guess you are smoking as much crack as oda does
Best manga= the only manga Im reading
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How do you always manage to get political :lawsigh:
because he's banned from the political thread
Why would I be a Modi bhakt? I don't hold the Indian citizenship. I am telling you the truth of Gandhi's stance. If you are non violent but your opponent is, more likely than not you'll be killed. :kobeha:
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
Congratulations you are now a pawn of big players. Hence your mental health issues
And you are a pawn of the big players because you let them instrumentalise you
I wouldn't call them Satan. I think they are misguided into thinking they are doing good without realizing how much harm they are doing. Many of the normal people believe the lies of the movement leaders which know very well they are up to know good and the regular people believe close to a utopia can exist.
This „unpeople“ justify sex with children. Maybe unlogiko not personally (don‘t know about that), but kinds like him


He is right. Leftists are justifying pedos as being a disease/condition (which is true) as this would be an ok thing to let it happen.
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"Male Spanish soldiers are self-identifying as women to get better army digs (but only a handful are bothering to change their names)"

'On the outside I feel like a heterosexual man, but on the inside I am a lesbian. And it is the latter that counts,' he said.

'For changing my gender, I have been told that my pension has gone up because women get more to compensate for inequality. I also get 15 per cent more salary for being a mother,' he said.

Meanwhile, the corporal is also planning to sue for shared custody of a teenage son, reportedly believing the transition to a woman will mean a better chance in court.

Yall wokes are lame and self destructive

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