No is not the same. Lol. For what I quick searched (wikipedia has enough information) everytime when population is asked either they want to be totally independent or still considered a territory of France (and therefore granted French citizenship) the majority always choses to stay with French. Meanwhile leftist extremists (aka socialists) does heavy anti France propaganda and makes use of force and violence to try to impose their wishes regardless of what population says and desires.

So is just the bad and old left being hypocrite as always.
Not really, in the case of Ukraine, the independance was already settled, here its more a problem of colonization aftermath and racism.
It is in the sense that both be shipping their own people to the territory they desire to slowly replace the local population. A better comparison might be with other colonial multi ethnic countries such as China, Russia within its own current borders, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Australia and North American countries who routinely transplant members of the dominant population to far away provinces to replace the locals. Do you understand now why some groups in the west believe they are being replaced ? They're scared of their own shadow:saden:
Are you fucking dumb? O
Yes. Yes he is.


Unlike what your teacher taught you at school Wikipedia pages often have references where you can check the info they are getting from.
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Are you fucking dumb? Or you didn’t read the article? Probably both. I don’t give a fuck if inflation is curved if it means rent is going up 90%. These people are hurting more than ever, his policies are only benefitting the 1%.
You don't understand a shit of the world. Previous governament had rent prived frozen which caused scarcity of rent. No one could rent because the price wasn't worth it for. What Milei did by defrozen it was first to show people the real price of the rent and second to allow at least those who are capable of paying it to pay the rent. Then with time the tendency is to have this price lowered naturally by the law of offers and supply.

Argentina is already having superavit in their balance. Soon the currency will regain power if Milei don't implement US dollar first
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Unlike what your teacher taught you at school Wikipedia pages often have references where you can check the info they are getting from.
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You don't understand a shit of the world. Previous governament had rent prived frozen which caused scarcity of rent. No one could rent because the price wasn't worth it for. What Milei did by defrozen it was first to show people the real price of the rent and second to allow at least those who are capable of paying it to pay the rent. Then with time the tendency is to have this price lowered naturally by the law of offers and supply.

Argentina is already having superavit in their balance. Soon the currency will regain power if Milei don't implement US dollar first
If you weren’t guilty of what you’re accusing me of you wouldn’t be simping for anarchism-capitalism. You’re the same douchebag loser that advocated for state abolition. Stfu, you’re the one that doesn’t actually understand what is happening here. Reducing inflation doesn’t matter if the prices are skyrocketing by a rate of 90%. You’re simply making those who already have money richer while fucking over the lower classes. The market won’t regulate itself you illiterate douche, 2008 already proved that to us.
Unlike what your teacher taught you at school Wikipedia pages often have references where you can check the info they are getting from.
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You don't understand a shit of the world. Previous governament had rent prived frozen which caused scarcity of rent. No one could rent because the price wasn't worth it for. What Milei did by defrozen it was first to show people the real price of the rent and second to allow at least those who are capable of paying it to pay the rent. Then with time the tendency is to have this price lowered naturally by the law of offers and supply.

Argentina is already having superavit in their balance. Soon the currency will regain power if Milei don't implement US dollar first
Bro did you just say that rent was so cheap that nobody wanted to rent anything? Like bruh what in the actual name of conejo blanco? !

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Reducing inflation is still inflation. Low inflation is prices increasing slowly. Higher inflation is prices increasing at a faster rate. Inflation only benefits those who own assets and crushes consumers.

During economic downturns, it's the consumers and worker class who lose everything while those with cash and buy out assets at a discount. Corporate housing rose from 0.5% to 5% in 2008. In 2020, it went from 5% to 21%. How can anyone even imply that this is ok? Lol


Reducing inflation doesn’t matter if the prices are skyrocketing by a rate of 90%
This sentence resumes your economy knowledge :suresure:
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Bro did you just say that rent was so cheap that nobody wanted to rent anything? Like bruh what in the actual name of conejo blanco? !
The owners of the places didn't wanted to rent. Get it?

Actually I'm not sure if that was the right explanation. Maybe investors weren't buying new places for rent? Something like that. All I know is that one couldn't rent a house in Argentina because of the frozen prices just like it happens with any product that it's price is frozen. The product is no longer available at market. It happens 100% of the time on all tries.
This sentence resumes your economy knowledge :suresure:
Devaluation and inflation is not always correlated to the increase in prices. You can't just use market reports to determine how your average Joe is doing you absolute mongrel. curving inflation would in theory slow down the increasing prices of commodities, yet for some reason, even though inflation has slowed down to a certain degree, many people are still facing increased prices in rent at an unprecedented rate. Care to explain that you imbecile? Stop pretending you have even a semblance of understanding regarding economic models. Anybody with half a fucking neuron would know that getting rid of a big chunk of the public sector and kicking off who knows how many elders from welfare programs is not only unpopular, but a disaster in practice.

And before you try to strawman my argument let me make it very clear, inflation is obviously the main perpetrator of price increases, but there are other factors that idiots like you tend to ignore to push their own retarded ideology onto others.
Devaluation and inflation is not always correlated to the increase in prices. You can't just use market reports to determine how your average Joe is doing you absolute mongrel. curving inflation would in theory slow down the increasing prices of commodities, yet for some reason, even though inflation has slowed down to a certain degree, many people are still facing increased prices in rent at an unprecedented rate. Care to explain that you imbecile? Stop pretending you have even a semblance of understanding regarding economic models. Anybody with half a fucking neuron would know that getting rid of a big chunk of the public sector and kicking off who knows how many elders from welfare programs is not only unpopular, but a disaster in practice.

And before you try to strawman my argument let me make it very clear, inflation is obviously the main perpetrator of price increases, but there are other factors that idiots like you tend to ignore to push their own retarded ideology onto others.
bro you're on fire these days:steef:


Devaluation and inflation is not always correlated to the increase in prices. You can't just use market reports to determine how your average Joe is doing you absolute mongrel. curving inflation would in theory slow down the increasing prices of commodities, yet for some reason, even though inflation has slowed down to a certain degree, many people are still facing increased prices in rent at an unprecedented rate. Care to explain that you imbecile? Stop pretending you have even a semblance of understanding regarding economic models. Anybody with half a fucking neuron would know that getting rid of a big chunk of the public sector and kicking off who knows how many elders from welfare programs is not only unpopular, but a disaster in practice.

And before you try to strawman my argument let me make it very clear, inflation is obviously the main perpetrator of price increases, but there are other factors that idiots like you tend to ignore to push their own retarded ideology onto others.
Do you understand the difference of lowering inflation and an actual deflation?

You are right inflation is not directly connected to price but to money supply. As long the governament keeps imprinting more money the same will lose value and push prices up. That's why is so important for Milei to keep governament balance in check as he's being doing for some months with superavit.

And again Argentina went to this whole mess by the same economic measures that you defend here. That's why the inflation was at 3 digit and only now Milei was able to reduce to 1 digit. Like I said frozen prices didn't fix the problem it only creates scarcity of it since that said product will no longer be available at market. Everyone voting for Milei was well informed that things would get worse before getting good again and we are already seeing the first results of his measures with his governament balance in check and inflation coming back down to more acceptable levels.

And yes inflation is not the only reason prices goes up but it was the main factor on Argentina and there is nothing that governament should do about it because otherwise it is just another problem that is created.

You really need to study real economic and the effects it has on society on a long term than just your leftist ideology and short term experiments.
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Yo yo yo what's the current topic?
I'm giving a class to some leftist about economics but it seems I'm being too advanced for them and may have to try a kid's approach