I think we can talk about here since it seems you want to treat the politic aspect of religions.
I don't think they are evil but I'm not deep in many of them. I do think they are made to control mass though.
Even not believing in religion I can safely say that Jesus teachings are worth following on at life.
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - John 8:12.
It's true. Praise Him.
**Edit -
@Herrera95 could you ever say anything more bad-faith than "pro-gun is a woke policy"? Wokeism pushes for reliance of Government. It seeks protections rather than freedom. Having a gun and being in favour of self-defence runs contrary to wokeism, for it encourages self-agency.
@Logiko What Solis said is completely true. Self-defence is not "a job". It's a duty of every person. We do not live in an ideal world, and no matter how close we approach one, there will always be nefarious actors. We cannot rely on a police force that becomes increasingly ineffectual.
Humans are sinners. We will never be perfect. So we must do the best we can, not look to the unachievable utopia.