have been rather evident. He hates big business (fair play), he wants revolution, a violent one at that, for he has stated there is no other way to 'topple the system', and he has only spoken of Marx in a positive light whilst demonizing capitalism (and yes, rampant capitalism is not to the benefit of society). He commonly courts the communistic fringe. It was not an insult -- though I certainly disagree with both anarchy and communism.

Should this be a misrepresentation, Solis, then I apologise, but I cannot help but see your views as such based on your comments.

Now, in the interest of my sanity, I will actually continue to do what I originally promised to do, Toby, and not engage with you. This time not because you asked me to (which I previously graciously followed until you felt the need to quote me, figures) but because I simply am tired of interacting with you. This is not to make a grand-statement, but henceforth, I will not be seeing your messages. Goodbye.
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