the fact that society is keeping the rich rich and the poor poor is not a doing of corruption but a simple symptom of capitalism and meritocracy.
If it were about meritocracy wouldn't rich people who don't work lose status and money? The current capitalistic system is not governed by meritocracy and rather neo feudalistic

AL sama

Red Haired
In short, there are some things that I simply can't START to do unless I feel a very high pressure (cleaning the room, doing the dishes, taking a walk, working on a project, taking care of myself, phoning others and so on...) The motivation to START those things simply is not there and the pressure often happens far too late and I'm sometimes close from the diogen syndrom's symptoms. For the small task I can finish them when they are started but I have problem finishing the harder task (cleaning the room, working on projects). This is caused by a recognized mental illness called psychosis (a small one in my case) that is impacting my level of motivation and is disabling me to a point around 50 to 79% (according to professsionals, from having a normal life to having a social and active one), so I'm benefiting from an state help and others social measures to help me get back on track. That's one of the strenght of France's social system.
yeah I m very much offended but that's all I m gonna say
To treat some better tHan others is not inherently connected to the presence of a curreny/monetary system
Sadly its the case.

Its because of a bad distribution of ressources that meritocracy started to emerge (ort the other way around lol), its also because of that that we have systemic racism today and same for patriarchy.

The inequal distribution of ressources and the creation of monopolies (From the early stages of capitalism to what capitalism is today) are directly or indirectly responsible for most of the inequality in the world that happened over history.

In a world where ressources are distributed equally, there is no need for war, there is no need to colonize and to dehumanize, and there is no better sex. There are just people and one world.

I didn't said you said that. I just said you pretend it doesn't exist. Your whole premise of governament having more power is that the people in there would have good heart to help others. Wake up to reality dude. Tjey don't. We are better having more power to ourselves than giving it to governament.
No I do not pretend either. I my premiss is not that people would have good heart. Some people are so brainwashed by the system that they won't see the value of changing point of view and will continue to monopolize ressources. That's why we need to fight the power and keep it accountable.

If it were about meritocracy wouldn't rich people who don't work lose status and money?
Rich people don't really have to work to gain money, they simply can hire people to do their work at their place in order for their empire not to crumble. Like Herrera said, some people are working smart, and rich people usually know EVERY string to push in order to keep that going and have every ressources in their hand to keep succeeding.

Jeff Bezos, Bill gate or Elon Musk will never loses their status, no matter if they stop working for the next 50 years or not.

The current capitalistic system is not governed by meritocracy and rather neo feudalistic
Sadly, its all about meritocracy. In fact meritocracy is not only present in capitalistic country but also in so called communist ones. Meritocracy is the hearth of the problem. Its the myth that we need to kill in order to make society better.

yeah I m very much offended but that's all I m gonna say
You are offended by my mental states ?

No I do not pretend either. I my premiss is not that people would have good heart. Some people are so brainwashed by the system that they won't see the value of changing point of view and will continue to monopolize ressources. That's why we need to fight the power and keep it accountable.
Governament is the power. It is absurd how what you defend is so far from what you actually say.
Yes and power is not shielded from ignorance or bad ideologies. That's why we need to keep the power accountable and create a society where PEOPLE are the power.
Welcome to libertarianism.
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Well, now I'm curious. How can a mental disability be offensive ?
I answer for him. Yes I'm offended. No one should be leftist aka communist aka nazist
Welcome to libertarianism.
Libertarianism is literally capitalism x1000. In other word, not the solution, but fuel put on fire and an atom bomb. You just need to see what is happening in argentina to understand how dangerous liberarianism is and how it create even MORE inequality because of meritocracy.

No one should be leftist aka communist aka nazist
What you just said is "not one should be leftist aka far leftist aka fascist far rightist".. Do you have others nonsensical sentences like that ?
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Libertarianism is literally capitalism x1000. In other word, not the solution, but fuel put on fire and an atom bomb. You just need to see what is happening in argentina to understand how dangerous liberatianism is and how it create even MORE inequality because of meritocracy.

What you just said is "not one should be leftist aka far leftist aka fascist far rightist".. Do you have others nonsensical sentences like that ?
Capitalism 1000x is exactly the solution. It gives power to people. But you want to control than. That's why you defend governament.

Nonsensical for wishing to not exist people that desires harm to others like every leftist?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
When the owner class can lobby(called corruption and bribing in every other country) the Government into removing regulation so that they can acquire more capital, it really sounds like a Government problem.
Your ideology is problematic, but I do not hate you mate. I hate no one here.

I'm sorry that you can't understand my perspective.

I wouldn't say always, but the current capitalistic ones, yeah, definitely.
You just don't get it, By saying my "ideology" is problematic is saying you hate me. So sorry you can't understand "my" perspective.
Your ideology has much more hate in it, stop lying to yourself.