I think that what we are running out of is mostly time. At least in France.

We literally have 10 days to prevent the far right from coming in or at least prevent it from having a absolute majority. If it managed to do that, its over:

Privatisation of medias + Racialist theories > More popularity > Transformations of liberal medias in racists ones (the CNNs of France will become Fox News) > Climatoscepticism and systemic repression of human sciences > Politic of austerities and order > More and more popularity > Less and less informed people > Gag procedure against the remaining leftist medias > The country falls in between Billionnaires hands and the fascism is starting to rise little by little.

If Bardella manage to privatize public medias, its GAME OVER. We are entering in resistance mode.

Not completely in the US and that's why the institution managed to hold up. Cops there are - if I remember the information I got well - are more on the line between Liberals and old school republican. They are pro-institutions and quite loyal to their profession.

The problem with the police in the US is much more systematic (education and training, systemic racism etc..) than it is individual. Where in France, the problem comes from both fronts.
It’s more like Jan6 was unprepared more than « cops are against Trump ». It looked like the attempted coup in France in February 6 1934. Also « non trump republican » is a joke right now. It barely exists.

These far right wingers are really a bunch of fucking losers. What a bunch of idiotic mofos. I’ve been expecting them to rule for more than a decade now. 2027 was a nice foreseeable year for the end of liberty, but within a fucking month ? Fuck Macron and all of his support. Never again I will look at a liberal the same way.
What a bunch of idiotic mofos.
Yeah, but they are F. dangerous.. some of them could smash the institutions without even realizing what they are doing..

Never again I will look at a liberal the same way.
That's what I've been screaming here for the past year, mainly to Bob.

Liberalism is a direct pathway toward identitarism. Those guys are so sure they are rationnal that someone screaming is for them too extrem, and since the far right arrived with a smile and a fancy suit, they welcomed them with open arms..

And now.. some of them are crying on screen to their own liberal political counterpart saying "what happened, I don't understand, I feel betrayed, what did you do"


As if those mate in front of the camera bare no responsibility at all !! And those wanabee Einsteins still have the audacity to say "I don't know who to vote for, what will I do ?"


The French really don't joke with their political demonstrations, at all.

But maybe they're just radiating back the same energy as those Muslims did in their protests back in France.

At least no muslim will be killed over a caricature of their religion, hopefully.
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Cope Doctor
Anyone who calls some of these western nations "future White Ethnostates" is insane.

In 50 years, America will be majority Hispanic.
In 30 years, the UK will be majority Middle-Eastern.

It's the white nationalist boogieman argument lol.
But it should be real thing
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