was talking the sources you used
they are long winded rants that pretty much have no objective information displayed
at least going by the one, I read
Those are SCIENTIFIC PAPERS not rants. Dude, because a conclusion challenges your point of view doesn't mean its a rant. Come on, less intellectual lazyness please.
at least going by the one, I read
Yeah, that's the problem, you only read the first link that was a complilation of definition of patriarchy based on the research of multiple people. Of course that if you read that without looking at the rest you will think that its a rant since it challenges your point of view.
name 1 mainstream source that supports my vision???
Trump ???
Macron ???
Biden ??
Just because one or multiple of them are talking about the right of women once a month doesn't mean they far right/ultraliberal political are suddenly leftist. THey are ALL ultra liberal and challenging the concept of patriarchy and the concept of systemic oppressions.
ast im to check all of them are literal leftist propaganda mills
No mate. The power AND the people are rightwing/liberals. Sadly leftist are still a minority.
So here, I'm talking about women that are still GLOBALLY denied their right to speak about violence and abuse done to them and you reply to me with a controversial rehabilitating program made to rehabilitate people who abuse and violent in society.
Wtf ? This has nothing to do with the subject.
it's a practice favoring women's testimony in domestic violence cases
you are quite literally not going based on facts but rather ideological basis so like always
First, We are talking about a practice that favors a specific vision about patriarchy without care for therapy treatments. In other words, its not the right response to the problem of rehabilitation. But favoring women's testimony is STILL needed.
Second, its only in the case where perpetuator (men or women) are CHARGED and SENTENCED. What I'm talking about are the 90% of cases where perpetrators walk FREE.
So that program has absolutely NOTHING to do with the actual subject being that women are still struggling to be HEARD in front of actual POLICE OFFICER and JUSTICE like proven by the actual studies provided to you.
Again you are trying to deflect with something you heard in incel circles but that is completely out of subject and you still have no peer reviewed studies to counter what I'm talking about.
there is zero laws that are made to negatively affect solely black people or women
Systemic issues are not always about the laws that are put in place, sometimes its also the way the system is constructed sometimes winligly in order to defavor a oppressed minority or gender:
- Bad abortion laws for example are negatively affecting women.
- There is this :
- There is this :
It took me 1 minute of research, imagine what I can find in two hours.
But if you want an example of systemic racism, The state of France (Macron/Darmanin) just passed a far right immigration law that put migrants in even more misery that they were already in.
there are laws made specifically to help these groups such as affrimtive action and other such things
THose are liberals solutions and liberal solutions are ALWAYS (at best) only patches on an open wound (and at worst far right ideas). They are inefficient to counter systemic racism and patriarchy. That's one of the reason why we can't stand liberals in the left.
such would not be the case carrot if the current status quo seeks to opress women
Like I said
- The status co is you guys being a GROUP targetting the only profeminist in town.
- The status co is the WG staff laughing at real feminists and anti toxic ideas to make this place a better place for everyone.
- The status co is Biden supporting the far right and genocidal gov of Israel and denying systemic racism in the institutions
- The status co is Macron being helped by the far right to pass Ultra liberals reform and racist laws
- The status co is the people of both America and Europe being more and more encline to far right ideaologies that denies patriarchy and feminism
- The status co is movies and Series that still have transphobic and sexist representations
- The status co is the bigger social media being owned by a sexist BILLIONNAIRE who think that woke are a problem for society and that we should give a tribune to far right fascist and complotist
- THe status co is Trump being able to have a tribune in all medias and become president
- The status co is world famous VIOLENT actors (Johnny Depp/Brad Pitt) benefiting from a social preference because they are known, men and handsome
- THe status co is Gerard Depardieu, a famous french actor who just sexualize a little girl and sexually abused/harrassed interpreter in front of a camera being openly protected by the french PRESIDENT and defended by 50+ famous actor and french personnalities just because "its gerard"
- The status co is the fact that feminists and women had to create an hashtag to been seen at least just a bit and for things to evolve
- The status co is that so many countries still places women as the lowest class/ social group
- The status co is that we MEN are STILL debating on the abortion, something only WOMEN have the right to debate on.
- The status co is that pretty much all superheroes movies still target villain who want to make the society change and most of the time when those villain comes from oppression. #Marvel
- The status co is women still being laughed at in police station worse, being recieved by actual abusers in police stations.
- THe status co is the sta te who still refuse to defound the Police when we have the proof that those institution have core problems of far right activism, sexism and racism
- THe status co is Gerald Darmanin and Trump, both accused of rape
- THe status co is Eric Zemmour, a crypto fascist making 7% in the first round of the last french presidency while other far right group make the same ammount as other candidate with 20%
- THe status co is Christopher colombus still being acclamed as the discover of America when he just happen to step up on the ground of a great multiple state native nation and started the genocide that killed 70 MILLION people in the americas.
Do you want me to go on? I can do this for two more hours..
The status co mate, is on YOUR side, the side of sexism, of rejection of the feminist concept, the rejection of women voices, the rejection of the concept of systemic racism, the rejection that maybe, leftist are the good guys here.
And again, liberals are people who make or want liberal reforms, leftist don't want that. So we are not liberals einstein.
Again, you have no sources but video of the far right, no actual scientific paper, just your feelings.
I debunked clearly your rethoric and vision with good arguments, clear data report and real actual scientific paper. The problem is that you have too much pride to admit that you are wrong.
So your only possibility is to continue saying that I'm a liberal leftist (even if its contradictory) and deny science and the researches on the subjects we are talking about.
This doesn't mean anything bro
the average joe has no power
their view is not in line with the larger liberal leftist
the systematic powers arent really representative of the average joe
but rather more representative of liberals like you
Sadly no. I just proved you that liberals are in fact meer capitalist that want to make profit, be seen in a good light or sometimes pass straight up racist laws. If Biden were leftist, he wouldn't defend Israel mate.
You are really lost on leftist matters mate and you political compass is completely broken
Like I told you, the average Joe is either for Trump/Marine Le Pen or a liberal Macron/Biden. The average joe is not (unless in very few cases) a leftist that will hold deep values about patriarchy and systemic racism.
Your problem is that you see a black little mermaid and think that suddenly all the medias are leftist when I proved you that those are only the choices of capitalist to appeal to progressive audiences and appears more progressive.
THe problem with you is not that leftism is the status co (it not and never was), the problem is that you REJECT leftism as an ideology because it challenges your point of view.
again because it's not in line with reality
Like I said, suddenly for you science is not in line with reality. You are like a flat earther denying mathematic and geography because you want to believe that you are the oppressed one.
I was like you once. I wanted to believe that there was some random shadows progressive organisation that wanted to control the world and me. Gladly I grew out of that, now its your turn to be a big boy and accept that you are wrong.
nobody believed johnny dept against amber heard
And still, what happened is that literally ALL SOCIAL MEDIA MADE FUN of Amber heard AND the WOMEN who tried to help her:
TW (sexist content)
(there are thousands of massively viewed video like that)
The reality mate
that you are VOLONTARALY IGNORING is that almost EVERYONE believed in Johnny Depp,
even me at first which that should stand for you as a testimony of how much patriarchy has an effect on people.
All twitter, all youtube, all facebook, all tik tok, all instagram was FILLED with memes making fun of Amber and showing Depp in a heroic light...
A violent abuser ... in a heroic light. (even if Amber was not completely free of charges) that should ring some alarm.. but no. You are in COMPLETE disbelief. Simply because you refuse on an ideological basic to be proven wrong by a leftist.
and your different how??
you base your im right on far left propaganda and your own feelings
I told you, compared to you guys, I'm basing my argumentation on actual science. You know, the discipline that permits us to make objective observations about our universe.
so because some random forum with random people makes fun of you and disagrees with you
You guys are not random people, you are people with clear pattern of ideas, antifeminist, procapitalist, in denial of scientific researches and social studies, completely anti "woke".. You guys are the representation of the hegemonic right wing vision in society.
This is why you are sometime 3 sometimes 10 against one and why its so important for me to debunk ALL of you.
i was talking about mainstream media and world governments not a unknown forum
When unmodded, forums are micro representation of society.
random people gonna reject leftist more then the cnn of the world cause one is a leftsit source that agrees with your pol,tics and the other is a forum where anybody and anyone can post
SO you are telling me that people will reject CNN based on the proposition that they might be leftist ? That's exactly what global status co is.. Welcome in the real world.
if you wanna make a change here maybe invent some of your fellow liberals from twitter
I can't stand liberals so its gonna be hard bro..
You continue to affirm a contradictory principle. Liberal are not leftists they are you, the right wing.
I’m against abortion because I think it’s anti women
Thank you I believe in being consistent to the best of my ability.
If you were consistant, you would be pro abortion as you are pro women.
Read that please to understand why:
In "A Defense of Abortion", Judith Jarvis Thomson grants for the sake of argument that the fetus has a right to life, but defends the permissibility of abortion by appealing to a thought experiment:
You wake up in the morning and find yourself back to back in bed with an unconscious violinist. A famous unconscious violinist. He has been found to have a fatal kidney ailment, and the Society of Music Lovers has canvassed all the available medical records and found that you alone have the right blood type to help. They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist's circulatory system was plugged into yours, so that your kidneys can be used to extract poisons from his blood as well as your own. [If he is unplugged from you now, he will die; but] in nine months he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you.
Thomson argues that one can now permissibly unplug oneself from the violinist even though this will cause his death: this is due to limits on the right to life, which does not include the right to use another person's body, and so by unplugging the violinist, one does not violate his right to life but merely deprives him of something – the use of someone else's body – to which he has no right. "f you do allow him to go on using your kidneys, this is a kindness on your part, and not something he can claim from you as his due."
For the same reason, Thomson says, abortion does not violate the fetus's legitimate right to life, but merely deprives the fetus of something – the non-consensual use of the pregnant woman's body and life-supporting functions – to which it has no right. Thus, by choosing to terminate her pregnancy, Thomson concludes that a pregnant woman does not normally violate the fetus's right to life, but merely withdraws its use of her own body, which usually causes the fetus to die.